Contemporary Messages through Dr. David Lampron

The Law of Prayer
Our Work is Making a Difference

The Law of Prayer

Dearest Jesus,

Your last message on the Law of Prayer has given me and our Trustees so much pleasure. And we are grateful to have received such an important exposition on the Law aspect of prayer – how the Father will never fail to respond to prayers from the souls of His children. Thank you so much, Master, for this new insight into the workings of the Father’s Love and Mercy that you have given us. Indeed, you promised that your messages would make me happy, and you have kept your promise.

Bill has asked the question as to whether or not your beloved apostle, John, who is also one of my guardians, has any interest in communicating through me. My feeling has been that, for the present, you are taking the full responsibility of helping to develop my mediumship. But I trust you will let me know whenever John or any other of your wonderful co-workers would like to try communicating through me. Be assured that I am most willing to do my best to receive their thoughts.

Well, dearest brother, please speak on whatever subject you wish to today. I only pray that I may be able to receive your thoughts to the degree of your complete satisfaction.

I now welcome your loving presence, my dear friend and brother.


I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this day as usual to impart my thoughts of love and caring through you.

Today, it will be my pleasure to announce that you will have other communicators writing through you in due course, for we wish to have many others experience the opportunity to speak to the world through your channeling efforts. We have been waiting for your development to take place to that degree whereby our thoughts could be clearly received, and I am happy to say that your clarity is improving day by day and as you continue practicing and praying for the Father’s Love. Soon, others will come through; but, for the present, I would like to continue working with you for awhile.

I have no particular message to deliver today – only to assure you that you are proceeding correctly in praying and practicing. The time will come when others will be able to communicate their thoughts as easily as I do mine, if you will but continue to pray for the Father’s Love to enter your soul and better prepare you for message taking, as you have so prayed today.

Once we are more fully established as a church body, we will begin to establish a work force the likes of which the world has never known before. We, in the Celestial Heavens, have been waiting for the time to come when all our spiritual forces might be brought to bear in order to carry out and accelerate our mission of disseminating the Father’s Truths to a soul-hungering world. And the time will soon come when our powers will be able to be exercised in this direction. We have lacked our necessary counterpart “army” on earth to accomplish our purposes as we would have liked. But, now, with the growing number of our followers and earthly helpers, we are fast approaching that time when we will be able to exercise spiritual forces for good the likes of which the world has never heretofore seen. And these forces will be joined by the forces of our mortal brethren in a united effort to awaken humankind to their proper destiny.

Humankind has been stagnating too long in their refusal to turn to the Father’s Love, but this will change. More and more of humankind are becoming awakened to the Father’s Love and Mercy, many of which are becoming so through your efforts as a church body to illuminate the Way for them to proceed out of the darkness and into the light. But so much more is still necessary to enlighten humankind to some of the additional Truths which will make the Way easier for them.

The Father wants all His children to come to him with love and earnest aspirations, but He also knows how hard it is to seek higher things in a world filled with strife and wars. Accordingly, he requires of us to lend every assistance to our fellowmen so that, through our efforts, they might see the Way more clearly before them.

The Truths you have received from Mr. Padgett and Dr. Samuels are only the beginning of our efforts employed toward the greater enlightenment of humankind. We have other ways of reaching the hearts and souls of men, and these are being employed as well. One day, it will all “come together,” as your young folks sometimes like to say. The forces in the Celestial Heavens will join with the benevolent forces on earth to bring all of humankind under the full Protection and Guidance of the Father. But that time is still afar off. Our work is a slow one where patience is required, but the results of our work are always beneficial. It is now only a question of time before our numbers of followers increase to that degree whereby, in combination, we will begin to exert a benevolent force of such proportion that its effect will be felt throughout the world.

Just be assured, my beloved co-workers, that none of your efforts are for naught. Every bit of goodness and service and help have their effects upon the total plan of fulfilling man’s final destiny. The time will come when that destiny will be fulfilled, when there will be peace on earth and good will toward men, and when heaven itself will be experienced in the hearts and souls of mortals themselves. But, until that time comes, we must work and never cease to work. The laborers are few and the harvest is ripe.

And, so, my beloved children, I thought you would like to hear this day the encouraging words I have attempted to deliver. Sometimes it seems like our efforts are to no avail, or proceed at such a slow pace as to be hardly worthwhile. But I can assure you that this is not so. Every kind thought and deed has its positive impact and outcome. And when these thoughts and deeds begin to be accumulated, soon, a geometric effect takes place whereby good begins to overwhelm evil and happiness begins to replace despair. We are moving toward that end and ultimate victory of the human spirit over all adversity. And all our beloved co-workers have a part to play with us in this great drama.

Know that we love you and appreciate so much all you do in serving our mutual cause so unselfishly and lovingly. Your rewards will surely come; and, in fact, are already being experienced by each and every one of you in his or her own way. Your lives are taking on greater and greater meaning, and you are deriving greater and greater fulfillment from what you do. Is this not a phase of reward? But be assured that, when you all come over to the spirit side of life, you will discover the true and more complete experience of reward for all that you have done and do in the service of disseminating the Father’s Truths to as many of your brothers and sisters in the flesh as you are able to impress. Here, on earth, rewards are basically few and far between; but on the spirit side of life, you will discover a happiness that you have never dreamed could exist, all the more of which you will have earned and accumulated as the result of all your loving efforts on earth.

So, my beloved co-workers, do not despair. The work continues to proceed nicely, and you can be sure that it is all having its positive impact upon others. I love you, each and every one, and I hope that I have brought you words of encouragement and upliftment of spirit today. With my love extended to each and every one of you working for our cause, I will bid you good day for now with my wish that you all have a joyous and productive week ahead of you. I am

Your brother in spirit,


July 8, 1986 and March 18 & 26, 1987

Our Work is Making a Difference

I am now here, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this day with my great love extended to all my co-workers in the flesh who are striving to impart the Truths of the Father to mankind.

We do not know everything that is to be known. But we are aware of certain laws which, if activated or brought into existence, must eventuate in known and beneficial results. One such law is a Law of Prayer, you might say, which has, as a result, only beneficial outcomes when directed in all sincerity and with great amounts of love and yearning. The Father hears all sincere prayers, and He Himself is bound by His Own Law in this regard. He will not turn a deaf ear to any prayer sincerely offered, so you must realize that a positive outcome will have to follow such a sincere prayer. What the particular outcome will be we cannot say; but, of necessity, that outcome will be a beneficial one.

The care and troubles of earth life can be so greatly reduced if people would but realize that they are first and foremost spiritual beings who have great resources at their disposal as children of the Father. They need not depend upon themselves alone, but should ever realize that the Father is always ready to receive their prayers with open arms, and that He is even more prepared to answer these prayers benevolently when petitioned for with great and true yearning. As I told you before, the Father has a law which He Himself abides by — The Law of Prayer. But he will not exercise His Part in this law without activation of His children’s own prayers. But once He receives a sincere and unselfish prayer, He is only most willing to answer this prayer in the best interests of the supplicant.

Now I know that most people believe that prayer is a chance kind of endeavor; that is, that some of their prayers may be answered and some may not. And this is true as far as it goes. But beyond this is a reality of prayer that would make each prayer offered in love and sincerity one that would be incapable of not being answered, if I may put it that way. People recognize and accept that they have their option or part to play in the offering of a prayer, but they usually understand little of the Father’s accepted obligation to answer those prayers in what I have referred to before as a benevolent fashion. Some are answered through His instrumentalities, as you know — the Celestial angels and other good or high spirits — and some are answered directly by the Father Himself as this pertains not to materially related prayers but to spiritually based ones. Material prayers are not answered directly by the Father, but He knows that men have need of these things. But where it comes to man’s inner, soulful development, this He attends to directly through His Response to the yearnings of the soul.

This is a law whereby man and the Father each have a part to play. Man offers the prayer and the Father answers it if He deems it worthy of being answered. Not all prayers offered are either sincere or loving; and, of course, the Father does not desire to attend to these. His listening Ear is only open to those prayers which have a genuine need or benevolent purpose in mind. And when I say this, I mean prayers which are offered with great sincerity and with a degree of faith that they will be answered.

Man has a very necessary part to play in this in that his prayers cannot be idle repetition of words, as if by some prescribed formula of presentation God will be necessarily compelled to respond. There are no verbal formulae that appeal to the Father’s Love and Generosity in and of themselves. Unless these words are brought forth by the true desires and energies of the soul, the words will avail nothing in the way of a response from the Father. God knows what His children need at all times, and He does not need words to convince Him of these needs. What He requires is that these needs are put in such a prayerful form whereby the supplicant’s heart and soul are involved. And this is what I mean when I say that man has a part to play. The prayerful energies of his soul must be exercised and brought into play, else his prayer lacks the link-up with the Father that will assure a benevolent response and answer.

God’s Part in this is to respond to each and every prayer offered to Him with at least some degree of loving, soulful involvement on the part of the supplicant. There cannot be a weak verbal recitation offered, which lacks this loving, soulful involvement, that will be responded to. For God’s relationship to His children is not based on words but upon soulful communication. But once a man’s soulful energies come into play, the Father’s listening Ear is automatically and unfailingly activated. It is as if one were to dial the correct number to the Father’s private phone. A merely verbal prayer, lacking soulful energy, can be likened to the supplicant dialing a wrong number. But, on the other hand, a true prayer that emanates from the soul, no matter in what words it is couched or conveyed, is a prayer that never fails to ring the bell, and one that the Father is only happily waiting to hear and answer.

So, as I say, we are dealing here with a mutual undertaking that must conform to certain conditions. What man has seldom heretofore known is that if these conditions are met, God’s Part is absolutely assured. There is no chance element in this. As a man prays, it is his sincerity and his soulful energies exercised which determine whether or not the Father will respond.

Given the proper exercise of these soulful energies, the Response of the Father is absolutely assured. And this is why this is referred to as a law — because it is exact in its workings.

If all men would but recognize that the Father is always ready to receive His children’s soul-yearning prayers, they would not always attempt to rely so heavily upon themselves for the good fortune and blessings that they seek. The Father knows what is best for His children and is only too happy to provide this. But He cannot so provide His Blessings if He is not asked to do so; or if, in the asking, man puts nothing of his own heart and soul into the prayer.

As you know, the Father will never give His Divine Love to anyone who does not ask for this with all his heart and soul yearnings. Well, the same may be said of His Response to prayers in general. God is Soul and man is soul. And if man wishes to truly communicate with the Father, he can only do so soul to Soul. And even though he may not be asking for the Father’s Love in his prayer, nevertheless, he must be asking for whatever blessing he is seeking through the active energies of the soul. His mind alone will not do.

For although the Father knows of our thoughts, it is not our thoughts alone He will respond to. Only if these thoughts are given the energy and wings of the soul will they reach the Father’s listening Ear and be received with His Pleasure.

And, so, I would urge all men to seek not only the Divine Love of the Father but also all the many blessings He has to give, including material ones. Prayer is that device and avenue from and through which all blessings flow from the outpouring Fountainhead of the Father’s Love and Mercy. And man can be assured that once he brings his soul into play in a sincere, true yearning fashion, the Father’s Answer will surely come. He is beholden by His Own Law to so respond when the souls of His children activate the Benevolence of His Own Soul.

So, let all men know that the Father is ever ready to listen to and respond to His children’s heartfelt prayers at all times. He ever wants them to seek His Help and Guidance when they themselves are experiencing difficulties. And let all men also know that benevolent responses to their prayers are absolutely assured if they will but bring their prayers to Him on the wings of their own souls. God will always do His Part, but man must also do his.

This is all I wish to say on the subject for now. God bless you all, my dear co-workers. I am most happy that our mutual progress is proceeding very nicely and according to our combined efforts. Until next time, then, I thank you for this opportunity which you have given me to share more of the Father’s Truths with you.

I am,

Your brother and friend,


April 17, 1987 (Good Friday)  

The Importance of Prayer

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this day to once again bring you my thoughts and love for the benefit of others who yet have not heard of the Promises of the Father to His children. I am Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens.

Today I wish to speak on a subject of some importance dealing with the Truths of the Father as this pertains to man’s development and progress on earth. As you know, man has but a short time on earth, comparatively speaking, and his task in this short span of time is to learn of those things which will make his time on earth not only happy and productive but which will also prepare him for the spirit life which lies ahead of him.

If a man will but think, and, in thinking, know that his life here is only for a short span, he will realize that his time spent must be made the most of. It will not do for him to merely live as if there were no tomorrow, and as if there were no accounting to be made of how his life is led on earth. Every thought and act of man has relevance to both his development and his future progress in the spirit world. Accordingly, these thoughts and actions should be such as to ensure good progress and positive outcomes in terms of his spiritual development. Man is a spiritual being, first and foremost, as I have said before, and it will not do for him to neglect this essential nature of his being by attending only to those material things which are thought to make one’s life more comfortable and p1easurable. Beyond these necessary material provisions and comforts are other provisions which are far more important to the welfare of all of God’s children.

