We have taken great pleasure in publishing God’s Divine Truths, as revealed by Jesus of Nazareth, and the angels of the Celestial Kingdom, through the past automatic writing mediumships of Mr. James E. Padgett and Dr. Daniel G. Samuels. Currently, we offer four books, each reflecting a unique description of the Divine Truths, and lives of spirits in the spirit world and Celestials in the Celestial Kingdom.

Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol. I is the first in a series that contains the core teachings of Jesus as communicated by himself and other celestial angels.

The book is available in these formats:


Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol 2 is the second in a series of teachings from Jesus and other celestial angels. Chapters include information on spiritual laws, the creation and fall of our first parents, the importance of prayer, and corrections in other doctrinal systems.

The book is available in these formats:

What Happens After You Die is for seekers of information about life after death. It is a book that goes beyond the mortality questions by relating spiritual testimonies, as well as describing the varied living conditions and surroundings, and prevailing spiritual laws. The authors include Julius Caesar, Socrates, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth I, King Herod, Moses, and many more.

The book is available in these formats:

New Testament Revelations of Jesus of Nazareth deals with the errors and facts, as well as adding new information relating to the New Testament of the Bible.

The book is available in this format:

New Testament Revelations of Jesus of Nazareth

Divine Love Ministers Handbook

This Handbook is the result of a vision that Rev. James David Walsh, aka Rev. Jimbeau, had as he witnessed traditional ceremonies and services which had become empty rituals. He realized through his own ministry, that by simply adding the Divine Love to these ceremonies, it provided those in attendance with the great opportunity to receive the essence of God’s Love, thereby transforming an empty ritual into an event of substance with the potential of transforming souls.

The book is available in this format:

New Testament Revelations of Jesus of Nazareth