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I AM HERE. Jesus.
(Master, at some time, would you please explain
precisely what the Holy Ghost is?)
Yes, I will, and you will be enabled to fully understand what the Holy Ghost
is,* and what meaning should be given to It as you find It referred to in
various parts of the Bible. I will say this though: that It is not God. It is
merely one of His Instrumentalities, used by Him in doing His Work for the
redemption of mankind.
I will not write any message tonight, but will commence next week if you are in
better condition.
(Is it contrary to any spiritual law that an
exalted spirit, such as yourself, should communicate with a lowly mortal?)
Well, as you believe what I say as to my being a son of God, and not a god, you
can easily believe that my coming to you, as I do, is not at all contrary to any
law of the spirit world. The fact that I have my home in the highest Celestial
Heaven does not prevent me from coming to earth to do my work, which has not
been carried on by those of earth who should have performed it. I am a spirit of
love and sympathy, as well as of great spiritual development; and I desire that
all men shall know what the great Plan of the Father is for their redemption and
So, because I am such an exalted spirit, as you say, it is no reason that I
should not come to you and communicate with you freely and, in a way,
confidentially. I love you, as I have told you, and I have selected you to do my
work. Hence, I am trying to make you wholly at-one with me.
You must not doubt me just because I come to you so often and speak so
familiarly with you, because I hope and expect that, in the great future, you
will be very close to me and with me. I am trying to prepare you for so great a
progression in your spiritual condition that, when you come over, you will
realize the oneness that I speak of, and will be fitted to live near my sphere.
(My grandmother has spoken of wanting to
progress in your Kingdom.)
Well, your grandmother is a wonderful spirit in her development. And, by the
time you come over, she will be near me in my home, and, as I believe, so will
your mother and wife. They are all filled with the Father’s Love and are
receiving It more abundantly all the time. They are now in the First Sphere of
my Kingdom, and will find that their progress will be much more rapid.
So, try to believe what I say and do my will, and all will be well with you.
(If only I could be more free from material
cares and needs, I could devote more time to receiving these messages.)
Well, soon you will be free, as I told you, and then you can do the work without
being interfered with by material things. I know that it is hard for you to lay
aside these cares, and I am not disappointed or impatient that you do not. But
only believe that the time will soon come when they will trouble you no more.
So, as we have written somewhat long tonight, I will stop now. I will pray for
you as I always do.
With all my love and Blessings of the Father, I am
Your loving brother,
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About James E. Padgett
Born August 25, 1852, Mr. James Edward Padgett
practiced law in Washington, D.C. Subsequent to his wife's, Helen,
passing in February, 1914, James learned from a psychic that he had
the gift of automatic writing. Based on the promptings of the
psychic and with a desire to reach his dearly departed Helen, he
commenced take messages from the spirits in the spirit world. At
first, James denounced the messages as merely coming from his mind,
driven by a strong desire to reach his departed wife. Eventually,
however, James could not deny the fact that information he was
receiving could not have possibly come from his own mind - for the
content of the messages surpassed his own education and knowledge.
Before his passing in March, 1923, James had accumulated hundreds of
messages from spirits and celestials in the spirit world.