Prayer may seem to be a small thing in terms of what people usually view as a requirement for living, but it is one of the most vital practices that a person can engage in. Prayer brings the soul of man into unison with the Soul of the Father, and from this union all blessings flow from the Father. Man does have the choice of going it alone, but what profiteth a man if he gains the whole world in so doing, and yet “loses” his soul in the process? You have read and heard of what a “lost soul” is; it is one that does not have the Divine Love of the Father residing therein. And this is as true today as it has ever been. Man is no different a creature today in the essentials of his make-up as he was in my day or in days past. He still has a soul, a physical body, and a spirit body. And the most important part of his being is and always will be his soul. But a man must first recognize this Truth before he can feed that best part of himself. And when I say “feed,” I mean provide that which will nourish his soul. For you must know that all parts of man require nourishment. The problem with humankind in many instances is that they do not think of the invisible soul within them as requiring any particular nourishment, attention or care. But, oh, how mistaken are they when they do not recognize the importance of nourishing this most vital part of their complete being!

On earth, I attempted to encourage all my brethren to attend to the “still small voice” within them, and to recognize that it spoke to their needs as spiritual beings. The soul is a wonderful thing, the highest creation of God; and yet how many still believe that it is of no particular importance! But if they thought rightly, they would recognize that the soul is the man himself, the ego, and that part of him which requires not the least but the most attention and care.

Now, when I say “attention and care,” what do I mean? I mean that the care of the soul is accomplished in a dual effort. Man cares for his soul when first he recognizes that he has a soul and that it needs its own form of nourishment. Next, he cares for his soul when he learns that this nourishment depends upon his relationship with His Creator, the Heavenly Father. And it is prayer which is the vehicle for the Father to provide the nourishment that the soul of man requires.

Without prayer, man lives to himself alone. And while he can survive in this manner, yet, he starves himself in the very area of fulfillment that can be so easily his, if he will but turn to the Father for His nourishing Love. The Love of the Father has always been intended to be that which would nourish the souls of his children; it is the “Food” which exists for them to partake of. And yet, all down through the centuries, man has neglected to seek this “Food” which is his for the mere asking. And when he so neglects to ask, aware of it or not, he shuts himself off from the very Supply which will not only provide him with God-intended nourishment, but also will make of him a new creature, made not in the image any longer but in the Substance of the Father’s Very Own Essence of Being. How then can man neglect to seek this Great Provision for his welfare?

Man has evolved in certain aspects, but until he evolves to that point where he recognizes his total dependence upon God for his well being and greatness as the creature God intends for him to be, he will remain mere man, the created child of the Father, but not the true and fulfilled creation of the divine angel.

The Father ever seeks to have all His children recognize the great destiny ahead of them in seeking for His transforming Love through nothing so hard to understand or accomplish, but something which all men are capable of: sincere prayer and soul yearning to Him for the Gift of His Love. If man will but seek this, he will have all that is required to make of him a new creature and a completely fulfilled being who can never thereafter lose the angelic status which he will have gained.

I know that I have said similar things to humankind before, but sometimes a message as important as this one needs repeating, and to be said in many different ways. It is my hope and prayer that one of my messages, if not another, will appeal to the heart and soul of yet another mortal who has been struggling to know and to pursue that course of living which will bring him the greatest happiness and fulfillment. And today’s message, I hope, will appeal to some of those who perhaps did not respond to any earlier message, but who will find some encouragement in the present one to pursue that which is and has been recommended in all of my messages dealing with the Father’s Love: “Seek and ye shall find; ask and it shall be given unto you.”

Once a man pursues this soulful course of prayer to the Father, his present soulful nourishment and future progress is thereafter assured. Let every man seek this way to their betterment and all of humankind will be as the angels of God. But, alas, many are called but few are chosen; and, this, not because the Father Himself chooses, but because man himself fails to choose the path to angelic and heavenly bliss that is freely offered to him, and is ever open for him to pursue.

Well, as you are now tired, I will close for now with the hope that, in reading this message, many other mortals will take heart and recognize that the destiny of man may be a perfect one in the sense of complete fulfillment of soul, if they will but pray to the Father for His Great Gift and Possession, His Divine Love.

Thanking you for once again allowing me to speak through you, and commending you for a job well done in receiving my message, I remain,

Yours in brotherly love,


July 8, 1986 and March 18 & 26, 1987

The Law of Activation - Part I

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ. I am your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens. Today I wish to discuss a subject of some importance relating to the Law of Prayer that you have already received. As you know, you have already received thought impressions concerning a Law of Activation, and this was given to you in preparation for my expounding somewhat upon this subject today.

As you have been told, the Law of Prayer is a law whereby both mankind and the Father have a part to play. The Father receives all prayers offered in true sincerity and that emanate from the souls of His children; and He, in turn, responds to these prayers in a benevolent fashion unfailingly when the soulful condition just expressed is met by His aspiring children. What you have not been told about as yet is how these prayers are answered in terms of the Father’s helpers: the Celestial and other good and high spirits.

You have been told thus far that the Father has His helpers to carry out His Will, and that these helpers are always ready, willing, and able to carry out the Desires of our Heavenly Father. And this help, or its communication, is effected through a Law of Activation. When the Father hears and determines that He wishes to answer a material prayer, shall we say, He has to communicate His Desire to those spirits who will conform to His Wishes, and who will perform whatever deeds are necessary for His Will to be fulfilled. And this communication is effected rather immediately and through an inner knowing on the part of His ministering angels that a particular work is to be performed.

On earth, when people wish to communicate their desires, they either seek out people directly or they write or use a telephone. In the spirit world, no letters or phone calls are necessary in order for the Father’s Thoughts to be made known to His ministering angels. The Father simply impresses His Thoughts upon the souls of those ministering angels whom He wishes to employ in carrying out His Desires.

Now, you have heard that the higher the development of the spirit, the closer is his association and communication with the Father Himself. And thus, the Celestial angels, who are nearer to Him than any other spirits, are much more clear in their reception of the Father’s Thoughts and Desires. But nevertheless, even those spirits not of the Celestial Heavens, but still sufficiently developed in a purity of soul to be of use to the Father, are also often employed to do the Father’s Bidding. While, in the former case, the work to be performed is very clearly received by the Father’s Celestial angels, in the latter case, the communication is still effected through an impression upon the soul that is sufficiently clear as to prompt the benevolent action requested by the Father to be carried out by the particular spirit or spirits in question. One might say that an inner impulse or prompting is felt, and a certain knowing is activated as to what act or acts of assistance that the Father wishes to be carried out. The activation of the souls of those spirits whom the Father wishes to do His Bidding is the result of the Law of Activation, of which I have earlier mentioned. Without such activation of soul, the spirits who are ever ready to carry out the Will of the Father would be left unaware of what the Father wished for them to do.

Activation, such as I have described, is relative in the sense that the strongest activation occurs among God’s highest Celestial spirits. And correspondingly, as we go down the scale to lower levels of soulful development, the activation experienced by less well-developed spirits is not as clear, but is still sufficient to prompt the spirit to perform the work that the Father desires.

On earth, the Law of Activation is in operation as well, but is not nearly as strong or precise in its action or effect as it is in the spirit world. Thus, you will be familiar with cases of those who receive certain impulses to perform a good or charitable act, and these acts are usually attributed to the goodness of the person himself. And while the goodness of the person is certainly involved, what is not often known is that the impulse he has received does not necessarily originate within himself. His impulse to perform a kindness or a benevolent act is many times the result of Celestial or spirit prompting to so perform that act. And the person so prompted, in harmony with his own charitable disposition, performs that act as if it were entirely his own.

From what I have said thus far, perhaps you can gather what I have been attempting to explain by example. There is a hierarchy of activation that exists from the highest heavens to the lowest hells, and this activation exists so that the Father can always preserve at least some degree of communication with all of His children. You have heard that there is goodness in every person, no matter how much steeped in sin or error they may be at any given point of time. Well, this is true because each person has a soul made in the image of God. And that which has been given by God– the soul– of necessity must retain an essential underlying goodness at some level. And it is the soul which links all of God’s children to the Father Himself.

Thus, when the Father wishes to “speak” to any of His children, He does so Soul to soul. And this is how communication is effected and preserved by the Father where His children are concerned. The Active Energy of His Own Soul is ever directed throughout His Universe of Creation, and especially as this pertains to all of His living creatures. And as He wishes to make His Desires known, He activates the souls of His children to the degree that they are in harmony with Him and all of His Laws. A Celestial angel, being in much greater harmony with Him, is thus most open to the Activation of the Will of the Father. And this is why it is said that the Father’s angels are always or ever ready to do the Father’s Bidding.

This is a concept that will require further elucidation; and, as you are tired, I will postpone the balance of this message to a later time. You have received my message well enough thus far, but we shall see if we can improve upon it in the next sitting or so.

I am happy to say that you are all proceeding so well in your church work and efforts. Keep up your fine work, my beloved co-workers, and know that we ever appreciate deeply all that you do to bring the Activation of God’s Love on earth to as many as will be encouraged to seek Him through the activation of their own souls in prayer. Until next time then, I thank you for your efforts and time spent in allowing me to communicate some more of my thoughts and the Truths of the Father to mankind. I am your brother and friend,

Jesus of the Bible,


Master of the Celestial Heavens

May 20, 1987

The Law of Activation - Part II<a id="test"></a>

I am here now to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this lovely day to bring to you, and for the benefit of mankind, my love and words of encouragement in the work before us. I am your brother in spirit, and friend, Jesus.

Today I wish to discuss an aspect of the Law of Activation touched upon in my introductory statements regarding this subject and Truth of one of the Father’s Laws affecting His Communication to all His children, both in the spirit world and on earth. As I have told you, the Father communicates Soul to soul where His children are concerned, and He does this so that His Will and Desires may be made known to mankind. I have also told you that there is a hierarchy of communication wherein the highest of God’s angels are most clear in the reception of His Desires, and that correspondingly clarity becomes somewhat less well received as we go down the scale of soul development. The communication effected is caused by the Activation of the Father’s Own Soul. either in response to the sincere, heartfelt prayers of His children, or upon the Desires that spring from His Own Benevolent Soul apart from any outside stimulation.

Now, in receiving the inner message of the Father’s Will, His highest angels are prompted to carry out His Instructions as expeditiously as possible. But of course, in order to do this, we of the Celestial Spheres must often also seek the assistance of either other high spirits, or even in some cases the assistance of mortals as well.

One might liken this to an Ocean wherein a stirring occurs in the Center, and waves or ripples are sent out in a closed circular fashion to the farthest shores. The waves nearest the Source are strongest and contain the most Power; and, as the circle enlarges, the area taken in is greater but the Power necessarily becomes less. And this is why full comprehension of the Father’s Will is clearer nearer the Source than at the “farthest reaches” of the Father’s Universe. Nevertheless, there are always enough souls affected in this emanating Activation whereby the Father’s Will is served, be the distance from the Source near or far.

On earth, there are many material prayers of a sincere nature that reach out to the Father and are received by Him. And these prayers which He wishes to answer must be carried out by those who have influence over material outcomes. Sometimes only the highest of God’s angels are commissioned to carry out His Will, as this pertains to material benefits granted. But more often, where material blessings are concerned, spirits below the Celestial Spheres are commissioned to see to it that these blessings are accorded. The Celestial angels usually have higher works to perform that do not often pertain to material blessings from the Father, but to spiritual blessings that pertain to the soul of man and his development in his spiritual growth.

As you know, the trustees of our church always have among the highest of God’s angels to serve their spiritual and even their material needs, because those working for the Kingdom of God are accorded the most protection, assistance, and blessings, and especially spiritual blessings. The work of disseminating the Father’s Truths to mankind cannot be performed by those mortals who lack sufficient development of soul because of the absence of God’s Love therein. Required are mortals who have prayed for and received His Love to that degree where their transformation of soul is at least sufficiently advanced to carry out the Father’s Will and Work on the earth plane. So you see, it is not necessarily how close a soul may be to the Father in terms of “distance”, but how close that soul is to the Father in terms of its possession of the Love that makes that individual’s soul like unto that of the Father’s Own Soul. Thus there are some souls on earth of such exceptional soulful development that they are able to serve the Will of the Father in spiritual matters as well, or nearly as well, as those in spirit who are likewise filled with great amounts of the Father’s Love.

While on earth, if I myself had lacked this soul development, I could not have performed the mission I had, nor could I have been instrumental in bringing healings and other kinds of blessings to my brothers and sisters in the flesh who were living as mortals at that time. But even I had the constant assistance of high spirits then in existence in the spirit world during my earthly ministry. While they did not possess the Divine Love until I myself received It, these spirits were perfected in their natural love at that time, and were quite capable of bringing me the kind of spiritual comfort and support I too needed during my periods of trial and tribulation on earth. Of course, the greatest comfort and support I received were directly given to me by the Father Himself. But even in my own case, the Father utilized His highest perfected spirits to accord me additional blessings while on earth. I never hungered or thirsted in any deprived sense, stories in the Bible of a forty day fast on my part notwithstanding. And I always had a robe or coat to wear and a place to rest or sleep; and I certainly was also accorded the blessing of good health as I grew from a child to manhood.

