The origin of humanity has long been a hot topic of discussion among scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Much of the discussion surrounds creationism. Creationists argue that God created human beings, while the defenders of Darwinian evolution argue that science supports the idea that humans were evolved from lower creatures. More recently, some have suggested extra-terrestrial origins of humanity.

Many Christians are familiar with the Book of Genesis which contains the story of God creating the heavens and earth, planting the garden of Eden with the tree of life and, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the creation of Adam and Eve. An ancient spirit named Leytergus communicated that he had written a book including a description of the creation and fall of man and that the Book of Genesis was copied from his writings, which were founded on older  traditions than the description in Genesis.1ARDT, Vol I,Leytergus Wrote a Book Containing a Description of the Creation and all of Man. The “Book of Genesis” Was Copied After His Writings.

Leytergus tell us that when the first human was created, there were male and female beings. This two-fold creation was intended to make a perfect one without losing any individuality on the part of either. Their names were not Adam and Eve, but Aman and Amon, which meant the male Am and the female Am Am meaning the exalted creation of God. These beings were made perfect physically and spiritually. However, as souls, they did not have all the qualities of the Great Creator Soul, and thus were inferior to their Creator. Yet, their souls were made in the image of their Creator.

The first mother of the human race, Amon, tells us that she and Aman were not a product of evolution.2ARDT, Vol II, Amon, Mother of All Human Creation, Relates Her Earliest Experiences. She Also Explains the Temptation and Disobedience Which She and Aman Shared in Equally.

I am the first mother of all the human race, and I want you to know that, before Aman and myself, no human beings ever existed. We were created by God at the same time, and were ready to live the lives of natural beings just after the moment of our creation. There was no gradual growth on our part from any other creature or thing.

I know it has been said that the first man was not created, but developed from some lower animal and, as the process of evolution proceeded, this being became, in the end, a man, with all the wonderful organ and structure of his body. But I want to tell you that this is not true.

When I was created, I was as physically perfect as I ever was afterwards, or as any man or woman ever became from that time into the present. In fact, I believe that, at the time of our creation, we were more perfect than mankind is now, because we had no physical ailments, sickness, or deformity of any kind.

We certainly were more beautiful in face and form than mankind is now or has been for many centuries. And, besides, our bodies and organ lasted longer than do the bodies of mankind at this time.

There are other communications from spirits, however, that relate a different story.

Adam and Eve, or whom they represent, were created through the operations of the Spirit of God, God’s active energy, which brought about the groupings of elements employed in fashioning man, as God fashioned the other living creatures on earth. However, humans were not human, until the purely spiritual – and by that I do not mean the spirit body, which is of sublimated material, but the soul, in the likeness of God – was bestowed upon them. The first parents do not know when they became souls, that is, when God implanted souls into them. This is because, there is no way of telling when they were human in appearance without their souls, for there would have been no memory of that state, nor would they know how this implanting of the soul took place, even though it was done to their bodies. And I shall say, now, neither do I know how it was done, for I have never seen a soul, although I can perceive its presence through my soul senses of perception. But when it was accomplished, the first parents became aware that they were human beings, and the creations of the Father.3ARDT, Vol II, The Creation of Man, Part I

Man, as he is ordinarily considered, is a creation which passed through what you would call a long period of development, as have all of God’s creatures during that period of the earth’s development, which enabled living beings to come into existence and survive.

The naure of humans is therefore both animal, or, material, in accordance with the conditions of their physical being, and spiritual, in accordance with the soul qualities given to them when God bestowed a soul on him. In short, man’s nature is dual, and thus humans have both animal passions and feelings, as well as emotions and feelings belonging to their spiritual nature as a result of having a soul. The Bible creation story would then refer to the creation of man in the image of God, or to the time, when God, the Great Soul, conferred upon humans a soul, and made them the greatest of His creations.4ARDT, Vol II, The Creation of Man, Part I

The messages agree in regard to the instantaneous implantation of a soul into the physical body of the human being. Humans were created in the image of the Heavenly Father only with respect to the soul. Therefore, the messages show congruence in regard to the more important aspect of the creation of humans – the soul. Regarding the creation of the physical body, the topic is open for discussion and readers are welcome to embark on a prayerful path of their own discovery.

