I am here, Jesus:
I have been listening to your conversations regarding various verses in the Old
Testament, which show that you are skeptical of the many supernatural events
recorded in them, as well as the prophecies of Isaiah dealing with the child who
would be called God and I would like to tell you, that the Doctor* and you are
correct in the belief that these verses are not faithfully interpreted and that
there is much in them that is not the word of God, but of scribes who thought
they were doing so. God has never at any time sanctioned despoiling of any
country or people conquered or invaded by the Hebrews, as in the case of the
Egyptians cited by the Doctor. And many other cases can be cited in which
cruelties were inflicted upon human beings with the apparent approval of God,
such as the children who mocked Elisha the prophet, were supposed to have been
cured by him and devoured by a bear, for the prophet never had recourse to such
curses or revenge on children, and this episode was inserted merely to show the
supernatural power which the prophet was supposed to possess. And in the same
way Peter never recalled from the dead the person of Tabitha or Dorcas in Joppa,
for none can recall to life a person who has truly died, and so it was that
Dorcas was ill, but not dead, and while Peter had at this time healing powers
through the Divine Love, yet he did not bring back the woman to life, as
recorded in the New Testament, but healed her of her illness.
And with respect to Peter’s healing in Jerusalem, the verses of which the Doctor
read, Peter never stated that this healing was brought about by me, but by the
power of God, and later writers who were interested in exalting me to the
godhead simply substituted the words “Jesus Christ” instead of God and
understood the substitution to be equivalent to the same thing. And there are
many other instances in the Old Testament and the New Testament of supernatural
events which never took place, and are merely stories, and one of these was the
furnace into which Daniel the prophet and the other Hebrews were supposedly
thrown, heated seven times more than was wont, without harming them, an account
written to encourage the Jews to have more faith in God because of the
supernatural signs He wrought and which the Jews at that time and of my
generation were eager to obtain as proof of God’s existence and His solicitude
for Israel.
I wish to continue with the truths of the New Testament and to speak about my
teachings in the Temple in Jerusalem the autumn before my death, for it was the
first time that I had the opportunity to present my claims as Messiah before the
Chief Priests and Rulers and most learned amongst the Hebrew people in matters
pertaining to religion, and I made known that my mission was to proclaim the New
Covenant between the Heavenly Father and the people of Israel, and that the
Divine Love of the Father was now present and could be obtained by all who might
seek it through earnest longing of soul, and that I was the visible sign of its
presence, because in my soul there reposed the nature and essence of the Father
in the form of the Divine Love, and that my soul was of this nature and essence
of the Father and therefore immortal.
But to the Hebrew rulers, my claims appeared false because Isaiah had prophesied
that no one would know from whence the Messiah would come; whereas, I was well
known—being Jesus of Nazareth, for they deemed a man not to be of his native
town, but of the one in which he lived most of his life and was associated with;
thus Jerusalem was considered the city of the “Great King David,” rather than
Bethlehem, where he was born. The New Testament infers that the Hebrew leaders
did not know I was born in Bethlehem—and that therefore Isaiah’s prophecy
regarding the unknown origin of the Messiah was applicable to me, but the fact
is, they not only knew where I was from, but they also knew my father, Joseph, a
member of the Sanhedrin, and that he too came from Bethlehem.
This type of argument, however, showed bad faith and a recourse to
technicalities in the determination of the priests not to recognize me as the
Messiah, for that, they felt, would have upset their high position as the
religious leaders of the nation, which they were unwilling to relinquish; and
those technicalities were a subterfuge and manner of debating issues which were
dear to their hearts, laying emphasis on hair splitting intellectual
distinctions resulting from subtle interpretations of the law foreign to real
basic issues and spiritual insight achieved through soul seeking to know the
And thus, replying to their minute scriptural objections on their own terms, I
proclaimed that it was not true that they knew where I was from, or who my
Father was, for, whereas they referred to Joseph as my father, whom they knew
well, I referred to God, my Heavenly Father, whom they did not know, nor did
they know from whence I came as a Divine Soul, nor how or when I was created.
The reference of the Rabbis to my father Joseph were later eliminated from the
Gospels, for mention of my earthly parents was a thorn in the side of the later
Gospel revisionists who labored zealously to make of me a God-man born of a
virgin, and second person of the supposed trinity, which, of course, has no
foundation in fact.
I further told them that, if they knew the Father, they would also know me, His
Son, as being sent from Him, and recognize me as the Messiah, and quoting from
Isaiah, as the Hebrew leaders did, I stated that the Father had said; “Incline
your ear and come unto me; Hear, and your soul shall live, and I will make a
covenant with you even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given him Os a
witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.”
