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Jesus Wants the World to Follow His True Teachings.
(September 12th 1914 | Received by James Padgett)

I AM HERE. Jesus.

God is Love. And they that worship Him in spirit and love will not be forsaken.

I came to tell you that you are very near the Kingdom. Only believe and pray to the Father and you will soon know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free. You were hard-hearted and sinful[1]; but, now that you are seeking the light, I will come to you and help you. Only believe and you will soon see the Truth of my teachings. Go not in the way of the wicked, for their end is punishment and long-suffering. Let your love for God and your fellowman increase.

You are not in condition for further writing. I will come to you again when you are stronger.

(Is this truly Jesus of the Bible communicating to me?)[2]

Yes, it is Jesus, and I want the world to follow the true teachings of my words.

Good-bye, and may the Holy Spirit bless you, as I do. JESUS CHRIST.

  1. Mr. Padgett told me that he had a vision of Jesus many years before he knew he had the mediumistic gift to receive communications from spirits. He told me that, when he saw Jesus at the time he had the vision, Jesus looked at him with a great love and sympathy, as if he wanted him to become a true follower of him. The first messages from Jesus are for the purpose of encouraging Mr. Padgett to get the Divine Love into his soul in sufficient abundance so as to change the quality of his brain into that high quality that would enable Jesus to write the high quality of Truths, or formal messages, that he is so anxious to give to the world. (Dr. Leslie R. Stone, former editor, now deceased.—Ed.)
  2. Mr. Padgett's question, and all subsequent questions and statements placed in brackets and italicized throughout this volume, have been editorially devised in order to assist in reading fluency and to provide for greater facility in the understanding of the text as a whole. These mostly brief, created conversations for Mr. Padgett are not to be taken as being the precise words he originally phrased; only very close approximations of the original sum and substance of what he had communicated to the spirits but had failed to record at the time. The reader is referred back to the Preface for a more detailed explanation of how the use of these insertions was determined and authorized. —Ed.