I use myself as an illustration so as to point out that all spirits and men are influenced and helped through the Activation of God’s Soul touching upon and influencing the souls of His children to perform those acts of kindness and other blessings which result in the happiness and well being of His children. The Father’s Soul is never inactive, but is always radiating out those Gifts of His Benevolent Soul which either directly bless his children or indirectly bless them through His instrumentalities – those good souls in both the spirit world and on earth who ever seek to do the Father’s Will and to help their brothers and sisters, be this on earth or in the spirit world. For surely you must know that the Father’s many Blessings are given to spirits as well as mortals, and that spirits help other spirits, just as good and kindly mortals help other mortals.

So, as an overview then, there exists in God’s Universe of Being a great network of communication from the highest heavens to the lowest hells. And the Activating Power in back of all this communicated Assistance is the Great Soul of the Father Himself. His Soul never rests or sleeps, but is ever attuned to the needs and desires of His children who bring these needs and desires to Him on the wings of their own heartfelt prayers for His Assistance. And that Assistance which He does not provide directly he commissions others to provide – Celestial angels providing the greatest assistance spiritually, and other good and high spirits usually providing those blessings pertaining to the more materially based needs of His children.

Well, I am pleased with the satisfactory manner in which you have received my message of this day, and I look forward to sharing many other messages to mankind through your channeling efforts and willing cooperation. This is all I wish to say for now other than to again convey my gratitude and love to all of you working to bring the Activation of God’s Great Love and all of His many other Blessings to His needy children on earth. Until next time then, I bid you good day, and leave you with my prayer that the Father bless you all for what you do in His Name and for His Cause. I am your brother and friend,

Jesus of the Bible,


Master of the Celestial Heavens

May 28, 1987

The Law of Activation - Part III

Once again I am here to write my thoughts, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you with my love extended as usual to all my brothers and sisters in the flesh who are working mightily along with me and my Celestial brethren to bring the Truths of the Father and His Love to all of mankind. I am your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens.

Today I wish to discuss a topic relating to the desire of mankind to know more about the Truths of the Father as this pertains to His Laws regarding the dissemination of Truths from the highest reaches of the spirit world to the farthest reaches of His Universe of Creation. You have been told about a Law of Activation which enables all of the Father’s children to know the Desires of the Father as this relates either to His Answer to prayer or to an aspect of His Will that He wishes to make known. In my last message, I stressed Activation as this pertained to answers to prayers sincerely offered. But today, I would like to enlarge upon this topic somewhat in order to clarify another phase of the Father’s Use of communication where His children are concerned.

The Father’s Truths are so many and varied that undoubtedly none of us will ever experience an end to their revealment; that is, none of us will experience such an end when our hearts, minds, and (most importantly) souls wish to learn more of these Truths as we progress in the development of our souls through the inflowing of God’s Love. For with this inflowing comes many other blessings such as health and happiness, and even material gains if the Father feels He wishes to gift His children in these things as well. But one gain which is of a higher order and priority than other gains is the knowledge of the Father’s higher Truths.

You have been told that those of us in the Celestial Heavens have been and are always receiving such higher Truths as our own souls are increasingly prepared to receive them. Truths, you see, are intended to be housed in the soul, not just the mind, just as the Father’s Divine Love is housed in the soul. The soul being the man, it would make no sense for higher Truths to be housed or located in the transitory physical body or even in the transitory physical mind. The physical parts of the Father’s Creation are essentially coverings or temporary appendages that are “attached” to the soul, one might say, while mankind lives their lives during the mortal phase of their existence. But these appendages are of temporary use and duration.

Now, the problem of mankind in general is that they become so enamored of what they can see, feel, or touch with the objects of the material senses that they often totally neglect that which they cannot see but most certainly possess – their souls. And as these souls need nourishment, just as do their bodies, it becomes essential that mankind become more aware of that which provides such nourishment to their essential and eternal identities.

In a previous message, it was declared that the Divine Love was the quintessential “Food” for the soul, and this is most certainly true. But the Divine Love has in It diverse Properties that are accompaniments of this Love. If Love can be said to be the “Fruit” that the Father gifts or presents to man in response to his sincere aspirations for this Love through prayer, then it also might be said that Truth represents a “Covering” for this Fruit. For just as the energy of the soul must have a material covering or means of expressing that energy, so too, the Father’s Love has Its more visible Coverings through which It is expressed. And the most prominent Coverings I would like to refer to are God’s Truths. Through the application and revealment of Truth, God’s Love is made known. It, the Truth, is the visible manifestation of the invisible Love which is in existence in the Soul of the Father, and which may be in existence in the souls of his children.

Now, in order for this Love of the Father to manifest in terms of mankind’s appreciation of Its existence, the Truth of Its existence must first be brought to their attention. Without some “visible” property that mankind can grasp in their intellects or understanding, the Father’s Love would remain a mystery and essentially unavailable to men. It becomes important and crucial, then, that the manifestation of Truths is presented to mankind in order for the Love of the Father to be inferred as that which is in back of these Truths. The Truths of God are that which can be “seen” and “grasped” by material and spirit minds. They become the visible manifestation of the invisible existence of the Producer of these Truths, the Great Loving Soul of the invisible Father, Himself.

And so, whenever we are charged with delivering the Truths of the Father, in a very real sense, what is being delivered or projected to mankind is the “Body” of the Father. If the Soul of the Father is His Divine Love, then the Body of the Father is His Divine Truths. And when this Body becomes clearer and clearer in terms of a more complete manifestation and great amount of understood Truths, then it can be said that the “Appearance” of the Father becomes “more visible” to the appreciation and understanding of men.

Now, you have been told that the Father’s Law of Activation is employed to communicate the Father’s Will or Desires to His children. His Soul activates the souls of His children and gives to them, through such activation, an understanding not only of His Will but also of Himself, the Divine of the Universe. Through the impression of His Will, His creatures come to understand the Nature of the Father, Himself. For whatever is asked or given by the Father is a reflection of Himself. And the more that the Father reveals of Himself in concrete terms, shall we say, the more both spirits and mortals can infer the Great Nature of the Father in back of these concrete or more visible expositions.

As I introduced earlier, the Father’s Truths form the best “Appearance” or “visible Part” of His Nature that men can comprehend. And so, because the Father wants His children to know Him completely as the Loving Father that He is, He is ever commissioning His Celestial angels, and even other good and high spirits or developed mortals, to carry His “more visible” (understandable) Truths to His children. When these Truths are thus “seen” by His children, then what is seen and better known is the “Body” of the Father that houses all His Great Love and forms the “Covering” of His Great Soul.

And so, dear ones, you will perhaps now better understand why there is the great Law of Activation to begin with. The Father is ever revealing Himself through the vehicle of His Great Truths. And in order to communicate or project these more visible Parts of His Nature, he often activates the souls of His children which prompts them to carry His Truths to and before the sight of men. And when His children both see and understand these Truths, in a very real sense, they begin to “see” what is in back of, or is the Projector of, these Truths – the Father, Himself.

So, in addition to activating the souls of His children to confer His Blessings upon them through the help that some of His children can provide others of His children, our Great Father also activates the souls of those nearest to Him in His Love with the implantation of His many and higher Truths, so that, in turn, these Truths may be brought to the attention of those who are still struggling to “see” and know God, their Heavenly Father. And the more Truths that either spirits or mortals can see, the greater becomes their appreciation of both the “Appearance” of God and His Soulful Nature in back of these Truths.

So you see of what momentous importance it is for all of us to bring the Father’s Truths to the knowledge and perception of men. The more Truths we are successful in presenting, and that are embraced, the clearer becomes the “Appearance” and Nature of the Father to those children of His who are earnestly seeking Him from their souls.

Well, this has been a rather long message, but I feel it to be an important addition to the Law of Activation which should serve to enlighten all of our beloved co-workers even more so of the importance of the work being accomplished. With each Truth imparted and shared with our brethren, God’s Manifestation becomes clearer and clearer to His aspiring children.

And so, with my love extended to all my beloved co-workers who are working along with us to make the “Appearance” and Nature of our Father clearer to the hearts and souls of His children, I will thank you for the successful receipt of my message of this day, and will leave you with my prayer that, with your own ministries, you will also come to see God clearer in the greater unfoldments of His Magnificent Truths. I am your brother and friend,

Jesus of the Bible,


Master of the Celestial Heavens

June 4, 1987

Law of Progress and Change

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this day as a first step taken in the corroborative process you have been informed I intended to enact. I am your brother in spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church.

As you know from K____’s message, and even from your own, I have introduced the concept and subject of the Law of Progress and Change, or Growth. “Change” and “growth” can be used somewhat interchangeably; and, at times, I will refer to each in a somewhat synonymous fashion, for change often implies growth. And in the sense that I use this term, I am more often than not speaking of growth when I refer to change.

On earth, as you know, change is a phenomenon that is always in operation. Life never proceeds in a static fashion, but is always accompanied by movements of one form or another. Now, when we speak of “spiritual movement,” we are actually speaking of growth of the soul. The soul, being the man, is ever in a state of flux because it is the activator of his very life and vitality. This is not to say that all flux implies growth in a developmental sense, for some changes that occur are deleterious to a man’s soulful development. But, nonetheless, there is always an active state where the soul is concerned, be the movement headed in a positive or negative direction.

You have been told that, in the spirit world, the state of the soul can be seen by the condition of the spirit body that houses that soul. Beautiful souls filled with the Love of the Father are reflected in the beautiful appearances of the spirit bodies that house these souls. And, conversely, souls filled with sin and error are inferred or made manifest by the unappealing and, in some cases, even ugly appearances of the spirit bodies which house undeveloped souls.

Of course, on earth, the souls of men are not seen by mortals; and, consequently, it is quite possible for a person to manifest a beautiful physical body, even though his soul and spirit body within may be in a very shriveled and unattractive condition. But such concealment of the true condition of the soul on the spirit side of life is not possible, as you also have been told. Now, when I say this, I am not intending to say that spirits on lower levels of soulful development can discern the exact level of development of spirits with higher soul development, because, as you also have been told, there is a law which does not permit lower spirits to be able to determine the development of the souls of higher spirits, except in the surface appearance of their more beautiful spirit bodies. But the true nature of the souls of these higher spirits remain hidden to the sights of all those of a lower level of soulful development.

Now, with respect to growth and development on the mortal plane, you will recall that there is a law of growth operating with a law of destruction, as far as the physical body is concerned. That is, there are cells that are growing at all times to replace older cells that are dying off. And in accordance with genetic proclivities, the appearance of the physical body takes on similar aspects of the progenitors – the parents and earlier forebears – so that we have sons and daughters often resembling their parents in physical appearance.

But where it comes to spirit living, the spirit body is under the operation of different laws that determine its appearance. And whether or not the spirit body is still encased in the mortal, from birth onward, it continues to go through its own process of change. But, in this latter case, change is determined by spiritual law rather than physical law. That is, if a person received a sin-laden inheritance in terms of the tendencies he has for adopting the misbehaviors of his parents or forebears, and he in fact takes on these sins and errors and makes them his own, then the appearance of his spirit body will be affected adversely thereby, and he will begin to follow in the soulful footsteps of his forebears with similar appearance results.

The soul of man is the cause of the spirit body’s appearance. It is the soul which expresses its freewill desires for good or evil; and, depending upon the choice it makes, the spirit body takes on a more beautiful or less beautiful appearance accordingly. And, so, while change in the state and appearance of the spirit body continues all through the mortal life to varying degree, once the physical vesture is discarded and the spirit body with its soul enters the spirit world, at that time, the spirit body’s appearance takes on, and is in fact, the sum total of the life the soul has led. If the life led has been an evil one predominantly, the spirit body will be a perfect reflection of the soul’s past indulgences in evil pursuits. And, for a time, the appearance of such a spirit body will be fixed in accordance with the soul’s true condition.

Now, you have heard that there is another law that does not allow any further retrogression in terms of both the soul and its spirit body’s condition, and this is true. I am speaking now of the soul and spirit body that has entered spirit life. Thus, if the appearance of the spirit body is dark and lacking in beauty, it cannot retrogress even further into greater darkness or a more hideous appearance. And the reason for this is that the free will given to man during his earthly existence is no longer in operation in the same manner in which it was exercised on earth.

In the hells, one spirit can attempt to torment another, to be sure, but actual “physical” harm or destruction is no longer possible. That is, the great sin of murder can no longer be exercised. And, of course, this is equally true of suicide. For, as far as we know, the spirit body in the spirit world is indestructible, and will probably remain so through all eternity. Yet, while this may be so, for only God knows this fact, we do know that, while no further harm can come to the spirit body, either from without or from the exercise of the spirit person’s soul thereafter, the condition and progress of that spirit body will depend upon both expiation of wrongs done and the help that that person may receive from other helpful spirits.

