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I AM HERE. James, the Apostle.
I come to write my message, as Elias told you I would. Well, I desire to write
on the subject of: “What Is the Great Truth Respecting the Way That the
Destruction of the Powers of Temptation That Arise from the Perverted Man May
Result in the Condition of Perfection Which the First Parents Possessed Before
Their Fall?”
You will understand that this does not involve any consideration of the
operation of the Divine Love upon the soul. It involves exclusively the
consideration of the method by which the soul may be so purified by the
operations of the actions and the will power in conjunction with, or influenced
by, the workings of the powers of the spirits who have been relieved of the sins
and errors that followed the fall.
When man was created, as has been told to you, he was created perfect. Every
quality and function and attribute that was a part of him was so created that
harmony—the most exact with the Laws of God that governed his existence—became
his, and no discord of any kind was in existence to mar that harmony. But as the
spiritual nature of man became subordinated to the appetites and passions and
fleshly desires, sin and error and inharmony appeared and increased until man
became degraded and desired only those things that would satisfy these sinful
And, so, this degeneracy continued until man reached his lowest degradation and
the turning point came in his career. And, then, he commenced slowly and
gradually to rise from this condition of depravity until at last he arrived at
the stage of his condition of inharmony that now exists with these laws of his
creation. And his destiny is to have a complete restoration of the perfection of
his first estate.
This improvement and gradual restoration depend upon two causes: one, man
himself by his own thoughts and reformation of the animal appetites and desires;
and, the other, the influence and guidance of spirits who have arrived at that
perfection in the spirit world, or are progressing thereto, and who are in a
condition of harmony with these laws that is superior to that of mortals to whom
they lend their influence and help.
In their degeneracy or progression, men are controlled very largely by their
thoughts. These thoughts are created by the operations of their desires, and
which, on the other hand, cause these desires to increase. But back of the
thoughts are always these appetites and passions, existing in their abnormal
conditions, and they constitute the basic or moving cause of desire and thought
and act. So, in order for men to become relieved of their abnormal desires and
thoughts and acts, the cause thereof must be eradicated, and the seat or
function of the cause must be brought into harmony with the laws of the creation
of these functions or seats of emanation.
Strange as it may seem to you, and by a process that is contrary to the ordinary
workings of the Law of Cause and Effect, men must first deal with the effects in
order to control the cause and thereby destroy the effects. This may seem to be
an impossible operation and contrary to the laws that govern the material world
and its ordinary functioning, but yet it is possible, and the only possible way
in which the causes may be destroyed.
Notwithstanding the fact that the animal or material part of man has had the
ascendency over the spiritual part of his nature for all these centuries, yet,
that spiritual part exists and has always existed, and has been waiting to
assert itself whenever the opportunity should occur. And this assertion was
prevented or suppressed only by reason of the want of opportunity.
The spiritual may be said to be the natural state. I mean that, in that state,
the animal is subordinate to the spiritual and is controlled by it, and man’s
true tendency is to exist and act in accord with that natural state. Then, such
being the fact, it may be asked why, or in what manner, did this natural
spiritual condition become (in the manifestation of what man’s dominant
qualities are supposed to be) subordinated to the control of the inordinate
exercise of this animal side of his nature, and which resulted in the sin and
unhappiness that so many of the teachers and philosophers proclaim to be his
natural condition?
Well, tonight, I will not attempt to explain the manner in which this inversion
or perversion of man’s true nature took place, but I will write on this subject
at some future time.
The question now is, “How can man obtain the restitution to his created
As I have said, this can only be accomplished by making the perfect adjustment
of the two apparent conflicting sides of his nature.
First, he must recognize that he has the spiritual nature as well as the animal,
and that there is such a relationship and coordination between the two that the
supremacy of the latter disturbs the harmony of his perfection as man. The
spiritual having been subordinated, the remedy is to remove the subordination
and restore the equality. The spiritual, notwithstanding its condition, is
always fighting to regain its place in the true adjustment, and will always
answer the call of man to come to his rescue. The only thing that has prevented
that response is that man has not called for the spiritual to assert itself.
Well, I am sorry, but we had better postpone until later. Try to get in greater
rapport. Good night.
Your brother in Christ,
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About James E. Padgett
Born August 25, 1852, Mr. James Edward Padgett
practiced law in Washington, D.C. Subsequent to his wife's, Helen,
passing in February, 1914, James learned from a psychic that he had
the gift of automatic writing. Based on the promptings of the
psychic and with a desire to reach his dearly departed Helen, he
commenced take messages from the spirits in the spirit world. At
first, James denounced the messages as merely coming from his mind,
driven by a strong desire to reach his departed wife. Eventually,
however, James could not deny the fact that information he was
receiving could not have possibly come from his own mind - for the
content of the messages surpassed his own education and knowledge.
Before his passing in March, 1923, James had accumulated hundreds of
messages from spirits and celestials in the spirit world.