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I AM HERE. Anaxylabis.
Let me tell you about the great pyramid of Gizeh. I want to do so in detail, as
I was its designer. I built it under the direction of the great Egyptian king,
Monyabasis the Great, who lived many centuries ago, before Rameses, who is
credited with its construction.
I know that mankind has no records which tell of the reign of this monarch, but
such records did exist. In them was contained the history and description of the
occasion which called for the building of this great pyramid.
These records were destroyed long before the present extant histories of the
world were written—long before the Book of the Dead was written, and long before
any of the present kingdoms of earth had their beginnings. Centuries and
centuries have passed since that time, and no man has knowledge of what was then
the condition of the human race or, as I should say, speaking for myself, of the
race that inhabited the region of what you call the Lower Nile. We were a race
of a great intelligence, and of what you would now describe as a wonderful
civilization. Many of our arts and sciences disappeared from earth and have
never been rediscovered, and may never be, for that race no longer has
communication with the present race.
I came tonight because I saw pass me by wonderful spirits of light and beauty,
evidently bent on some great mission. I followed them and found myself with you.
Listening to the communications which they gave you, I found that there came to
me a desire to write also.
Well, as I listened, I soon saw that the communications were written in a
language different from my own, and that you only understood that language, and
that I must write in that language to make myself understood. So, I commenced at
once to learn it and I learned it in the short space of time that I listened to
them in their communications. This may seem impossible to you, but I can read
the thoughts of spirits and men without difficulty. And as all thoughts in the
spirit world require no language such as you understand, I soon found that I
could clothe my thoughts in your words, as I am doing now.
(I find your explanation rather difficult to understand.)
Well, I know it may not be very satisfactory to you, but it is true. I cannot
more clearly explain it so that you may comprehend it.
Well, I have diverged or digressed from my intention of telling you what the
design of the great pyramid was, and I find that I have written too long to
attempt it now, as this is my first effort at writing. So, I will postpone it
until later, but I will come and give you the explanation.
(How long ago did you live on earth?)
I don’t know in years, but when the Egyptian Book of the Dead was written I had
lived as a spirit many thousands of years.
I must stop now and say good night.
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About James E. Padgett
Born August 25, 1852, Mr. James Edward Padgett
practiced law in Washington, D.C. Subsequent to his wife's, Helen,
passing in February, 1914, James learned from a psychic that he had
the gift of automatic writing. Based on the promptings of the
psychic and with a desire to reach his dearly departed Helen, he
commenced take messages from the spirits in the spirit world. At
first, James denounced the messages as merely coming from his mind,
driven by a strong desire to reach his departed wife. Eventually,
however, James could not deny the fact that information he was
receiving could not have possibly come from his own mind - for the
content of the messages surpassed his own education and knowledge.
Before his passing in March, 1923, James had accumulated hundreds of
messages from spirits and celestials in the spirit world.