On earth, the free will of man is exercised among all different peoples of varying soul development. And because this is so, what is done with or to one’s brothers and sisters in the exercise of that will, will have diverse effects. When harm is done to the innocent, for example, evil is the by-product, which, in turn, has its effect upon the one or ones violating the innocent. But, in the spirit world, unlike on earth where “rain falls upon the just and unjust alike,” the innocent and the sinful no longer inhabit the same localities. Consequently, it no longer becomes possible for a soul with evil inclinations to violate or cause harm to the innocent. Spirits of like make-up are in association with one another, and this means that evil intentions can only be shared among those of like evil disposition. And yet, even here, no real harm can be done because there is no satisfaction when those who have evil intentions do not have innocent victims to perpetrate their evil upon. Furthermore, the sins of earth lose their effectiveness in the spirit world.

As I have mentioned, neither murder nor suicide are possible any longer. But this applies to other sins as well. Lying among liars does not violate anyone who is innocent. And, as part of their suffering, such liars must endure that which they themselves practiced on earth. Likewise, such a sin as adultery is no longer possible because the sexual function is no longer a part of spirit living. And so it is with other sins, such as coveting the neighbor’s wife or his possessions. In the spirit world, the material no longer holds any value of consequence because all spirits eventually learn to create that of material value or need by virtue of directed thought applied to the formation of the matter desired. Hence, stealing entirely loses any impact because nothing can really be taken from another that cannot be easily replaced.

So, you see, retrogression is no longer possible because sins on earth no longer have application in the spirit world in the sense of violating the innocent. If you will consider the Ten Commandments as this applies on earth, upon further reflection, I think you will see that violations or violation possibilities where these Commandments are concerned apply to earthly associations but not to spirit ones. On the spirit side of life, like is attracted to like, and this becomes very clear very soon. And even though an evil spirit regrets this attraction – much preferring and desiring innocent victims upon which to practice his evil designs – he is nonetheless held and bound to those of like disposition until such time as he can fulfill his time of expiation of past sins and thus make his progress to higher spheres of light and happiness. But no matter how delayed this progress may be, even the vilest spirit will one day achieve sufficient expiation to begin his progress at some time. This depends upon both the amount of sin that must be removed and upon the motivation of the spirit himself to make progress beyond the deplorable conditions he finds he lives in and with. And, of course, without the help of other spirits, no real progress would be made.

Well, I think I have said enough for this time around, as you say. I realize that much of this information is not new, but here and there are embellishments I have added to help clarify information that has already been conveyed to you through Mr. Padgett and Dr. Samuels.

Later on, we shall pick up on this subject again. But, for now, I think what I have written has formed a good beginning summary and basis for what will follow. Thank you again for taking my messages, as you have been faithfully doing. In time, your confidence will increase as you come to discover both the corroboration promised and the advanced spiritual quality of the messages themselves. As was said to K____, there will be those who will want access to more of the higher Truths, and it will be our job and combined effort to provide more of those Truths that will be desired, and which the Father wishes to accord his more advanced children who are seeking such Truths.

And, so, I will bid you good day for now, and leave you with the parting promise that humankind will come to learn the Truth, and the Truth will make them free. I am

Your brother in spirit and dear friend,


June 17 & 22, 1987

Evil Spirit Influences upon Mortals

Dear Master,

In your last message through me, you related that evil spirits can no longer prey upon the innocent in the spirit world because they and the innocent live in different localities. I do understand from previous messages through Mr. Padgett that a lower or evil spirit is kept to his own sphere and cannot enter a higher sphere until his soul development permits such advancement. But I am confused. Do not evil spirits prey upon innocent mortals on earth and attempt to do them harm? And, if so, why is this permitted with innocent mortals if evil spirits are no longer permitted to torment innocent spirits? Is this because both evil spirits and mortals are located in the same locality or plane, the earth plane? And does this also have something to do with the Laws of Communication and Rapport, which I sense it does?

Please enlighten us further about why innocent mortals of earth remain vulnerable to evil spirit influences whereas innocent spirits in the spirit world are protected against such influence. Without this clarification, I fear that others reading your last message through me might be similarly confused as to why innocent mortals remain subject to evil spirit influences while innocent spirits do not.

One final question, if I may, dear Master. Should I withhold these last two messages until that time when you have given a corroborative message to K____, or should I share them with the trustees at our annual meeting and not wait for possible forthcoming messages through her?

Thank you for all that you do to help and guide us in our lives, and for communicating so many of the Father’s Truths to humankind. I Love you, Master, and now welcome your message of this day.


I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I am most happy to come to you this day to answer the questions you have put before me. I am your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church.

First of all, let me say that I well understand your confusion and I am glad that you have brought your concerns to my attention. I realize that what I have introduced, if taken alone and with no further explanation or elucidation, would pose a problem in terms of an understanding of how the Laws of God operate among His children, both in the spirit world and upon the earth. It is true that I spoke of the “innocent” of earth by inference, or by the fact that I mentioned the innocent of the spirit world. And, of course, one’s mind becomes directed to a consideration of the innocent on earth, once innocence is discussed and applied to spirits and spirit living.

But when I speak of the innocent in the spirit world, you must know that I am speaking of those souls who have advanced beyond those planes or spheres where they are no longer in association with their less developed brothers and sisters, many of whom are still steeped in their evil ways and aspirations. Consequently, where these more advanced spirits are concerned, they are now living in localities above that in which these lower spirits reside. And since you know that these lower spirits cannot enter higher spheres until their soul condition permits – meaning until such time that expiation of wrongs done and improvements in their souls’ condition allows such advancement – you will understand that these lower spirits can hold no influence over their more advanced brothers and sisters.

Now, on earth, you were correct in pointing out that evil spirits do continue to have some influence over mortals left behind, but this influence is no longer as direct as it may have been when these spirits were still in the flesh themselves, and when they still had direct physical as well as spiritual access to their brothers and sisters. Mortals can do great harm to other mortals because of their more immediate and substantial contact with one another. But once a mortal becomes a spirit, his opportunity for imposing further harm, while not completely eliminated where the mortals left behind are concerned, is greatly reduced. Thought influence becomes their only remaining “weapon” to be employed to attempt to perpetrate further harm.

Now, while this is so, we must also consider the term “innocent.” You were correct in picking up my thought that this term, while descriptive, is not all-inclusive and can be misleading. The truly innocent are those who are without sin, and who have achieved a purity of soul which is such as to be able to resist all evil influences, so far as is known. There may come a time when those in the Spiritual Heavens, below the Celestial, may undergo such changes as to one day be vulnerable to falling from their restored condition of perfection – this cannot be said with assurance one way or the other, for only God knows this fact – but the likelihood is strong that perfected spirits will not ever lapse into sinfulness again. However, it can be said with complete confidence and affirmation that no Celestial spirit can ever lapse into sinfulness through all eternity because his soul has taken on the Divinity of the Father; and a soul possessed of the Divinity of the Father is incapable of sinning – as incapable of so doing as the Father Himself, one might say.

But when we speak of the “innocent” of earth, there is a different connotation implied by the use of this term. Truly innocent mortals, such as has been defined above, are indeed a great rarity on the earth plane. Sinfulness, generally, and almost without exception, forms a part of the nature of mortals to more or less degree. And, so, strictly speaking, there are no truly innocent mortals who are completely without sin, or sinful tendencies at the very least. And when the evil spirits apply their sinful desires in the direction of mortals, if an “innocent” mortal acts upon the evil influences exerted by such spirits, it is because that mortal at least has the tendency developed within him to so respond to these influences. There is always a great war being waged among the souls of men in terms of choosing between good and evil inclinations. And this war usually persists for long after a mortal enters the spirit world and can finally rid himself of all evil inclinations. This is done through expiation of wrongs done in combination with the assertion of ever-increasing thoughts and acts of goodness until such time when all sin has been removed and all that remains are desires for goodness, truth, and happiness.

So, as I say, “innocence” on earth is a relative term, and you were impressed correctly when the thought came to you that evil spirits do still inhabit the earth plane; and, as such, they still retain the capacity to attempt to exercise their influence over mortals, just as they were able to exercise such influence over mortals when they themselves were still mortals. But just as mortals retain their free will to resist the evil influences of mortals, so too, they can still exercise their will to resist the attempted evil influences of spirits. When they do not resist, but succumb to these influences, then there is substantially no difference between following the suggestions or temptations of a mortal versus following the same evil suggestions advanced by a spirit. But there is one important difference, and that is, that mortals are much more often aware of mortal influences than spirit influences. Spirit influences are “unseen” but are nonetheless felt. And this is why it becomes so important for humankind to be aware of their vulnerability on the earth plane, and to recognize that, without the protection provided through their prayers for such protection, they are subject not only to mortal temptations but also to the temptations delivered, shall we say, by spirits on the spirit side of life who are ever attempting to live vicariously or in league with mortals they have left behind. It becomes especially important, therefore, that mortals not only be aware of such influence but that they also constantly pray for protection against these unseen spirit forces which are nevertheless very real, and which still exert a considerable amount of force upon the earth and its inhabitants.

Now, as to Laws of Rapport and Communication, yes, indeed, these play a most important part in terms of the limit or limits of spirit influence. As you know, there is a Law of Attraction where like is attracted to like, and this law is most fixed or specific in the spirit world and somewhat less in operation on earth. On earth, one cannot always easily choose his associations; he must live with and among those of varying soul conditions. But on the spirit side of life, as you have been told, the exact condition of the soul determines the exact locality of the spirit.

Now, with regard to spirit influence, those of evil disposition do attempt to influence mortals. But it must be kept in mind that they are essentially attracted to those mortals who they feel some affinity with. And mortals, in turn, by their own thoughts and feelings, add to this attraction. You have heard, for example, that when a mortal activates his animal or lower desires, at the same time, he attracts many spirits who have or have had similar desires as mortals, and who still retain these desires as spirits, whether or not these desires can still be exercised in the same manner as was exercised while they were still mortals. And, so, when given the opportunity by the “calling” of mortals seeking such indulgences, these spirits of similar inclination attempt to participate in these indulgences, even if only vicariously. And, of course, knowing of the mortal’s similar desire, every attempt is made to intensify this desire in the mortal to persist in the indulgent activity so that both spirit and mortal can exercise and attempt to fulfill their appetites for these things jointly.

Earth life is the great period of probation. And, indeed, it can be a period of great temptation or a period of relative freedom from corruptive influences from the spirit side of life. It all depends on the mortal who must come to recognize that he does not live to himself alone, but is ever exposed to both spirit and mortal influence until such time that his advancement carries him beyond the evil influence exposures encountered on lower planes of existence. But if and when desired, during these formative stages of living and soul progression, the mortal recognizes and knows of the help he may ever receive from the Father and His angels through sincere prayer, and he exercises his desire for assistance and protection in this manner, then he will indeed receive this assistance, protection, and freedom from evil spirit influences through the intervention of those good spirits charged with the mortal’s care.

This has been a long message, but one which I hope will clear up any possible misunderstandings as to what was meant by true innocence as this applies to spirit living versus the relative innocence of mortals whose position is not really innocent in the sense of complete freedom from sin or from sinful inclination. And, yes, communication and rapport are ever established between spirits and mortals, and this is dependent upon the similar underlying desires or inclinations of each. With similar desires or similar inclinations, spirits and mortals do find one another and a rapport is often established and maintained. And this is why it becomes so important for mortals to only entertain and cultivate those good thoughts and desires that will provide for the establishment of rapport and the protection of only the redeemed and higher spirits in and of the spirit world.

Now, as to the sharing of your messages, this is perfectly all right for you to do at your annual meeting. The corroboration among your messages and K____’s will come in due course; and, as I said, not always in the same words but with essentially the same meanings. This is not to say that each message will be duplicated in its entirety. However, there will be subjects touched upon here and there that will be included in both K____’s message and your own. So, as I say, do not concern yourself with corroboration at this time, for it will surely come over time and as I promised.

Well, my brother, I hope you and others will be pleased and satisfied with this clarification I have attempted to give with regard to your own introductory statement and questions. Until next time, then, I thank you once again for receiving my message of this day, and I extend my love to you and all my co-workers on earth who are remaining so faithful and steadfast in the work before us. Until our anticipated communication again at your annual meeting, I will bid you good day for now

Your loving friend and brother in Christ,


June 25, 1987

Growth Depends upon Challenges Met and Overcome

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I happily come to you today to deliver another message to you for the benefit of humankind. I am your brother in Christ, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church.

Today I wish to discuss the progress of the church work, but I should also like to answer your question with regard to B____ and the healing performed at our annual meeting. To be sure, I was indeed present and joined with your Divine Love circle in administering healing energies to our brother, B____. You felt the influence of this when you experienced the force of these healing energies within yourself, as did others of our group when these energies were directed and applied. B____ will receive considerable benefit from what occurred, and the healing will manifest over time. It will also help him to continue to pray for healing in general because the Father is always ready to hear and respond to the sincere desires of His children for His Assistance.

At our meeting, it was a particularly propitious time for B____ to have made his request for a healing inasmuch as I could draw upon each of you as well to direct healing energies to him. Prayer circles for healing add to the powers that we in spirit have that otherwise are not always as effective as they are in combination with others on earth.

