I AM HERE. Your grandmother.
While the power of the Master is here, let me write and tell you that you have had a wonderful experience tonight, and so have we who have stood by and seen the Master write to you and bestow his great love upon you.
He was glorious as he told you of the Great Love of the Father that would come to you, and how he would be with you in all his love and blessings, trying to make you happy.
We were all surprised at the great display of his glory, for it was like the great shining light of God’s Countenance, of which we have heard but never seen. You certainly are a blessed man and one that must become very happy.
I am not in condition to write more tonight. I can only praise God for the Great Love and Favor that He has bestowed upon you. So, my dear son, believe what I have told you, and know that we all rejoice with you in the great favor which you have from the Master.
So, dear son, good night.
Your own loving grandmother,