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What Does the Spirit of Man Do When It Leaves the Physical Body for Eternity?
(May 29th 1916 | Received by James Padgett)

I AM HERE. John, the Apostle.

I come tonight to tell you a vital Truth which I know you will be interested in.

The question has often been asked: “What does the spirit of man do when it leaves the physical body for eternity?”

Many spirits, I know, have written to you about this matter, and some of them have described their personal experiences. Yet, in all the information that you have received, there are some facts that have not been referred to, and I will describe them in a brief way.

When the spirit leaves the body, there is a breaking of the silver cord, as it is called, and thereby all connection between the spirit and the body is severed for all eternity. Never again can that spirit enter that body. And neither can any other spirit, although I know it is claimed by some Spiritualists that another spirit may inhabit the cast-off body. But this is all wrong, for no spirit ever enters the body which has once been the home of another spirit. And, hence, claims made by some of the wise men of the East that such a thing can be have no foundation in fact.

When the silver cord is once severed, no power that is known to the spirit world, or among spirits of the highest sphere, can again resuscitate that body and cause the manifestation of life. Hence, in the miracles mentioned in the Bible, where it is said that the dead were brought to life, it must be understood that this tie between the spirit and the body was never broken.

In those ancient days, as now, there were persons who had the appearance of being dead, and, so far as human knowledge was concerned, they were dead. But they were really in a state of what may be called suspended animation. With no signs of life appearing to the consciousness of men, death was thought to have taken place. Yet, in no case where the supposed dead were raised to life had the mortal really died.

As Lazarus has already told you,[1] when Jesus commanded him to come forth, he had not died, and so with all the other supposed dead who were called to life.

When this tie has been once severed, there are certain chemical laws affecting the physical body and certain spiritual laws affecting the spirit which absolutely render it impossible for the spirit to again enter the body. And, as you have been informed, we all, mortals and spirits, and angels as well, are governed by laws which have no exceptions and never vary in their workings.

So, I say, when once the spirit and body separate, it is for all eternity. The spirit then becomes, of itself, a thing apart, controlled entirely and exclusively by laws governing the spirit body.

With the spirit’s entry into the spirit world comes the soul, still enclosed in that spirit body and, to an extent, controlled by that body. The latter, in certain particulars, is also controlled by the soul.

The spirit body has not, of itself, the power to determine its own location or destiny as regards place. For the Law of Attraction, which operates in this particular, operates upon the soul, and the condition of the soul determines the location of itself. And, as the spirit body is the covering of the soul, it must go where this Law of Attraction decrees the soul shall abide.

While the mind and the mental faculties and the senses have their seat in the spirit body, yet, the law that I speak of does not operate upon these faculties. This is apparent to every spirit who knows from observation as well as from experience that the combined power of all these faculties cannot move a spirit body one step in the way of progress unless such faculties, in their influence upon the soul, have caused its condition to change. And this can be done in the matter of mere mental or moral advancement.

So, I repeat, the condition of the soul determines the locality as well as the appearance of the spirit body. This Law of Attraction is so exact that, in its operations, there is no opportunity for chance to interpose and place the spirit body in a location which is not its by reason of the operation of this law.

So, when the spirit body enters the spirit world, it must go to and occupy the place which its enclosed soul condition determines that it shall occupy. No interposition of spirit friends, or love of parent or husband or child, can prevent this destiny, although, for a time, until the soul has really had an awakening as to its condition of severance from the mortal life, these relations or friends may retain the spirit body near the place of its entrance into the spirit life, even though that place be one of more beautiful surroundings and happiness than the one to which it is destined. But this situation does not last long, for the law works. And, as the soul comes into full consciousness, it hears the call and must obey.

Thus, you see, friends and loved ones in spirit life meet the newly arrived spirit with love and kindness and consolation. But the parting must come, and every soul must find its home as its own qualities have determined. And, yet, the consolation mentioned is a real one; for, in many instances, if it were not so, the lonely spirit would experience fear and bewilderment and all the unspeakable sensations of being deserted.

Then there comes a time when every soul must stand alone and, in its weakness or strength, realize that no other soul can bear its sorrow or take from its burdens or enter into its sufferings. And thus is realized the saying that each soul is its own keeper and is alone responsible for its own condition.

Of course, in many cases, the loving friends may visit that soul in its place of existence and offer consolation and help and encouragement and instruction. But, in some cases, this cannot be; for, as this soul is then laid bare to itself, all its deformities and sins and evil qualities come before it, thus throwing around it a wall, as it were, that prevents the good friends and loving ones from appearing to it.

And, thus, the great Law of Attraction comes into operation again. For while these more elevated friends cannot come to that soul, yet, other spirits of like soul and qualities may become its associates and render such assistance as the blind can lead the blind in their movings about.

The above condition that I have described is the destiny of some souls shortly after becoming spirits, and it is a deplorable one. And you may think that such souls are deserted by the loving influences of God’s ministering spirits, and left all alone in the dreary places of their habitations. But such is not the case. For while they are deprived of the presence of the higher spirits, yet, the influences of love and compassion are flowing from these spirits. And, at some time, this will be felt by the lonely ones. And, as these influences are felt, the poor souls will commence to have an awakening which will gradually cause the wall of their seclusion to disappear until, at some time, the higher spirits will find that they can manifest their presence to these unfortunate ones.

Besides this, every spirit, no matter how fallen, has a work to do, even though it may appear insignificant. And among these spirits of similar conditions, some are a little more progressed than others. By reason of a law which causes the more progressed to help the lesser, the latter are frequently helped from their low estate.

Now, what I have last written applies, of course, to the spirits who are wicked and vile and without any soul development in the way of goodness. But a similar principle enters into the conditions of all the spirits in the earth plane, although, the higher they are in that plane, the greater the opportunities they have for receiving help and progressing.

Of these latter, and the operation of the mental thoughts and moral qualities upon the condition and progress of the soul, I will write to you later.

I have written enough for tonight and, leaving you my love and blessings, I will say good night.

Your brother in Christ,


  1. The message from Lazarus is included in volume II of True Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus – Ed.