Welcome to the Foundation Church of Divine Truth!

Our purpose is to serve God by disseminating to humanity Jesus’ message of salvation that he brought to earth two millennia ago.

Jesus’ message and mission[1] was lost to the consciousness and knowledge of those who attempted to reproduce the original writings of the Bible. The reason was that these men had become less spiritual and more concerned about building up the church as a church than in attempting to develop, teach, and preserve the great spiritual truths.[2]

The source of these truths came in the form of automatic writing from Jesus and his apostles through the psychic medium James Padgett in 1914-1922. Jesus chose James Padgett to communicate to the world the truths that had been lost by the churches.

Jesus told James Padgett.

“There are certain qualities in your constitution, both spiritual and material, that render you susceptible to the influence of our powers and use by us for the purpose of our design and work.” “It may seem strange to you that, in all the long ages preceding, I have not found one human with the qualification to fit them for the work.”[4]


  1. To encourage members and followers to pray for God’s Love and develop a close relationship with their Heavenly Father, as a result of which they will become living examples of the transforming Power of the Divine Love following in Jesus’ footsteps.
  2. To protect and preserve the teachings of Jesus and the Celestials as communicated through James Padgett and Dr. Samuels.
  3. To support our ministers and members in their personal ministries and outreaches that are in alignment with the church’s purpose.


To be a growing community of souls who follow and promote the received teachings through James Padgett, Dr. Samuels and other contemporary mediums, have a deep relationship with God, and share God’s Love with others by exhibiting attributes such as love, humility, kindness, respect, appreciation, and service.

We recognize the importance of spiritual mediumship, as it is the source by which the gift of God’s Divine Love had been once again revealed in modern times. We view contemporary and ongoing mediumship as secondary to the truths communicated through James Padgett in so far as they can provide encouragement and spirituual food for thought.

The truth of the availability of the Divine Love to all God’s children who desire it is not a static truth that should only be considered during spiritual ceremony. Praying for God’s Divine Love is a dynamic truth that transforms the soul and in some results in palpable sensations which is evidence that the Divine Love is flowing into and changing the soul.

Jesus said to the Chief Priests and Hebrew Rulers.

“…if they wished to ascertain the Truth of my words, they should try and test my teachings that the Father’s Love was now available by praying to the Father for It in earnest prayer, seeing whether, if this was done in sincerity, the Father’s Love, conveyed through the Holy Spirit, would burn and glow in the soul, by which sign they would realize His Love was present therein.” Editors Note: not all those who are on the Divine Love path feel a burning or glowing sensation in their soul.

− Jesus of Nazareth1NTR, 9, Jesus, Why Jesus Was Not Accepted as the Promised Messiah by the Chief Priests and Hebrew Rulers.
