Welcome to a joyous spiritual journey toward expanded soulful awakening and illumination. We would like you to consider the possibility that arriving at this web site is not the product of chance or accident, but is rather the intended beginning of the end of your spiritual searching.

We would especially like to ask that you reflect on what is being suggested here after you have read and digested the messages found in our publications, which are free to read online or to download. Also, be prepared for a few surprises! Truth is not always what we may have been taught during our formative years of searching. Therefore, we encourage you to read not so much with your mind as with your soul, for God often communicates with us from His Soul to our souls.

If we are to truly know and internalize the Father’s (or Mother’s if you prefer) Divine Truths, as the Celestial angels teach us, we must prayerfully seek the inflowing of His Love into our souls. The Divine Love will develop our souls and our soul perceptions will increase enabling us to experience these Truths firsthand, in ever-greater fulness. In this way, the understanding that began as a mental knowledge deepens through the soul’s growing perceptions, and ownership, of the Truths which are inherent in the Divine Essence. Thus, the highest Truths may become known and possessed by the soul that seeks at-onement with our Heavenly Father through the Gift of His Divine Love.

As a final word, we believe that what you are about to read has no past or current literary equal in terms of the number and quality of Divine Truths it reveals to mortals. We say this not because of any editorial input, but because we believe that these glorious Truths of the Father have come to us from the highest Celestial angels of God’s Kingdom where no error or untruth can enter and where only Truth exists and flourishes.

So, dear brothers and sisters, for you truly are our spiritual brethren, may God bless you abundantly with His Divine Love, and may you come to possess many of His Divine Truths now before you forevermore!

James Padgett and the Philosophy of Progression

Progression in the spirit world is a common theme among many spirit communications. Spirits typically learn from friends, family, and spirit helpers how to progress from the lower spheres into higher spheres where there is a greater degree of peace and happiness. What many spirits do not know, however, is that they have a choice of pathways to follow.

What separates James Padgett from other mediums is that the messages he received describe the existence of two spiritual paths. The first, and more commonly known among spirits, is the path of moral and intellectual progression – referred to as the “natural love path” or “path of the perfect natural man.” On this path, spirits continue their pursuit of moral or mental development as they did while on earth. Initially, many go through a period of expiation where they seek to rid themselves of memories of actions done on earth which were not in harmony with love, and which work on their consciousness to bring suffering and darkness. After satisfying the Law of Compensation – whatever a man sows that shall he also reap – and receiving help from outside sources, these spirits ascend to higher spheres where there are more opportunities for advancement in mental or moral pursuits. Eventually, they arrive at the pinnacle of their progression in the Sixth Sphere, the highest sphere to which they are able to progress.

The second and less travelled path is that of the transformation of the soul through prayer to God for His Divine Love. Spirits following this path value their personal relationship with God above all else. As they pray to God for a bestowal of His Divine Love, over time, and with continued bestowals in answer to their fervent soulful prayers, their souls made in the image of God’s Soul become transformed into the Substance and Nature of God’s own Soul.

Spirits praying for God’s Divine Love tend to progress rapidly through the spheres, because with a change in the soul’s condition comes a release of memories which, while present, cause expiation and suffering. The ultimate habitation of those pursuing the Divine Love path is in the Celestial Heavens, which begins beyond the Seventh Sphere. They will be in the Presence of God, and at-one with Him. An example of the difference in the speed of progression between the two paths may be illustrated by Julius Caesar, who in 1915 was still in the lower spheres, or hells, but 19 months later was out, after taking advice from James Padgett to pray for God’s Divine Love.

When a spirit crosses the threshold to the spirit realms, they are first met by friends and family who have passed there before them. This is typically a wonderful and happy time for the spirit who is overjoyed at reuniting with their long-lost loved ones. This reunion continues for a short time until the Law of Equalization comes into operation and the spirit is called to their own home in the spirit world. Their soul condition determines the location, environs and condition of that home, which may be quite different from that of their initial reception into the spirit world. And if they are destined for the lower spheres, referred to as the hells, no interposition of spirit friends, or love of parent or spouse, can stop that from occurring. The spirit hears the call and must obey. They must then stand alone and, in their own weakness or strength, realize that no other spirit can bear their sorrow, take their burdens, or enter into their sufferings. Thus is realized the saying that each sprit is their own keeper and is alone responsible for their condition.

