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Jesus Declares That Those Who Worship Him, as They Do in the Churches, Commit Blasphemy.
(May 6th 1917 | Received by James Padgett)

I AM HERE. Jesus.

I was with you at the church this morning, and I impressed you with my feelings in reference to what the preacher said as to my sacrifice and blood. But instead of calling upon his people to show their gratitude for the sacrifice and the cross, he should have taught them that the sacrifice and the blood do not save them from their sins. In that particular, there is nothing that calls for their gratitude. And to worship me as they do, and as he teaches them to do, is blasphemy, and a more heinous sin than ingratitude.

I was successful in impressing you with my feelings of dissatisfaction, and was glad that I could, for it shows that our rapport is becoming closer. After awhile, you will be able to receive my thoughts and inspirations as well as my writings.

You must pray and have faith, and, if you do, you will more often have the experiences that you did last night, which only means a quicker soul development.

Trust me and you will not be disappointed.

I will not write more now.

So, with my love and the Father’s Blessings, I will say good night.

Your brother and friend,