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I AM HERE. Your grandmother. (Ann Rollins, Celestial
Well, my son, I come tonight, as I promised, for the purpose of writing you a
letter, telling you of a certain spiritual Truth that I desire you to know.
I am now in the Third Celestial Sphere, as I already told you, and am now in a
much more exalted condition in my knowledge of spiritual Truths than I have ever
been, and have had opened up to me a spiritual view that increases my
understanding of Truth and of the Father's Provisions for the happiness and
salvation of His children.
I know now more than ever that He is a real, existing God of Love and Power and
Wisdom, and that wrath, such as is taught in the Bible, is no part of His
Nature; and that He has only Love and Solicitude and Sympathy for His children
on earth as well as in the spirit world.
He is not a God that is afar off waiting for the arrival of the “great judgment
day” in order to approve or condemn His children according to the deeds done on
earth, but He is with all men and spirits in a way that His Influence of Love
and Beneficence may be felt by them (if they will only place themselves in that
condition of receptivity of soul that such Influence may be felt); for, as we
have said before, the relationship and nearness of God to man depends upon the
will and desires of man himself to a very large extent.
God is not with men in what may be called His Personality, as has been taught by
the teachers of the Bible and the religions of the world. And men do not live,
move, and have their being in Him, as Paul wrote, for His Personality has a
location which is not everywhere, but is in the high Heavens.
I know that this will appear startling to many persons, orthodox and otherwise,
and that it apparently takes from them the consolation of believing and feeling
that God is with and in them; but, nevertheless, what I say is true.
He is not in them or in nature, as some of the scientists say who believe in
God. He is not in every flower or tree or other manifestation of His Creation.
And, as regards His Personality, He is not omnipresent, though He has a
knowledge of all things which He has created. I say “which He has created”
because there are some things which appear to man as a part of the realities of
the universe which He did not create, but which man alone created. And, for
these things, He has no love and does not approve of or favor their existence;
in the end, they will be destroyed from the face of His Universe.
And when I say that God, in His Personality, is not everywhere and not with men
at all times, forming a part of their being, I do not mean that it shall be
understood that He is not the Loving, Watchful Father, trying to make them happy
and save them from the results of their own many wrongdoings, for such inference
would not be true.
And, as I say, while He is not with men in this Personality, yet, He is with
them in the sense and Truth that His Attributes of Love and Wisdom and Knowledge
and Power are with them always. Life emanates from God, but life is not God; it
is only one of His Attributes that is conferred upon the objects of His Creation
so that they may live and grow and fulfill the designs of their creation. And
when that purpose has been accomplished, He withdraws this Attribute of Life
from them, and men can realize that fact.
God, Himself, has not ceased to be a part of that object, for He never was a
part of it; but only this Attribute of Life has ceased to be a part of that
God is the Source and Origin of all life. But that life is merely one of His
creatures, as we say, as is man or other things which mortals call matter.
Man does not live and move and have his being in God, but merely in the
Attributes of God. So, you see, not all these Attributes together constitute
God, for He is a Personality from which all these Attributes flow.
I know that it is difficult for you to comprehend the full purport of what I
intend to convey, but you may grasp my meaning in part.
Love is a greater Attribute than even Life. But Love is not God, just as love is
not man, though it is his greatest possession when it exists in its purity. And
as man has many attributes which all together do not make the man, so God has
many Attributes. Yet they are only part of His Nature and not His Entity.
Man has a physical body and a mind. Yet they do not constitute man, for he may
lose them both and still be man, or spirit; that is, the ego or the soul is the
real man—the personality. And all the wonderful parts of man, such as the mind
and affections and desires and will, are merely of him. And if he were deprived
of any of them, he would still be man, though not the perfect man as when they
are all with him performing their proper functionings.
Man is so created that, unless he has these qualities which were made parts of
him in his creation, and which were necessary to make him the perfect creature
that he was, then he is not the perfect man that God decreed him to be. And
until these qualities are fully restored or regained by him, he will not be the
man that was the greatest Handiwork of the Almighty.
God is not God by reason of having Qualities, but these Qualities exist because
they are the Attributes of God. He never loses them, nor do they become hidden
or cease to do their functioning, but they are always existing and working and
obedient to His Being.
I write this to give you some additional conception of Who and What God is, and
to show you that He is not in man, nor does man have his being in God. To
further show you that God does not, and could not, exist in the same place with
those things which are not in accord with His Nature and Qualities, were He in
man or man in Him, then no sin or error or things which violate would exist.
I must stop now, but will come soon to finish my message.
With all my love, I am
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About James E. Padgett
Born August 25, 1852, Mr. James Edward Padgett
practiced law in Washington, D.C. Subsequent to his wife's, Helen,
passing in February, 1914, James learned from a psychic that he had
the gift of automatic writing. Based on the promptings of the
psychic and with a desire to reach his dearly departed Helen, he
commenced take messages from the spirits in the spirit world. At
first, James denounced the messages as merely coming from his mind,
driven by a strong desire to reach his departed wife. Eventually,
however, James could not deny the fact that information he was
receiving could not have possibly come from his own mind - for the
content of the messages surpassed his own education and knowledge.
Before his passing in March, 1923, James had accumulated hundreds of
messages from spirits and celestials in the spirit world.