As to the future, yes, I see B____’s condition as greatly improving, and as he continues to pray for greater strength and the ability to carry out God’s Will for him on earth. In the earth life, we are often beset with infirmities of one form or another, and these infirmities often serve to make us more aware of our complete dependence upon the Father for our well being and happiness. They often serve to remind us of our need to look to him not only for the blessing of good health but also for each and every spiritual need we may have which comprises our greatest need area as human beings and children of the Father.

As I have mentioned before, progress, growth, and development depend upon the overcoming of adversities or stumbling blocks that all of us encounter along the way. Even we in the Celestial Heavens are ever in a state of growth and development, and this growth depends upon not only the Divine Love we receive from the Father, but also upon the efforts that we ourselves make to face and overcome the challenges of life and living ever before us.

At the annual meeting, I mentioned that I had just returned from a troubled spot in the world, and that I felt temporarily depressed by the conditions I witnessed there. So, you see that our condition, though usually a very happy and blissful one in our own environs, is not always a happy one when our work takes us to lower and misery-laden conditions that exist so prevalently on the earth plane. But, yet, how can we do other than to minister unto our less fortunate brethren who find themselves in such deplorable conditions, and whose souls cry out to the Father for His Mercy and Help? If we were simply to rest upon our laurels, one might say, this would certainly not provide the assistance required; and, at the same time, unless we involve ourselves in attempting to improve such conditions, our own means for further growth and development would be curtailed or at least seriously delayed. Growth and progress, you see, are dependent upon the application of taking on adversities and doing something constructive and beneficial about them. And this applies not only to the personal adversities one may encounter but also to the adversities we witness in others that also cry out for remedies.

Growth depends upon challenges met and overcome. It is the “victory” which provides the increment in self-esteem and the further development of the soul. True progress is not really possible without such challenges to deal with and find solutions for.

On earth, you know that this is so in terms of preparing oneself for a gainful occupation. The learning process is often a painful one, for learning can often be painful. But as your young folks so often truly say, “No pain, no gain.” By what is really meant by this is that wrestling with problems adds to one’s strength, while retreating from problems does nothing more than preserve the status quo; or, worse, weakens the position that a person may have previously gained through prior successful efforts to confront and overcome. So, in saying all of this, you may come to understand that no one should fear the challenges of life. For it is through the successful handling of such challenges that we all grow and develop greater strength and character. And, of course, when these challenges become a bit more than a person alone can successfully handle, such person always has the recourse of appealing to Higher Forces for the assistance required.

As in previous messages, I indicated that there is a vast network of communication in which, in essence, one soul is really linked to another. There are always sources of help that can be called upon in this vast network of the Father’s Creation. And if the Father Himself does not provide the assistance required directly, He ever commissions others to render such assistance as is required.

And, so, if man truly realized that he does not live unto himself alone, and that help is just a “call” away, he would no longer look upon his life in particular as being without resources beyond what only he himself might be able to provide. This is not to say that he should go overboard and attempt to acquire every assistance he may feel a need of from others. His own efforts are still most important and beneficial to his own growth and development. Yet, while this is so, he must also understand that the Father does not require of His children that they face each and every challenge alone. There should be a healthy balance between one’s own efforts and one’s calling for assistance when this too may be appropriate.

So, in summary, humankind must realize that the Father, in His Infinite Wisdom, has ordained that His children will always have challenges before them to assist them with their own growth and development, as well as in gaining increments in fulfillment and the happiness that comes from the successful completion of tasks or the overcoming of problems. We, in the Celestial Heavens, no less than yourselves, are subject to the same Law of Change and Growth. If this were not so, we too could not progress in our happiness and fulfillment. For, as you must know, happiness is transitory without further accomplishments resulting in more happiness. To remain fixed in one’s development could never provide additional happiness; and, in time, through a lack of further progress, the happiness one has already gained would soon dissipate into a memory of only what once was.

So, my children, my message of this day to further the church work is to make humankind more aware of their growth and development potential through the understanding and application of facing and dealing with the challenges of life, realizing that this is the “stuff” upon which strong and happy souls are made. There can be no growth without these challenges to face and overcome. And, so, if each child of the Father were to recognize that this is an eternal and not merely a temporary process, he or she might better be able to approach such challenges more positively, and with the underlying assurance or confidence that accepting such challenges is providing that progress without which ongoing happiness would not be possible. Progress is the law eternal, and no progress is possible without the application of those efforts which will result in growth and further development.

I think I have said all that I wish to say for now. Be assured that the church work is proceeding very well, and that each of you continues to play a vital part in the overall plan. I am so appreciative of what each of you not only attempts but also accomplishes in terms of the work before us. Our work is slow but steady, and the foundation of our church is truly becoming that which will fully support the Truths of God on earth. And, so, my beloved co-workers, as you start yet another year of joyous work for the Father and humankind, know that we are in back of you 100%, and that we can ever be called upon to render whatever assistance that you yourselves find lacking or may require. I love you, each and every one, and I look forward to yet another year of growth and development with our church, and the happiness that all of us will necessarily feel as a result of the progress which we will be making.

Until our next communication, then, I will leave you with my love and blessings.

Your brother and friend,


July 2, 1987

Getting Help from the Angels

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I am happy once again to be able to come to you and deliver another one of my messages for the benefit of others. I am your dear and loving friend, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church.

Today I should like to discuss another aspect of progress in man’s development as this pertains to his desires to receive the communications and assistance of those of us in the spirit world, and in the Celestial Heavens, who are ever prepared to lend whatever assistance we can by helping mankind to achieve the fullest potential of growth and development that they are aspiring to.

As you know from previous messages, there is a great network of communication, not only in the Spirit world but also extending to the Father’s farthest reaches of creation, which, of course, encompasses the earth plane as well. And, so, there is no place in God’s Universe where help or assistance is denied to any of God’s children who are seeking such assistance, either for their betterment or for the betterment of others.

We, in the Celestial Heavens, have work to perform throughout the Universe of Being and among all God’s children, be they in our Heavens or in the lowest reaches of the hells. But you and humankind must understand that our work is not imposed upon anyone. We can only respond to others if we are asked to respond, because to do otherwise would be a violation of one’s free will and right to privacy. Of course, there are lower spirits in the spirit world who do attempt to impose upon mankind’s free will and right to privacy, but this is not something that a Celestial or higher spirit will ever do. And, so, again, if we are to be of assistance to others in terms of their spiritual progress, the first thing that must be recognized is the need for a rapport to be established with us before we may truly step in and render whatever assistance that may be required.

Now, as you also know, this takes in more than an appeal to us directly. First and foremost must come a rapport that each individual must establish with our Heavenly Father. It is to Him that each prayer should be properly directed. For it is through a prayer to our Father that, upon receipt, it is more often than not redirected to our attention for purposes of providing the assistance petitioned for. Of course, this assumes that the prayer directed to the Father has emanated from the soul of the aspirant and not merely from his mind; because, as you have been informed elsewhere, the Father’s Response to prayer is based on soulful communication, and not upon mere thoughts that originate in the mind only. But assuming that the prayer has been a soulful one, and that the Father desires to have His angels respond to it, He will commission whomever He intends to carry out His Wishes in the supplicant’s behalf.

So, in essence, what is being said here is that all prayer should be initially addressed to the Father; for this, in turn, is what allows an activation whereby our part comes into play. But once we do become involved, then it can be said that a rapport or rapport possibility is established not only between the Father and the aspirant but also between the Father’s angels and the aspirant. And, subsequently, if desired by the prayerful petitioner, this rapport can be extended not only for one service performed but potentially indefinitely thereafter. In such event, the supplicant then has the benefit of Celestial companions for however long he truly chooses to have them in accordance with his true and underlying heartfelt desires for their companionship and helpful influence.

And so it is that, when this occurs, a milestone is truly reached in one’s progress and development. Before the establishment of this ongoing rapport with both the Father and His highest angels, a man essentially operates alone and unassisted as he moves through the mortal existence. And to make matters more difficult for him, without the protective influence of both the Father and ourselves, a man is also subject to the frequent interposition of lower spirits who are ever attempting to encourage mortals to serve their own selfish ends or desires. And, so, you can see by this consideration how important and essential it is that all humankind recognize the sheer folly and potential great damage they can contribute to their own progress by resting on the insecure and ultimately futile premise that they can proceed through life successfully entirely on their own, and without the assistance of their Creator along the way. Unless the futility of this premise is first recognized, true progress in a man’s growth and development cannot take place. Small but insignificant material gains may be made here and there, but of what value are these when a man enters the spirit world where, of necessity, his material treasures must be left behind, and where he can enjoy these no more?

So, you see, when we talk of progress, change, or growth, we are not referring to transitory earth-related gains, material wealth, or physical pleasures, but rather to the progress, growth, and further development of the eternal part of man – his soul. And, indeed, when we are considering the soul, we are referring to a man’s spiritual growth and development, which is the only development that a man will have potentially before him in the spirit world, but which he also potentially has while still in the mortal phase of his existence. The choice is really his – to delay his progress until perhaps long after he has entered the spirit world, or to begin his spiritual progress on earth so that, upon entering the spirit world, he will be well on his way to attaining to higher spheres where supreme happiness might be his. Of course, it is ever our desire for humankind to recognize that the time for all to begin their spiritual progress is the ever-present now – meaning during the earthly phases of existence. But our desire in this regard cannot be realized unless and until humankind recognizes that the Law of Growth and Development relates primarily to spiritual growth, not to material acquisition or to the pleasures of the flesh.

And, so, I would like to say in summary that the Father is ever prepared to assist His children attain to the progress that comes only with soulful development. And, in the service of such progress, He is also prepared to commission His Celestial angels and other good and high spirits to assist any and all of His children seeking this progress. But man himself must first come to recognize that he is truly dependent upon the Father for the benefits of the Law of Progress to become his in the most vital spiritual sense. Adam, as you know, was guilty of the sin of pride, which is to say that he made the grievous mistake of believing that his progress was not dependent upon God, but could be made upon his own efforts exclusively. And, today, there are many who are no better off spiritually than Adam was, because they are making the same mistake in believing that they are sufficient unto themselves. No, as I say, as it was in Adam’s day, so it is today. God’s Laws are eternal and do not change. To advance spiritually requires the Father’s Great Input and Assistance, and the assistance of those whose development exceeds that of His young and aspiring children of earth.

And, so, I would urge all humankind to not rest upon the thought that their progress is entirely in their own hands, but to recognize right now that, as children of the Father, they have been, are, and ever will be dependent upon the Father for their spiritual growth, development, and increased happiness. And this means that the time to seek the Father’s Love and Favor to ensure these blessings is the now!

“Seek ye first the Kingdom, and all else will be added unto you” is as true today as when I first declared this Truth nearly 2000 years ago. And, so, with this final thought for now, I will leave you and humankind with my hope and prayer that they begin to pursue, if they have not already, that course of prayer that will bring them in unison with the Father and His Love. And, in receiving His Divine Love into their hearts and souls, they will know of a surety that their progress will be eternally assured, and that their happiness will have no ending.

I thank you for receiving my message of this day, and I am pleased that you have received it so well. I am

Your brother and friend,


July 9, 1987

The Time to Progress Is Now

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you today as usual to impart my thoughts and words to humankind to assist them with their growth and development which comes from a clearer appreciation of those soulful requirements necessary to attain to their yearned for progress. I am your brother and friend in spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

Today I wish to discuss a topic relating to the growth and development phase discussed in my last message to you. As you will recall, I have discussed change and growth as initiated by the soul aspirations to obtain such growth, commenting on how help and assistance can be gained by prayer to the Father, by association with us, and by the help that mortals can give to one another.

I would like to carry this one step further by explaining how assistance is accorded or provided in the spirit world among spirits. As you know, when a new spirit arrives, he is usually met by friends and relatives in an attractive location, and is made to feel as welcome as possible. In time, it is given to some spirit to explain to the new entrant where his new residence is to be in accordance with his true soul condition – this location corresponding with that soul condition. And, usually, if the location is to be a lower one, in one of the hells, the new spirit is told that both his condition of soul and his unhappy environment is not fixed but can be changed for the better through attending to the advice and direction of more elevated spirits who are always willing to lend a helping hand to those who are sincere in their desires to advance themselves and to attain to greater happiness and light. Of course, prayer to our Heavenly Father is also recommended as the most important and effective approach to improvement that a spirit can adopt and employ.

However, even though some instruction is offered, you have also heard that, once the spirit arrives in his dreary condition of darkness and unpleasantness, among like spirits of similar want of soul development, this instruction is more often than not forgotten by this new spirit who, at first, is simply more concerned about adjustment to his new location than about a possible way out of these unpleasant circumstances of living. And this is not to be wondered at, for sometimes the new entrant finds himself in such poor circumstances and among such ill-suited companions, as he thinks, that he has all he can do to attempt to just acclimate himself to the shocking circumstances of his deplorable conditions of living. The thought of progress, growth, and development simply does not occur to him in the face of such misery-laden conditions. He has all he can do to attempt to “survive,” if you will, in the hell of his own making, even though he does not at first realize that he is where he is precisely because his environmental conditions and his poor associations among spirits of like disposition have been determined by the nature and condition of his own soul at that time – this, the result of an abysmal want of true soul development that could have been gained by him, but which was forfeited by neglect during his days on earth.

