D ivine Love is the greatest thing in all the universe, and not only the greatest, but the sum of all things, for from it flows every other thing that brings peace and happiness. Divine Love is the only thing that can make humans at-one with God, our Creator, and change the soul of a human, as it has existed since their creation, into a Divine Substance filled with the Essence of God. There is nothing else in all the universe of God that can cause a human to become a new creature, and an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom. When a human possesses this Love, they possess everything that will make them not only a perfect man but a divine angel.

The Divine Love is waiting for all mankind, no matter where and of what race the individuals may be, and they can receive this Love even though they have never heard of the Plan of salvation as declared by Jesus. When God rebestowed this Love, He intended that every human being, as well as spirit, should have the opportunity to obtain It, and that the manner in which It might be obtained should be made known to all mankind. But the Divine Love was not always available to mankind.

In order to fully understand and appreciate the gift of Divine Love, it is important to consider the creation of human beings. When God created our first parents, Adam and Eve (their names were not Adam and Eve, but Aman and Amon, which meant the male Am and the female Am—“Am” meaning “the exalted creation of God.”), they were created in the image of God with respect to their souls. Only their souls were created in God’s image.1ARDT, Vol I, Leytergus, Leytergus Wrote a Book Containing a Description of the Creation and Fall of Man. The “Book of Genesis” Was Copied After His Writings. Their intellect, spirit body, material body, appetites and passions were just appendages, or means of manifesting the soul. The soul was their the real person—the personality.

Some teach that they were created divine, that they, and we, have the divine spark within our souls and only need to awaken to that fact. But this teaching is not correct. No, we are not co-equals with God but He gave us some wonderful gifts. Two of the highest gifts given were natural love and free will. Natural love is the love that we most often strive for. It is the love between a child and mother, the love between friends and family. the romantic love, and the soulmate love. It is a wonderful gift that brings much happiness. The natural love, however, is not divine. It is simply a gift given to us by God and every human being has it, to a smaller or greater degree depending on their purification.

There was another gift offered the first parents that many people don’t know about. It was called Divine Love. This Love differs from the natural love in that it is the Essence and nature of God and brings with It immortality and habitation in the Celestial Kingdom. This Love flows from God and transforms the soul of a human from being created in only the image of God into the very essence of God. Once the Divine Love finds a lodgment in the soul, it, to the extent that it receives the Love, becomes as it were a changed substance, partaking of the Essence of the Love. And as water may become colored by an ingredient foreign to itself, which changes not only its appearance but its qualities, so this Divine Love changes the appearance and qualities of the soul, and this change of qualities continues ever thereafter.2ARDT, Vol I, Jesus, How the Soul of a Mortal Receives the Divine Love, and What Its Effect Is, Even Though the Mind May Indulge Subsequently in Those Beliefs That May Tend to Prevent the Growth of the Soul. Also, What Is a Lost Soul? The soul, to the extent of the Divine Love received, becomes divine and immortal, a being of Divinity. It does not become co-equal with God or a god, but takes on the highest nature and attribute of God – His Divine Love.

This gift of Divine Love was not automatically bestowed in its fullness to our first parents. God so respected their free will that He did not want to impose His Love upon them and make it a requirement that they accept It. And so, he offered His Divine Love to them to either accept or reject. The means by which they were to receive His Divine Love was through prayer and faith. Unfortunately for us, our first parents, in their pride and arrogance thought they had a better way to become divine. They, like so many people today, thought that they only needed to exercise their will power and awaken to their own divinity. They wanted to be free of dependence on God and sought to be co-equal with God in Power, Wisdom, and Immortality without paying homage to their Creator. In their pride and independence, they willed that the gift of Divine Love as in indication of God’s protecting influence should be removed. They showed God that they did not want His help in their progress through life as mortals. This became known as the great fall of humanity.

Many thousands of years passed since the great fall and ever since human beings had to rely on their natural love for happiness. The gift of Divine Love was withdrawn and no longer available. Unfortunately, the first sins of pride, arrogance, and independence defiled the souls of humans and murder was not far away. Humanity’s moral nature sank lower and lower until it became almost lost.3ARDT, Vol II, Jesus, Jesus Explains What It Is That Makes a Man Divine. Ever since the lowest point of mankind’s degeneracy, we have been slowly making progress in our moral nature and purification of our natural love. But the progress has been slow.

