You are about to begin what we trust will be a joyous spiritual journey toward expanded soulful awakening and illumination. As you read these messages we would like you to consider the strong likelihood that finding this web site is not the product of chance or accident, but is rather the intended beginning of the end of your spiritual searchings. We would especially request that you reflect upon what is being suggested here after you have read and digested all that follows. Also, be prepared for a few surprises! Truth is not always or unfailingly that which we may have been taught to believe during our formative years of searching. Therefore, we encourage that you read not so much with your minds as with your souls, for God communicates directly with us only from His Soul to our souls. Thus, if we are to truly know and possess the Father’s Divine Truths, as the Celestial angels teach us, we must prayerfully seek the inflowing of His Love into our souls in order that It may develop our souls and their faculties and enable us to experience these Truths firsthand, in ever-greater fulness. In this way, the understanding that began as a mental knowledge deepens through the soul’s growing perceptions, and ownership, of the Truths which are inherent in the Divine Essence. And, thus, the highest Truths of the universe may become known and possessed by the soul that seeks at-onement with our Heavenly Father through the Gift of His Divine Love.

The tabs below represent online versions of published books containing messages on various topics such as the true nature of God, sin and error, the incarnation of the soul, the continuity of life after death, the spirit world, the spheres of progression, and much more.