So, you see, there can be a very long period of adjustment that follows this entrant’s awareness of his new and shocking life circumstances. And, oftentimes, owing to the despairing effect such circumstances tends to have, the new entrant becomes more or less convinced that his living conditions are really permanent, and that any earlier information given to him about a possible escape from these circumstances must have been imparted falsely, and perhaps even as yet another means of increasing his suffering by the giving of hope where no hope truly exists. And if added to this is the false belief about the permanency of hell, which orthodox teachings impressed him to believe, this convinces him even more that his circumstances are hopeless and beyond remedy.

Of course, as you know, no child of the Father is ever condemned to an eternity in a hell, and all will eventually make their progress to higher planes of light and happiness, even though such a transition may take as long as centuries to effect in some cases. But the point remains that the growth and development of some of the more vile and sin-laden spirits is greatly delayed, and much of this delay is owing not only to expiation of sins in accordance with the workings of the Law of Compensation but also to the further delaying effects of false beliefs and the want of knowledge of those practices which would make for soul development and advancement.

On earth, such souls, of whom I am speaking, have never exercised those thoughts and deeds that would have provided the experience and eventual knowledge and ownership of those means that would have begun their progress on earth so that, upon entrance into spirit life, they would not only have avoided the hells altogether, but also would have found themselves well on their way to higher spheres of light and happiness. And, so, because of this attrition, or want of soul development on earth, it becomes immeasurably harder for them to learn of heavenly things in hell where such despairing conditions makes the prospect of any growth seem all but absolutely futile.

So, from this, you will understand that the time to start one’s progress is definitely on earth as mortals. Earthly conditions, while not always ideal, are far more positive and conducive for encouraging growth and progress than any of the hells. And if a start is not made under more ideal or favorable conditions of living, perhaps you can imagine how truly difficult it is for a spirit in a hell to initiate soul growth and advancement. He may indeed have benefit of advice from spirits in a more elevated condition than he is in, but what effect or impact will such advice have in the face of deplorable living conditions, and a total or near total lack of familiarity on his part with those exercises of good thoughts and deeds that are necessary for his progress to begin? Without having exercised the soul qualities for helpful service on earth among many of good and kindly disposition, how is one to begin to exercise such qualities of service among those whose soul conditions are equally impoverished; and, in the place of goodness or kindness, there exists in one’s associates only hatred, bitterness, and a desire to hurt or harm others with whom they come in contact?

And, so, while in my last message I emphasized the positive nature and rewards associated with mortals helping other mortals, I thought that in my message of today I would emphasize the importance of helpful service and soul growth and development so as to avoid the negative nature and punishments that will accrue through wrongful soul exercise or the neglect of soul development on earth. The time to begin one’s progress is the ever-present now. And this is especially true and important where mortals are concerned, because the earth life is the intended period of probation where the skills of proper living and soulful advancement are expected to begin to take place. It will not do for mortals to rest on the thought that their destiny is beyond their own making, and that one has little choice but to wait passively to see what lies ahead. The destiny of all souls is very largely of their own making.

And, so, in summary, the process of growth and development depends upon both the positive application of good thoughts and deeds and the avoidance of sin and error. And, also, such development depends upon humankind recognizing that with the life the Father has given them comes the responsibility of using their God-given talents to live in love and harmony with each other, and to develop their souls ongoingly through service so that their destinies will be truly happy and fulfilled ones, both on earth and in the spirit existence and life to come. And, of course, over and beyond all of this is the Great Love of the Father that is ever available to His aspiring children who seek the greater development of transformation of soul through fervent prayerful petition. With such transformation comes angelic status, as you know. However, not all will seek this greater Way to the Father’s Love and their own greater happiness. But, if not, there is still the lesser but important goals of soul restoration and perfection which all must still attain to.

And, so, I ask, will this destiny of restored perfection and happiness through soul growth and development be gained minute by minute and day by day; or, through violation of law or neglect of soul development on earth, will this happy destiny be deferred for perhaps as long as centuries to come? This choice is ever before humankind. But I would encourage them to delay their happy destinies no longer, and to begin to apply their good thoughts and deeds as a daily exercise in their lives from this day forward, so as to both avoid the sorry fate of some I have previously discussed and to ensure their quicker advancement and concomitant greater happiness.

I am happy at the successful way in which you received this message, and will leave you now with my love and blessings.

Your brother and friend,


July 27, 1987

Spiritual Healings

Dearest Jesus,

Well, Master, now that I am back from vacation, I guess it is time that we get back to your wonderful messages again. I have been reading some of your messages through K____, and one sentence in particular especially caught my eye and captured my interest: “So, as you continue applying your prayers and faith to the situation, this gives us the extra ability to bring about the exact outcome we are striving to accomplish. “ ( March 22, 1987 message.)

I have some understanding as to how faith allows both a channel for healing energies to be directed to a supplicant on earth and facilitates your abilities to more easily and clearly impart your daily guidance for us, and your formal messages as well. But we often hear, Master, that there are people in assemblages who receive healings from “spirit doctors,” even though they have little to no faith in the ability of spirit persons to heal anyone, let alone heal them of what may be their particular ailments.

If faith in God’s Healing, and in the powers of His angels to heal, is not believed in or felt by such skeptics, how is it that we hear of their still being given healings in some cases in spite of their absence of faith?

Also, we have heard that there are Healing Energies through the Divine Love, and that there are different healing energies also employed by “spirit doctors” in bringing about healings to mortals. If it is not God’s Divine Love that is doing the healing, what is doing the healing?

And, finally, why is it that healings are given to those of little or no faith in prayer meetings (such as Kathryn Kuhlman used to conduct) when presumably they have not even prayed or asked for any healing – only being present to accompany some relative or friend who may have asked them to come along? Would not an “imposed” healing be a violation of a person’s free will, if I may put it that way?

I truly hope that I may be a clear enough channel today to receive your answers to these questions accurately and well. Thank you, dear brother., for all that you do to bring the Light of God’s Truths into our lives.


I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you today most happily to answer the questions you have posed the best that I can. First, let me say welcome back from your vacation. I am pleased that we will now be resuming our rapport and that you will be receiving more of the many messages we still have to impart to humankind. I am your dear friend in spirit, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

As to your first question concerning faith and how the apparent absence of this exists in some who nonetheless receive healings, as you know, faith is a force of great power and is not restricted in its operations when applied on a large or larger scale. In prayer meetings, there are always enough present who do have faith and true soul yearnings to allow the effects of that faith to be exercised in various ways. Not all present need have a firm belief and faith in the powers of spirit healers to heal in order for the exercise of the accumulated faith of the believers to establish those favorable conditions which allow healing energies to be employed. While it may seem that healings are often taking place randomly in such large gatherings or assemblages, as you say, such healings are not random but intended.

At times, the healings performed with skeptics are the result of others praying for these skeptics – those loved ones who nevertheless pray for them in their behalf, realizing the healings can be effected in others of little faith if their own exercise of faith is strong and sincere enough to bring about the healing desired. At other times, while there are persons who maintain an outer appearance of skepticism, yet, within, they secretly retain a strong hope that they will receive some form of help in spite of their minds’ resistance to the possibility of receiving such help. And it is this soulful hope that takes precedence over their mind’s lack of intellectual persuasion in the Power of God or of His angels to heal. And, finally, there are occasions when the Father Himself, Who sees into the hearts and souls of us all, through His Love and Mercy, decides that He will gratuitously provide a healing, knowing that, although a person has not prayed to Him in words for a healing, his soul is nevertheless reaching out to Him in supplication at some level where He sees that a healing accorded will bring about even a greater gain in that person’s soulful condition and development.

Nothing occurs in God’s Universe strictly by chance. There are always forces in operation which are the normal operation of God’s Laws taking place. At times, the innocent fall into the snare of the effects of the wrongful exercise of the free will of others; and, at other times, the presumed “guilty” (those without apparent faith), such as those skeptics to whom you refer, receive the “unexpected” benefits of virtue in operation, such as in a healing performed. But, as I say, while the inner workings of these complicated and intertwining laws may seem random, they are not. God’s Laws are perfect in their workings, even though His children do not always recognize or understand their complexity.

You were correct in stating that the greater the faith, the greater our ability to perform healings, to guide and influence you, and to deliver our messages to humankind. But, as I have said, faith can be exercised in many forms, and it is not always essential that a person receiving a healing be the one who is directly asking for the healing. Of course, it is most desirable for each and every child of God to recognize the importance of praying to our Heavenly Father for any and all blessings desired, healing being only one such blessing. For it is through prayer and the blessings which flow to the supplicant in response to sincere prayer that brings about faith and increments of faith. And, of course, faith is mostly and greatly enlarged when the blessing of God’s Great Love is sought for and received. Yes, faith is a most important ingredient in man’s true mastery over all of life’s circumstances, and I am happy that you have thought of asking me to relate to this subject today.

It is not a violation of free will for a person to receive a healing, for there is scarcely anyone who could or would object to the positive effects gained and felt as the result of a healing. But you can be assured that if a person soulfully does not have the least desire for a healing, then no healing will be imposed upon him. There are those, for example, who wish to end the mortal phase of their existence for a variety of legitimate and approved of reasons. I am not speaking of suicide when I say this, but to such reasons as extreme infirmity due to advanced age, where the prolonging of the mortal life is no longer useful or productive, and where entrance into the spirit world would be desirable; or, a desire to pass on in order to be released from a terminal illness where a relief from further physical and emotional suffering will occur, and where life can begin anew on the spirit side of life. E____ is a good example of this latter case where, as I have said before, the Father, in His Love and Mercy, saw that higher purposes would be served in bringing her to the spirit world where her life and work could continue uninterrupted and unfettered by any further pain and infirmity.

As to your question about spirit healing as opposed to the healing brought about by the Divine Love of the Father, yes, there are spirit powers given to “spirit doctors,” as you say, that are an extension of the healing powers given to, and gained by, mortal doctors. These spirit powers are also God-given and are much more advanced and effective than are those prescriptions or healing techniques brought to bear by mortal physicians. But as you might well understand, even if you have not yet learned of the inner workings of spirit healing powers, “spirit doctors” live in a world where there has been great advancement in both the knowledge and application of healing techniques and remedies. There are spirits in the spirit world who have studied and applied such techniques and remedies for many centuries, so it should not be surprising to discover that their accumulated knowledge and effectiveness in the healing science has been and is vastly accelerated over that of their so much younger mortal brethren.

But, yes, the Power of the Divine Love to heal is a different Energy, and comes only directly from the Father Himself. And where the Divine Love is concerned, this Healing Force does require the exercise of faith in a much more active and direct way. As you may recall, when I was instrumental in performing healings on earth through the Powers of the Divine Love acting through me, it was only when faith was exercised by those seeking healing help that healings occurred. Among those from my own people who saw me grow from a child to an adult, they did not at first have the kind of faith that would have enabled me to have been instrumental in bringing healings to them as well. It was most difficult for them to have the kind of faith that unbiased strangers were able to exercise. But, over time, and with the many healings reported to them by word of mouth, many of my own people came to eventually believe that the Father had given me a healing channel in my person wherein their faith, properly exercised, not in me but in the Father operating through me, would result in healing benefits to them as well. And some, in fact, did exercise this faith and did receive the healing benefits of God’s Divine Love.

I may not have answered your questions as thoroughly as might be desired, but I think the answers given are sufficiently clear and accurate for now. Perhaps this subject can be enlarged upon at a later time.

Before closing, I should like to say that I am well pleased with your resumption of message taking, and I am looking forward to many more messages that I and others may impart through you in the future. I wish also to extend my love to all my co-workers in the flesh who continue to work so diligently and well in the many church-related tasks before them. Soon, the new volume, so near and dear to your hearts, will be well on its way to final completion and in readiness for printing and publication, and we are all most happy with the wonderful progress you have been and are making toward this end. Keep on working as you have been, with great amounts of your own love contributed to the task, and we shall see a final product of great worth and importance to humankind made available once again.

I love you all, my beloved children, and leave you now with my great love and blessings extended to you.

Your brother and friend,


August 18, 1987

Mediumship & Inspirational Writing

Dearest Master,

I have just read and re-read your last three messages through K____, finding them to be most wonderful and informative. I only hope that your message through me today can be as helpful to mankind.

I would wish that you speak on whatever law or subject you wish to address today, but I do have one question for you relating to how my own particular mediumship works. Mr. Padgett seems to have submitted such control to you that you and others had been able to not only use his brain but also his writing hand to communicate your and others’ messages of the past. Now, with me, I am neither aware of being in a trance nor am I conscious of any control being exerted upon my hand when I receive a message from you. I receive thoughts dictation-style, if you will, and I am conscious of my doing my own writing of these thoughts I receive. In other words, what I write is not “automatic” but purposeful on my part – at least this is how it seems to me. Can you confirm this or otherwise explain how my own mediumship channeling works? Is it really necessary that you or any spirit control a medium’s hand in order to get an accurate message through? Of course, when I say this, I realize that my brain is being controlled or used, otherwise your thoughts would have no medium or channel to make transmission possible. But perhaps in my case it would be more accurate to say I receive your thoughts inspirationally (through impress upon my brain), but not automatically (in the sense that my hand is being controlled as well).