Thankfully, God saw fit to once again offer His gift of Divine Love to His children. He intended that every human being, as well as spirit, should have the opportunity to obtain it, and the way it might be obtained should be made known to all mankind. In carrying out this intention, God specially selected Jesus for this work4ARDT, Vol II, Ann Rollins Discusses the Necessity of Obtaining the Divine Love. She Cautions That Those Who Refuse This Great Gift, After the Privilege of Obtaining It Is Withdrawn, Will Suffer the “Second Death.”, who, through his own teachings and example, would enable mankind to learn of this Love.

Of course, during the short ministry of Jesus on earth, it was impossible that all humans learn of the availability of God’s Divine Love through the teachings of himself or his disciples. Hence, the spirits of the world of spirits were permitted to hear these teachings and come into their knowledge. Then, when they should obtain this Love, they were to teach It to mortals and spirits, which they did; and they have been doing so ever since. But while they have been working all these centuries to bring about this great consummation, yet, they have not succeeded for the reason that they could not force the Truth of the Plan of salvation upon either mortal or spirit.

Consequently, in the exercise of their free wills, unless mortals and spirits would open up their understandings of the soul qualities, supplemented by the exercise of their mental qualities, they could not obtain this Divine Love. Among the great obstacles to humans putting themselves in this condition of receptivity are the creeds and mental beliefs and ceremonies obtained in many of the churches of Christendom, and in many of the faiths and teachings of the races which live outside of Christendom, and which have never heard of this great Plan of Salvation.

In order to get this Love, there must be earnest supplication on the part of the seeker. A mere mental desire for the inflowing of the Love will not suffice. This is a matter that pertains to the soul, alone, and the mind is not involved except, as you might say, to start the soul’s longings and prayer.  When you think that you are longing for this Love and have a mere mental desire for Its inflowing, the Love will not come because It never responds to the mere mind, but must always be sought for by the soul’s longings. It is no easy matter to have these longings possess the soul.

You will see from this how utterly impossible it is for mere devotees of the church to experience this Love. The longings of the soul are not aroused by the observance of the church’s sacraments and the duties which they pose. They may be ever so zealous in their attendance of church services and complying with its prescribed requirements. However, it is all a mental process with them. The soul is not affected. They may think that their desires are from the soul and that a response will come, but they are mistaken in this; the soul remains unaffected. Only when the soul’s longings become active are prayers of the worshiper answered. Let not your desires be only of the intellect, but try to bring into activity the longings of the soul, and do not rest satisfied until a response shall come, and it will certainly come, and you will know that the Love is present and working its transforming power upon the soul.5ARDT, Vol II, The Importance of Knowing the Way to the Celestial Kingdom. Divine Love Comes Only in Response to the Soul’s Longing Becoming Active for Its Possession.

While this Great Gift of the Divine Love, and the privilege of obtaining It, was bestowed upon all humanity, and this Love is ever ready to enter into their souls, yet, a large majority of spirits and mortals will never receive It and thus not become inhabitants of the many mansions in the Celestial Kingdom. All humans and spirits will have the opportunity to receive this Love before the great day of final separation, but many will not be willing to accept this Gift. They will be satisfied in the happiness of their natural love, and will be content to live in their merely spiritual homes.

Divine Love is the result of individual acquirement, and not the object of universal possession. It may be possessed by all; it can be possessed by only a few; and each person must determine for himself whether it shall be his. With God there is no respect of persons; neither is there any royal road to the obtaining of this Love. All must pursue the same way and that way is the one that Jesus taught: the opening up of the soul to this love finding a lodgment therein, which can be brought about only by sincere prayer and longing for its inflowing.

The New Birth means the flowing into the soul of a person the Divine Love of the Father, so that that they become, as it were, a part of the Father in His Divinity and Immortality. Jesus taught that you must be born again to inherit eternal life (John 3:3 “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”). How comparatively seldom is this great truth taught by the churches and the teachers of religious matters.

This truth is at the very foundation of mankind’s redemption, and until a soul receives this New Birth it cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. People may claim to have faith in God and believe on Jesus’ name and conform to all the essentials and sacraments of the churches, and yet, unless they have this New Birth, their faith and works as Christians are vain.6ARDT, Vol II, Nicodemus, Nicodemus Confirms the Importance of the New Birth.