The Fall of Man

Aman and Amon (or, Adam and Eve) were made perfect physically and spiritually. Only their souls were created in the image of God for God has no spiritual of physical body. But God gave Aman and Amon the opportunity to transform their souls from just the image into the Substance – the Essence of God – if they would pursue the prescribed way. The way was earnest prayer to God to receive His Divine Love. They were not given a divine spark that needed inward meditation, introspection, and awakening. No, they had to seek divinity by praying to God to receive His Substance referred to as Divine Love.

Well, Aman and Amon were not up to the challenge. Remember that they were perfect in every way. After living in perfect harmony, they got the idea that they didn’t have to submit to God through prayer in order to become divine beings. They thought that through their own will and power, they could obtain this Substance or Divine Love. Hence they disobeyed God’s laws in their attempt to receive it. In fact, they wished that God would remove the possibility of receiving His Substance because they wanted to be independent and not subject to Him for their happiness. Therefore, God removed the potentiality of receiving His Divine Love. They could no longer transform their souls from being created in an image into the Substance of their Creator. This was the fall of man.

The story of the apple is a myth. No apple or anything else that could be eaten formed any part of the fall. It was wholly the fall of the soul’s potentiality. The soul substance that the couple forfeited was the Divine Love of their Creator, which, had they by their obedience received it, would have made them a part of His Divinity, and thence like Him not only in image but in Substance and reality. The potentiality that was taken from them was the privilege to obtain this soul Substance or Divine Love. The story of Genesis is merely symbolic.

The first parent Aman, corroborates this fall.5ARDT, Vol II, Aman, the First Parent, Reveals His Temptation and Fall

I and my soulmate lived in a paradise which God had given us, and were very happy until the great fall. We were so filled with the thought that we were all-powerful and all-wise, that we concluded that the obedience which God had required of us, was not necessary, and that if we only exerted our powers, we would be as great as He is, and able to obtain that immortality which he possessed. But, alas the day. We were mere creatures, although wonderful and beautiful, and we soon realized that fact.

We disobeyed Him in that we tried to make ourselves believe that we were as He was, and that we need not submit to His decrees. We tried to make this belief a thing of reality and in our vanity tried to appear as gods. But as soon as we did this, the scales dropped from our eyes, and we saw how naked and impotent we were.

We continued to live in the same place, but no more could we be satisfied with the spiritual food that had supplied our wants and enabled us to subdue the appetites which formed a part of our physical being. The physical then asserted itself and the spiritual became subjected to it, and we became as mortals now are, and had to find our substance in mother earth. We were compelled to till the soil and earn our living by work. I mean we had to work in order to make the earth supply us with food for our physical wants.

The first mother of the human race, Amon, also corroborates the fall.6ARDT, Vol II, Amon, Mother of All Human Creation, Relates Her Earliest Experiences. She Also Explains the Temptation and Disobedience Which She and Aman Shared in Equally.

Before our fall we were very happy in our conjugal love, and knew no troubles or worries. There was nothing to make us afraid or draw us apart from each other or from God until the great temptation came. Then because of ideas of our greatness and power and wanting no dependence on God we fell, and never again were restored to our position of beauty and happiness that were ours in the beginning of our lives on earth.

Some men may marvel at the Bible description of the creation of man, and reject the description as the imaginings of a mind of romance or imagery and not true. However, I tell you now that the essentials of the creation and the fall are true. Of course, the parts played by the apple and the snake and the devil are not true literally, but are symbolic of the principles that entered into the temptation and fall. Well, I was as much to blame as was Aman, but I did not entice him after I had the ambition to become immortal without waiting till God would give us that quality of His own nature. But our ambitions grew together and we discussed the matter of making the great effort between us, and acted as one in trying to obtain this great immortality.

So the story in the Bible is not exactly true as far as I am concerned, for I did not entice or seduce Aman to do the great wrong. Neither did he seduce me to enter into the effort. But all this is past, and many thousands of years have gone by since our fall, and we have suffered much because of our first sin. As you have been told, many thousands of years passed since the time that we forfeited the gift of immortality, until it was restored and made known to humanity by Jesus the son of God. He was the son of God, and being a part of his Father’s Divine nature, he was Divine, and partook of the qualities of the Father which gave him immortality. Those who follow his teachings and receive the New Birth [by praying for God’s Divine Love] will become Divine and immortal also.