Thank you for your help with this, Master. I now welcome your loving presence and message of today.


I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and again I am most happy to come to you to attempt to assist you in your understanding of both the subject you have addressed and other Truths I wish to make known to humankind. I am your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

As to “automatic” writing channeling and how this works in your own particular case, you are correct in your statement that you receive inspirationally from me and, in turn, that you consciously write the thoughts that I am able to successfully transmit through your brain.

Not all mediums receive in precisely the same way. It is true that the degree of control possibility varies from medium to medium and in accordance with the medium’s own gifts of reception. What is important is not how completely a spirit controls but how effectively and well a medium receives. And, as you know, this is dependent upon the medium’s own soul development and his preparation to receive some of the higher Truths of God.

The Laws of Rapport and Communication have been clearly spelled out by my cohort, John, and need not be repeated here; for you are well familiar with his messages on this subject, and you do know that it is the relationship one has with the Father – the amount of Divine Love received from Him in combination with the medium’s own soulful aspirations to know the Truth that determines the level of receptivity of the medium at any given point of time.

It is not necessary for a medium to be able to achieve a deep trance or for a spirit to actually do the active writing of the message that the spirit is transmitting. As I once suggested through K____, which suggestion started your own apprenticeship in this area, all that was important or necessary in your case was to sit quietly, pray for protection and guidance, and then help write the thoughts that would be transmitted by me or others through your brain; and you have done this very successfully thus far. And it should not be a cause for concern on your part with regard to who is doing the actual writing as long as you fully believe that the thoughts you are recording come from us and are not the product of your own thinking.

You are correct in your understanding that all thoughts coming through one’s brain seem to be one’s own, whether these be the mortal’s own thoughts or the thoughts that a spirit is impressing upon that mortal. But, as you have read and re-read the messages already transmitted through you, already I am sure that you are coming to understand and appreciate more fully that the thoughts you have received have come from a higher source than your own mind. I do know that you doubt this at times, thinking that perhaps you have lent a bit of your own creativity to these messages. But I can assure you that the thoughts you have received in the very great majority have been our thoughts and not your own. Of course, the language or particular words used are sometimes selected by your own storehouse of words, as contained in the repository of your own brain’s learning and storage, but the meaning given to you, which sometimes is translated into words with which you are familiar, comes from us. If you were reporting inaccurately, as in the case with K____, you would be told, and provision would be made for the particular message of that day to be repeated at a later time when you were in a proper and more receptive condition of soul and mind.

I do not want you to have anxiety about your ability to receive our messages, for you do have this ability and it has been demonstrated amply in the messages already transmitted and recorded. For, as you know, your faith and confidence in your ability to receive well is an important dimension with regard to how well we are able to transmit our own thoughts through you. One can easily set up blocks against receiving well if preoccupied with a shakiness of faith during periods of actual message taking. But I am happy to say that blocks have rarely occurred with you thus far, and I am confident that we will be able to continue to transmit our thoughts through you successfully and accurately. Just keep praying to the Father for improved ability, as you have been, and both your faith and your ability will continue to improve and enlarge.

As to Mr. Padgett’s channeling ability, as you have deduced before in your own thinking and analysis upon this subject, he was not entranced when taking our messages; neither was he oblivious to the thoughts coming through his conscious mind at the time he was actually receiving our messages. Had this been the case, he would never have interrupted our communications to have asked questions about the information he was actively receiving. It is true that a certain amount of energy was transmitted to him, along with our thoughts, so as to enable him to persist with the recording of some of our longer communications. However, while it may have seemed to him at times that he was not doing the writing, so intense was his concentration on our thoughts rather than upon his writing of our thoughts at the time, in point of fact, he assisted in the writing of these thoughts, just as one writes one’s own thoughts when this is done by the person receiving impressions from his own brain apart from any spirit’s impress upon the same. But, as I say, the energy given to Mr. Padgett to receive and write our thoughts did cause him to feel at times that the pen or pencil was writing “on its own.”

I hope I have answered your question satisfactorily for now. The important thing is not to understand all the finer nuances of how mediums may differ in their reception of messages, but to concentrate on the development of this God-given talent so as to be able to continue to receive our messages accurately and well for the benefit of mankind. And you have been told that the proper development of this ability continues to depend upon increased receipt of the Father’s transforming Love which acts upon both the faith of the medium and upon his increased ability to receive clearly and more easily without any blocks interfering; or perhaps I should say with blocks becoming a greater rarity as this receptive talent enlarges.

I think this is all I wish to say on this subject for now. Owing to the length of my explanation, I will postpone a more formal message to the next time. However, I wish to say in concluding this communication that I am well pleased with both your development and the sincerity of your ongoing efforts to improve your channeling ability. But you must not lose sight of the fact that you have come a long way already in the relatively short time that you have been receiving my messages. And I want to thank you for your devotion and persistence with this task of receiving our messages for the benefit of others. Just keep praying for God’s Love and for increased ability in this area, and you can be assured that neither the Father nor we will let you down. The Father knows of your sincerity and desire to improve and ever do well, and He would not have selected you to perform this work if you felt otherwise. So, as I say, have faith and persist and the reward of mediumship excellence will be yours, along with the knowledge that you have been an active contributor for the dissemination of more of the Father’s higher Truths to humankind. That blessing alone, as you know, few have been privileged to realize.

So, my dear brother, I will leave you now with my blessings and my love until next time. I am

Your loving brother and friend,


August 31, 1987

The Rate of Soul Progression

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I am most happy to come to you this day to resume our messages for the benefit of humankind. I am your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus of the Bible, Master of the Celestial Heavens, and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

Today I should like to begin by saying that I am well pleased with your resumption of message taking, and I have indeed been aware of your soulful struggling of late. Nevertheless, I have been confident that these struggles would culminate in a successful resolution and a renewed commitment to pursue that course of helpful assistance that would allow my messages to be brought to humankind with clarity and for their benefit.

It is true that soul development is a long and sometimes arduous process where certain gains seem to be occasionally offset by apparent retrogressions. However, the important thing to keep in mind is the goal before us: at-onement with our Heavenly Father. As long as this goal and prime mover is kept securely within the soul's desire, then the setbacks to soul development will only be temporary and transitory ones. The Father knows of all the struggling of His children. He ever smiles upon us in our weakness, and is ever ready to take us to His Arms of Love with each and every renewed commitment to seek His Love, Favor, and Assistance.

It is true, as you have thought and said, that the mind's workings are often opposed to the soul's emancipation and primacy, for the mind is that tool which humankind ordinarily believes is the master tool for living on the mortal plane. However, while the mind can and often does work in opposition to the soul's ascendancy, once the soul has received even a small amount of the Divine Love through fervent prayerful petition to our Heavenly Father, the analogy of the yeast placed in the batch of dough becomes a spiritual reality wherein the soul must continue to develop until the Leaven of Love has performed Its work and the soul shines forth as the final transformed product intended. This is not to say that this process will proceed necessarily unerringly and speedily to a fulfilled conclusion, for further development of the soul still depends upon additional increments of the Father's Love ongoingly. Yet, once this process has been initiated, irrespective of the delays that can occur through periods of the mind's ascendancy, or through improper exercises of the will and neglect of prayer, the Leaven that has been introduced into the soul can never be dislodged thereafter; which is to say that, at some time, sooner or later, It must fulfill the purpose for which It was implanted.

You were once impressed by a message from Luther wherein he stated that Mrs. Padgett, Ann Rollins, and Mr. Padgett's mother were in the same Second Celestial Sphere where he then resided. You were greatly surprised that these three could have attained to this residence and condition of soul so quickly, whereas it took Luther nearly 500 years to attain to the same elevated development of soul. But, as Luther himself explained, and rightly so, the faith of these three women exceeded his own, and their fervent prayers for the Father's Love had been more frequent and more intense in a shorter period of time. Accordingly, the Love they received from the Father was correspondingly greater during that period, which, in turn, allowed for their quicker development of soul transformation as compared to the relatively slower progress that Luther had made.

Well, what was true in the case of these three and Luther still prevails today. Those of more intense love disposition continue to make greater and faster progress than those of less intense disposition, or those whose minds tend to interfere with the soul's progress in the simple child-like faith required to establish spiritual dominance and more accelerated progress. But, happy to say, those whose progress is slower do not feel inordinately unhappy or disturbed about this because it is a fact that one truly progresses at his or her own desired pace. The Father's Love is ever available, to be sure, but It is only given that often or to that degree which exactly corresponds with the true desires of the supplicant. And, so, you will understand that a person cannot be unhappy about a certain degree of progress attained that is equivalent to the degree of progress desired at any given point of time. It is only when further progress is desired by the soul that such re-awakened desire begins its work of reaching out to the Father for His additional Blessings of further soul growth and development. Thus, you can understand what a wonderful Creator our Father truly is, for He never imposes anything upon His children which is in any way opposed to their true souls' desires.

Perhaps this little exposition will help you to better understand why spirits have so often described their happiness at each stage of their progress in most contented terms. While they realize that greater happiness awaits them on higher levels of soul development, at the same time, they also are experiencing the wonderful happiness they have already attained at their current level of development. And since this happiness is of an increased order over that degree of lesser happiness that they have left behind, so to speak, this new and greater happiness, being experienced for the first time, cannot help but be perceived in the most positive and glowing of terms. You will recall that Helen Padgett and others have often declared that they could hardly conceive of any greater happiness than they were then experiencing, but had to go on the faith that more and greater happiness awaited them upon further soul development and advancement. In part, their faith was based on what the more highly developed spirits had told them; but a greater part of their faith was produced by having already experienced continual increments of happiness as their advancing development proceeded. Experience was truly the greatest teacher of all.

And, so, my children, I hope that you will take heart in the knowledge that the Father's Blessings of His Love are truly incremental when one continues to soulfully reach out for this Love in greater abundance. And whether one is more or less desirous of receiving these increments in a shorter or longer period of time will continue to depend upon each individual's own desired pace, shall we say. Of course, over and beyond this consideration is the supremely gratifying fact that, once the Love of the Father begins Its work upon the soul, this transforming work will never cease until the human becomes the divine – when the finite mortal is transformed into the immortal angel. And, even then, as you know, this is truly only a new beginning in the eternal process and glorious adventure of progressing ever closer to the Father's Fountainhead of outpouring Love in the Celestial Heavens themselves.

I believe this is all I wish to communicate at this time, other than to encourage all of humankind to soulfully dwell on the great Truth that their progress is truly in their own hands. What is or is not cultivated in terms of their souls' desires will either shorten or lengthen the developmental process in each individual case. And I can only add the encouragement that all begin to cultivate the soulful desire for the Father's Love on a daily basis so as to ensure quicker development and greater happiness. Indeed, if my younger brethren could experience the happiness that we in the Celestial Heavens feel, and this for but a few moments, my words of encouragement would be superfluous. This state of exalted happiness itself would be all the impetus needed to create the renewed and far greater desire for each and all to seek the Father's Love with expanded and intensified dedication. However, since this cannot be, I can only present the promise before them once again that the mind of man cannot conceive of the glories and exalted happiness brought to the Love-lit soul that is filled with the Father's Love. And I would urge all my brothers and sisters in the flesh to strive for this condition sooner through their own heartfelt desires to attain to that which I have described, and which the Father promises to all His children who love Him and who seek His Love.

I am happy that I could come to you today and to communicate more of the Father's Truths to humankind. I will leave you now with my love and blessings.

Your brother and friend,


November 12, 1987

Progress in God's Plan of Salvation

Dearest Master, Jesus,

Now that the Christmas worship of you as God has passed, and we now stand on the brink of another New Year, perhaps you would like to deliver a message to us today if I am in a proper condition to receive it. I have no questions for you today, Master, but I would like to offer the hope and prayer that, in this past year, we, the Trustees and your present disciples on earth, have made some additional progress in encouraging others to seek their salvation and happiness through prayer to the Father for His Love, while, at the same time, making some in-roads in dispelling the fallacious notion that you yourself are God or any part of Him, but are rather our beloved elder brother who continues to teach us the Way to the Celestial Heavens and to everlasting happiness therein. May God continue to bless you, Master, and all your wonderful Celestial co-workers for the great, unselfish, and most loving works you are performing in helping to bring as many souls as possible to your exalted homes of Love.

I now welcome your loving presence and message of this day.


I am now here to write, my beloved brother in Christ, and most assuredly I am more than happy and pleased to come to you today to share more of my thoughts with you and for the benefit of all humankind. I am your beloved brother in spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

As you know, the work before us all is a great one. In fact, there is no greater work that can be performed than in the saving of souls by bringing them to the Bosom and Heart of the Father’s Love. And I am happy today that you have given me the opportunity to speak to this issue and the progress made in this past year owing to the combined efforts of we, in the Celestial Heavens, and you, our beloved co-workers on earth.