When Jesus said “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,” (John 3:3) he disclosed the only true way to the Celestial Kingdom. The majority of priests, teachers, and people have never understood this truth. To their spiritual senses it has been, as it were, a hidden thing. And as they read or even recite the same to their hearers, it has no special significance, but is merely as one of the moral precepts, such as “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and with not as much importance attached to it as to some of the moral instructions.

The only way to the Celestial Kingdom is that which leads to the obtaining of this Divine Love, which means the New Birth. So the New Birth is brought about by the flowing into the souls of humans this Divine Love, whereby the very Nature and Substance of the Father, and wherefrom humans cease to be the merely created beings, but become souls born into the Divine reality of God.7ARDT, Vol I, Jesus, The True Kingdom of Heaven That Jesus Taught on Earth— the Celestial Kingdom.

The only way is simply this: that humans shall believe with all the sincerity of their minds and souls that the great Love of the Father is waiting to be bestowed upon them; and that when they come to the Father in faith and earnest aspiration, this Love will not be withholden from them. And, in addition to this belief, that they pray with all the earnestness and longings of their souls that the Father will open up their souls to the inflowing of this Love, and that then may come the Holy Spirit to them to bring this Love into their souls in such abundance that their souls may be transformed into the very Essence of the Father’s Love. The soul who will thus believe and pray will never be disappointed, and the Way to the Kingdom will be theirs as certainly as that the sun shines by day upon the just and unjust alike.8ARDT, Vol I, Jesus, The True Kingdom of Heaven That Jesus Taught on Earth— the Celestial Kingdom.

Try the experiment.
Too often we are expected to believe something based on what we are told. You don’t have to “believe” anymore. Now you can have physical proof of the existence of God and His Love for you. Here is what Jesus told the Hebrew rulers:

“Test my teachings that the Father’s Love was now available, and pray for it to the Father in earnest prayer, and see whether, if this was done in sincerity, the Father’s Love, conveyed through the Holy Spirit, would burn and glow in the soul, by which sign they would realize His Love was present therein.”
− Jesus of Nazareth9NTR, 9, Jesus, Why Jesus Was Not Accepted as the Promised Messiah by the Chief Priests and Hebrew Rulers.

Solomon of the Old Testament comments on what are the greatest truths in the world. “Prayer and faith on the part of mortals, and Love, the Divine Love, on the part of God. The latter is waiting, and the former causes it to enter into human souls. No other truths are so great and momentous. Let what I say sink deep into your memory, and try the experiment. Try, and then try, and never cease trying. Love will come to you and, with it, faith, and then knowledge, and then ownership.”10ARDT, Vol. I, Solomon of the Old Testament, What is the greatest Truth in all the world?


Our Father, who art in heaven, we recognize:

That Thou Art – art all holy and loving and merciful, and that we are the children of Thy care and not the subservient, sinful and depraved creatures that our false teachers1 would have us believe.

That we are the greatest of Thy creations and the most wonderful of all Thy handiworks, and that we are the objects of Thy great Soul’s love and tenderest care.

That Thy will is that we become at one with Thee and partake of Thy great love which Thou hast bestowed upon us through Thy mercy and desire that we become, in truth, Thy children; and not through the sacrifice and death of any one of Thy creatures, even though the world thinks that one Thy equal and a part of Thy godhead.

That Thou will open up our souls to the inflowing of Thy love, and that then will come Thy holy spirit to bring into our souls, this, Thy love in great abundance until our souls may be transformed into the very essence of Thyself; and that there may come to us faith – such faith as will cause us to realize that we are truly Thy children and that we are one with Thee in very substance and not in image only.

Let us have such faith as will cause us to know that Thou art our Father and the bestower of every good and perfect gift, and that only we, ourselves, can prevent Thy love changing us from the mortal to the immortal.

Let us never cease to realize that Thy love is waiting for each and all of us, and that when we come to Thee with faith and earnest aspirations, Thy love will never be withholden from us.

Keep us in the shadow of Thy love every hour and moment of our lives, and help us to overcome all temptations of the flesh and the influence of the powers of the evil ones who so constantly surround us and endeavor to turn our thoughts away from Thee to the pleasures and allurements of this world.

We thank Thee for Thy love and for the possibility of receiving it, and believe that Thou art our Father – the loving Father who smiles upon us in our weakness, and is always ready to help us and take us to Thy arms of love.

We pray thus with all the earnestness and longings of our soul, and trusting in Thy love give Thee all the glory and honor and love that our finite souls can give.



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