And this that I said, was known to all who received instruction concerning the
Heavenly Father, so that they knew He had appointed a Messiah over them in a
descendant of David, hence they should accept me as their Messiah, in as much as
I had indeed come to enable their souls to live, by making available to them the
gift of immortality in the Father’s Divine Love, accompanied by the power of
healing and miracles which I performed through the Father, and thus attested to
the truth of my mission.
And I further informed them, that, if they wished to ascertain the truth of my
words, they should try and test my teachings that the Father’s Love was now
available, and pray for it to the Father in earnest prayer, and see whether, if
this was done in sincerity, the Father’s Love, conveyed through the Holy Spirit,
would burn and glow in the soul, by which sign they would realize His Love was
present therein.
And I also stated that these teachings were not mine, but those of the
Father—which I had been commanded by Him to proclaim to the children of Israel,
and that, having been sent by Him, I could do nothing of my own, but what I saw
done unto me by the Father—that is to say, what power I received of the Father.
I did not say I could do what I saw the Father do, or imitate Him, as the Gospel
states, for that would give me a power equal to that of the Father, which is
blasphemy, for no mortal or spirit will ever, through all eternity, have power
equal to that of the Father, and the revision was made many years later in
conformity to the false doctrine, elaborated in the early Greek period of
Christianity, after my death, of making me co-equal to the Father; and here
would like to say that, if such an absurdity were admitted for one moment, it
lends itself to its own destruction, and proves its own falsity, for, never
having seen the Heavenly Father lay down His life for His sheep, Israel, neither
could I, Jesus, have laid down mine, in the sense that it is understood in the
New Testament, that my shed blood and sacrifice on the cross gives remission of
I quote from the Psalms and from Samuel the prophet on the Davidic covenant,
saying, “I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels
and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, I will
establish the throne of his kingdom forever, I will be his Father, and he shall
be my son.
Thus if they knew the Father and honored His word, they would know me as well
for I proclaimed the eternal salvation of the soul through His Love, which was
evidenced in my own soul and witnessed to by His power acting through me. I also
testified that while they did not know the Father, I, indeed, knew Him and was
sent by Him—and I stated that God was my witness to the truth of my mission—a
mission which I undertook for His glory, and not my own.
Neither did I break the Mosaic law regarding the Sabbath, when I healed and made
whole one of the Father’s children on that day, for if circumcision was superior
to the Sabbath, wherein one member of the body was restored, how much more
important than the Sabbath was that act wherein the whole body was restored?
Hence I stated that their rejection of me as the Messiah, on the grounds of my
having healed on the Sabbath day, was merely a subterfuge to refuse me
recognition and to conceal their own violation of the Mosaic law—making one body
member more important than the body itself, and it was they, not I, who was
guilty of transgression. I further stated that even as the Father knew and was
in me through having bestowed upon me the gift of His Love through response to
my soul aspirations and prayer, and this Love was His nature and essence, even
so did I know the Father and in the same way was in Him.
I never said I was the Good Shepherd, for that referred to the Father, and this
statement was inserted many years after my death, in order to raise me up to
being equal to God. Instead, I stated that the Father is the Good Shepherd—the
sheepfold being the Kingdom of ‘Heaven, and that I was the door through which
the sheep came into the sheepfold and into the presence and knowledge of the
Shepherd, or the Porter, who opens the door and is the Father. The Father gives
Eternal life to His sheep, and I am the way, the door, by which the sheep may
enter the sheepfold of eternal life. In the Psalms it was pointed out that the
Good Shepherd, ‘God, would use David, or, better said, a root of David, as a
helper in bringing the sheep into the fold.
I think I have said enough on this subject and have explained many things that
are obscure in the New Testament, and with my blessings upon you and the Doctor,
and upon all my disciples who are doing the Father’s work, I shall stop and sign
Jesus of the Bible
Master of the Celestial Heavens
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About James E. Padgett
Born August 25, 1852, Mr. James Edward Padgett
practiced law in Washington, D.C. Subsequent to his wife's, Helen,
passing in February, 1914, James learned from a psychic that he had
the gift of automatic writing. Based on the promptings of the
psychic and with a desire to reach his dearly departed Helen, he
commenced take messages from the spirits in the spirit world. At
first, James denounced the messages as merely coming from his mind,
driven by a strong desire to reach his departed wife. Eventually,
however, James could not deny the fact that information he was
receiving could not have possibly come from his own mind - for the
content of the messages surpassed his own education and knowledge.
Before his passing in March, 1923, James had accumulated hundreds of
messages from spirits and celestials in the spirit world.