In many cases, however, loving friends may visit the spirit in their home and offer consolation, help, encouragement, and instruction. But in the cases of the lowest spirits, when they are laid bare to themselves, all of their deformities, their sins, and their evil qualities come before them, and surround them with a wall of despair that prevents loved ones from appearing to them. Thus, the Law of Attraction comes into operation to attract spirits of similar soul conditions to become their associates and render such assistance as can be given by “the blind leading the blind.” But all is not lost, for while they may not be able to see the higher spirits, the influences of love and compassion are flowing from these higher spirits, and at some point in time will be felt by the lower spirit. And when felt, the spirit will start having an awakening which will begin to dissolve the obstructing wall of their seclusion.

Change is the law eternal, both here on earth and in the spirit world, and the messages through Padgett clearly state that there is no eternal damnation (everlasting divine punishment) as promulgated by some churches. Rather, all spirits progress, albeit at different rates. The teaching of eternal damnation is a very harmful doctrine to spirits, for many stagnate in their dispair of never escaping the lower hells. But when they learn that hope does exist and that they can progress to higher spheres, oh what gladness and cheer come to those spirits!

At some point, all spirits are taught that they can progress in the spirit world. However, the Law of Progression states that spirits cannot progress of their own initiative. In other words, they cannot “will” themselves out of darkness; they must be open to outside help. Typically, this assistance comes from family, friends, or associates with similar interests and desires. What many spirits do not know, however, is that there exist two separate and distinct paths to choose from: the path of the natural love and the path of the Divine Love.

The primary distinction between the two paths is as follows: The natural love path is focused on purifying one’s soul from the defilement of sin (thoughts and actions done out of harmony with God’s Laws) to the condition that it was when first created (the condition of the souls of our first parents, Adam and Eve, or as the Padgett messages call them, Aman and Amon, before their fall from grace.)

The Divine Love path is focused on developing and transforming the soul into a new creature and a true “born again” child of God. A spirit who achieves soul purification through the natural love path is still human, although free from sin and defilement. But a spirit who achieves complete soul transformation through prayer for God’s Divine Love is no longer a simple human, but is a Divine Angel with assurance of their immortality. As water may become colored by an ingredient foreign to itself, which changes not only its appearance but its qualities, so the Divine Love changes the appearance and qualities of the soul.

The two paths have their associated spheres in the spirit world, with each sphere containing many planes. There are a total of Seven Spheres, each having its own purpose and significance. The even-numbered spheres are the “natural love spheres” where the spirits have opportunities for growth in an intellectual and moral sense, leading to a purification of the natural love. The odd-numbered spheres offer opportunities for spirits to learn about their relationship with God and how to pray for and receive His Divine Love. And surprising as it may seem, as spirits develop their souls in the Divine Love, knowledge automatically comes to them. Ann Rollins, Mr. Padgett’s grandmother, was amazed at how she, being in the spirit world for a short time and praying for God’s Divine Love, surpassed many spirits who had been in the spirit world many thousands of years pursuing higher intellect. Praying for God’s Divine Love brings abundant intellectual knowledge.

The highest sphere which spirits pursuing the natural love path can reach is the Sixth Sphere, referred to by Galileo as the sphere where “intellect rules supreme and the wisdom of the ages is congregated.” This sphere has many wonderful colleges and institutions of higher learning, and many spirits who were great intellectuals on earth are teachers in these institutions. Spirits in the Sixth Sphere love and worship God, but only with the faculties of the mind, not with the prayerful longing of their souls for His Divine Love.

ARTD Vol. ISpirits pursuing the Divine Love path ascend to the Seventh Sphere and beyond to the Celestial Kingdom where the opportunity for growth is limitless. In contrast to the natural love path where the Sixth Sphere is the highest sphere spirits can reach, the Divine Love path has no limit; and spirits can continue to progress throughout eternity. As the spirits continue to pray for and receive God’s Divine Love, they develop their souls and acquire “soul perceptions” which allow them to soulfully “see” God and His Personality.

The messages received by James Padgett regarding progression in the spirit world contain information so profound that they can change one’s life path and the destiny of their soul. The messages are like having your own guide to what is needed in order to progress from the lower spheres to those imbued with light, love, fellowship, happiness and beauty beyond the conception and imagination of the mortal mind. Furthermore, we need not wait until we become spirits, but can utilize this information while still on earth, either in pursuit of the perfect natural man or, by prayer for God’s Love, of the Divine Angel. Once the decision is made, the Law of Attraction will set into motion opportunities which will assist us in our pursuit and understanding of the Truth. Those who have followed the advice set out in the Padgett messages have experienced the “peace that passeth all understanding”, and the tangible Presence of God’s Divine Love in their souls.

By Michael Nedbal, Ph.D. and Geoff Cutler, M.B.A.

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Prayer for Divine Love