I AM HERE. Helen.
Well, dear, I see that you are not very much enlightened by the preacher’s discourse tonight. I do not see why you should be, for he has no true conception of either God or man, and gave no help to those who are searching for the true God, the Father.
I see that you may feel that you are benefited, though, by the negative lesson that his discourse teaches. He tells of what he thinks God is, and, in telling this, demonstrates that he knows nothing of the true God. You may hear the full course of his lectures and you will not learn much that will benefit you in an affirmative way. But attend the same, and then meditate upon them, and you will find that you have listened to a man who knows nothing of God or the spiritual world of which he pretends to have knowledge.
We all love you and want you to love us. Good night.
Your own true and loving,