I AM HERE. John.
I merely want to say that your condition is improving, and that, in a few nights, we will be able to continue our messages. You will then find yourself happier in more ways than one. I mean that you will feel better spiritually.
I was with you tonight at the meeting and it did you good, for there were many spirits present who had the Love to a more or less degree; and, of course, their influence was being exercised on, and felt by, the worshipers.
The preacher is a man with a considerable amount of the Divine Love in his soul and, if he only had the true conception of Jesus, he would find himself possessing more of this Love. But his idea of the Holy Spirit is such that it interferes with his receiving the effect of the work of the Spirit. He thinks and believes It to be an entity—in other words, a being of substance and thought and sentient capacity, whereas, as you know, It is not. It is merely the evidence of the working of God’s Own Soul in bestowing His Love and Mercy upon mortals. The Spirit could have no existence without the Soul of the Father, and It is entirely dependent upon the Powers of that Soul for Its existence. Only in the sense that It conveys God’s Love can It be called the Comforter. And to “grieve” the Spirit, as the preacher said, means only that the Love of God is grieved, which is, in fact, not true. For this Love is never grieved, as It is so great and so intense in Its desire that men shall receive It that It never becomes grieved, though It is often disappointed, as you may say, that men will not receive It. It is always present and waiting for men to receive It and, by their longings and prayers, to cause their souls to be opened up to Its reception. And remember this: that this Love of the Father is so very great that the Spirit which conveys It to man cannot become grieved.
Well, I did not intend to write on this subject tonight, and what I have said is merely fragmentary; but I will come sometime and write in detail.
You must pray more and let your faith increase, and you will find what the Holy Spirit is[1] and how It operates. Your prayers will be answered, and a great inflowing of the Love, and also your desires, will be realized. Keep up your courage and you will not be disappointed. Today may look dark and dreary, but tomorrow the sun will shine and you will enjoy the sunlight.
I will not write more now.
So, with my love and blessings, I will say good night.
Your brother in Christ,