First, let me say that progress is not always easily seen or even felt to any great degree by those of you on earth who do not share the broader perspective which we are privileged to discern from our higher vantage point and greater view of things. But notwithstanding your own more limited perspectives, I can tell you and assure you that the progress already made in these past several years is already beyond your faintest conceptions of greatness. And why do I say this? Because in the saving of but one soul there is an act of greatness beyond conception – more valued than all the material gains and acquisitions combined in the earthly existence. But, in your efforts – and by this I mean the efforts of all the Trustees and many of our church members on earth – there has been not one but a great many souls who have begun their progress to the Celestial Heavens owing to the works you have performed and the assistance you have given, through prayers and otherwise, to lead them upon the true path to salvation which I first enunciated to the world nearly 2000 years ago. And, thus, with these many souls who have begun their progress, and who we are now continuing to assist and lead to happiness without end, both on earth and in our spirit environs, there is no way that I can put into words the value of the initiating work you have performed. If one soul and its salvation is priceless, what price can be put on the saving of a vast number of souls? Only in your own experiences of soulful reward will you get any realistic conception of how valued, nay priceless, your acts of service have been. And this will continue to be, for your acts of service have only just begun, relatively speaking. In fact, although I myself have been performing my Father’s Work for nearly 2000 years, this too only represents the barest beginnings of all the work that lies before me and before us all. Not until the Consummation of the Age has come upon us will we be able to consider the great work before us completed. And, as far as we can gather and understand from our own perspectives, this time is yet afar off in terms of any earthly standards of reckoning. And, so, we must continue to work until the decree comes that the Celestial gates are to be closed and we are to enter therein for the last time – no longer to gather the harvest, for the harvest will have been gathered and our labors will have ended. And, as you have been informed, thereafter, our work will only be among fellow Celestial spirits in the Celestial Heavens themselves.

Earlier, you were reading a message in volume IV that was given by Mary Kennedy wherein she alluded to a ripple effect that takes place when but one soul enters the “pool of salvation,” if I may put it that way. Well, indeed, she spoke truly when she explained that the individual thus saved does not simply remain unto himself in any self-satisfied way, but very soon begins to influence others to recognize and embrace the Truths which he himself had been so fortunate to have become privy to. And as he “moves” one other soul, this moved soul also turns to others and brings them the glad tidings of salvation truly realized. In this way, what starts with one soul saved multiplies to souls without number. And I say “without number” because this process is virtually indeterminate and potentially without ending.

And, so, my beloved ones, it is time that you truly know the vast scope of the work and accomplishments not only already made but also that lie ahead. While it is true that the amount of souls saved in the beginning of the Padgett era has been comparatively few if we are to consider the myriad of souls already in existence, and perhaps a myriad more of souls yet to be born and individualized in the mortal existence, what should not be lost sight of is the wonderful and growing geometric effect of the “rippling process” previously referred to.

In business, and especially in the insurance business, you are familiar with the percentage effects accruing to the salesman who sells insurance. This is not a perfect analogy because the monetary or percentage gain the insurance agent receives ongoingly is reduced over time. But this analogy will serve at least to parallel the spiritual reality that a soul saved similarly does not end with one reward, but continues to amass rewards upon the effect one saved soul has upon another. And whoever initiates the saving of but the first soul necessarily must share in the benefit and reward of all saved souls to follow. And, so, I ask you, how can we measure the value of but one saved soul when it is understood that salvation does not stop with that one soul, but proceeds geometrically thereafter to include a potential myriad of souls similarly influenced and persuaded to seek the Father’s saving Love? You can perhaps now better understand how enormously important the saving of but one soul is. If that one soul were not saved, a potential myriad of souls would remain lost, not having benefit of that one redeemed soul bringing the Pearl of Great Price to their understanding!

And, so, not to belabor this message any further with analogies, let me now speak plainly and simply when I say that not only we but also you should all realize and take the fullest pleasure from the living reality that each and all of you working in the Father’s Service have already made remarkable progress in the saving of souls. And, accompanying this fact, know that your rewards will not only be great in terms of that already accomplished, but will be greater still by the time you come to join us owing to the many more souls we see you starting on their way to the Father’s Love, and also because of the greater rewards accruing to you daily on the basis of the rippling or geometric effect put into motion by the souls you are already primarily responsible for having started upon the path to their salvation. And I and all my Celestial co-workers would like to take this opportunity at the beginning of this New Year to thank you with all our hearts for all that you do and have done in the service of bringing more and more of the Father’s children under the umbrella of our Great Father’s Eternal Protection and Love.

This is all I wish to communicate at this time other than to assure you that while many of your rewards are already coming to you, through such blessings as increased or restored health and other benefits, I can only say that what lies ahead of you in terms of soulful reward is beyond my capacity to convey to you, because there are no words to capture the ineffable happiness that you will experience and that will be yours when the time comes for you to put your earthly labors aside and to join us in the spirit world.

And, so, I, Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens, leave you all now with my blessings and love, and with the promise and assurance that this year will bring to all of us yet more of the Father’s Infinite Blessings, as we continue to serve Him with all the love and dedication of which we are capable. I am

Your brother and everlasting friend,


December 31, 1987

The Law of Equipoise or Balance

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I am again most happy to come to you today to deliver another message through you and for the benefit of all mankind. As you know, I am your friend in spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth, and I come to you as usual in an attempt to communicate some portion of information that will prove useful in encouraging all our mortal brethren to seek the true path toward at-onement with our Heavenly Father.

As you have been told, there are many laws, both natural and spiritual, that govern the workings of God's Universe, and without which chaos would indeed exist. These laws are perfect in their workings, even though adherence to them is not always subscribed to or followed by man himself. And when these laws are violated, not God, but penalties inherent in the violation of these laws come forth to restore the harmony that man himself has disturbed.

Man is a creature with a free and unhampered will, as you know; and, in the exercise of that will, he remains the true master of his own destiny while he yet remains a mortal. Of course, his time on earth is indeed fleeting by standards of the eternal perspective, but nonetheless it is a most important time as this pertains to his present and future growth and development. What he does on earth establishes to a great extent what he will do or, in some cases, what he must do when he becomes a spirit.

On earth, the will a man exercises is only for a time, as this pertains to its completely free exercise. In the spirit world, however, while the will still exists, it is no longer completely free in its exercise because accountings have to be made to atone for certain wrongs, and also because the rules of living in the spirit world are somewhat different from those of the purely material or earthly character.

In a previous message, you were informed of certain opportunities for sinning or violating God's Laws that exist for mortals on earth that no longer exist when a man becomes a spirit. With the sinning potential being removed, consequently, further retrogression cannot take place. This does not apply to the aspect of stagnation or a lack of further growth, however, for one's development can remain at a standstill for many years — sometimes centuries — before further growth and progress may resume or begin to take place. And there is a law which determines just when advancement can take hold once again, assuming now that a person has made some soulful progress and development while proceeding through the mortal existence. For those who have not, advancement still depends upon certain soulful conditions having been met that will allow positive development to begin.

Usually, most all mortals have led such lives as there exists a certain amount of good admixed with a certain amount of evildoing. And, so, even on earth, only very few indeed have made absolutely no progress whatever. And, yet, when we speak of progress on the spirit side of life, we are speaking of progress that can take place only when the soul is in that condition where the degree of existing goodness and harmony within exceeds that degree of evil or inharmony accumulated in the earth life.

In previous messages through Mr. Padgett, you have read many from associates of Mr. Padgett who were in various stages of soul development. Those in the hells were of course experiencing a great deal of suffering, while those in higher planes of relative light and happiness were relating experiences of more pleasant circumstances. What was not expressed or explained to any great extent was that precise point of time and development wherein the balance becomes tipped in favor of the good, and where true spiritual development in the spirit planes first becomes possible and potentially accelerative in nature. That point of the opening up of development potential occurs when the goodness accrued in a man's soul begins to supersede the evil expiated or, more precisely speaking, the evil that still exists once certain amounts of encrustments have been removed from the soul and it has been brought more in balance with the goodness accumulated therein. That point of equipoise, where a man's soul contains equal measures of goodness and encrustments, marks that point where true advancement becomes possible thereafter. And, until that time, each soul is held to its individual plane of existence, be this in a lower or higher plane upon its initial entry.

Those who are in the lowest planes of the hells from the onset of their entry into spirit life are required to spend the most time in those planes, not only because of the extent of their degradation and sinfulness but also because of the paucity of their accumulated goodness. However, those in higher planes, with correspondingly more goodness to their underlying natures, have usually much less time to remain confined to these planes before the balance between goodness and encrustments has equalized through soul expiation of the relatively fewer encrustments existing in the souls of those in these higher planes.

The law to which I am referring might be referred to as the Law of Equipoise or Balance, although the wording is not as important as the concept or reality itself. And, from all this, you might now gather that the time it takes each individual to attain to this equipoise or balance varies enormously and is dependent upon the great variety of soul differences among new entrants to the spirit world. To a lesser but still important extent is also the consideration of both how much help is offered from without, and how much is truly received and acted upon by the spirit exposed to and being given that help. For as has been told to you before, without the help from other spirits being offered, one's progress could remain at a standstill for countless more years than would be necessary otherwise.

Progress, then, is really the blending of two occurrences: one's soul attaining to at least a balance between accumulated goodness and encrustments, and the available help from without given to that soul seeking its progress to greater light and happiness. And, of course, once goodness does in fact begin to outweigh and supersede the remaining encrustments in a man's soul, progress hereafter not only becomes possible but likely accelerative in nature. For when a person begins to experience happiness and is convinced he is on the right track toward further development and even greater happiness, he tends to naturally pursue that specific course with greater intensity and dedication.

Well, I think this should suffice to familiarize you all with yet another law that obtains and prevails in our spirit world. However, the important thing to bear in mind is not knowledge of all the spiritual laws involved in maintaining the harmony of the Father's Universe, for such knowledge comes in time and with greater soul development, and as the Father wishes to reveal the workings of these laws to us. No, the important thing and goal to keep ever before us is our own strivings for soul development and at-onement with our Heavenly Father through the one and only Way I taught upon this earth two thousand years ago, and am still teaching today: through fervent soulful prayer to Him for His immortalizing Love. And I am happy to conclude this presentation of today by saying that you, our beloved trustees, will never have to be concerned about reaching the "balance" position necessary to progress, because your goodness already far outweighs the remaining encrustments that you will all expiate in good time and as you obtain more and more of the Fathers purifying Love. And, so, I shall leave you now with my blessings and love until next time.

Your friend and brother in Christ,


January 18, 1988

Jesus' Birth and Mission on Earth

Dearest Master, Jesus,

In your message, "Souls at Creation …”, given in 1961 and 1962 through Dr. Samuels, you stated: "No. I did not have the Divine Love in my soul before birth, but my soul, as I said before, was already predisposed to receive It at birth without conscious thought…” But in your message through K____ of September 20, 1986, you specify that you first received the Divine Love as a fetus predisposed with soul longings for It, which was what enabled you to be born without sin owing to Its purifying effect upon the encrustments upon your soul that you inherited from your forebears with regard to the natural love. Can you resolve this apparent contradiction for us?

Secondly, in that same 1961-62 message through Dr. Samuels, you declared: . . “It was not foreordained that I should become the Messiah, except that I was constituted in soul at birth for the mission…” And, yet, in that same 1986 message through K____, you stated: "As you have come to understand and accept the fact that souls are born with predispositions for certain talents and directions in life, then you can accept the fact that the Father chose me to be the carrier of the Good News…" Also, on page 10 of volume I you state: “I know that I was sent by the Father to perform the mission which I performed, and that it was intended in the beginning that I should be anointed as The Christ, but this I did not know until after I became a man and was then told what my mission was by the angel and my own inner voice." Well, Master, was it not foreordained that you should become the Messiah, as declared through Dr. Samuels, or were you in fact chosen to be the Messiah, as you declared through both K____ and Mr. Padgett?

I pray that I may be a clear enough channel today to receive your answers to these questions for the benefit of all mankind, and I now welcome your loving presence and response.


I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you gladly this evening in an attempt to answer your questions satisfactorily, and for the benefit of others who also may have similar concerns about the issues you have addressed. Of course, as you know from our rapport, I am your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

As to the first question concerning whether or not I was born without sin, the answer to that question is that I was born without sin, as specified in many places throughout the volumes. However, I can understand your confusion as to how I could be born without sin and yet not possess some portion of the Divine Love in my soul at the time of my birth. The answer, as you have been influenced to receive prior to this message, is that my soul longings for at-onement with our Heavenly Father as a developing fetus did draw the Divine Love to me; yet the initial work of this Love was not to in-fill my soul, but to remove the encrustments on the surface of my soul that I inherited from my forebears in the form of not actual sins attributable to any wrongdoing on my part, but rather in the form of inclinations or tendencies to sin that have formed a part of humankind’s inheritance ever since man's fall from his original perfection. These tendencies to sin, that form a part of mankind's inheritance of today, become sins, as you know, only when such inclinations are acted upon. Nevertheless, they are decidedly encumberances to the soul in that they carry a certain degree of influential force toward sinning in thought and deed.

Now, had I been born with these encumbrances, as most all my brethren have been, I would have been just as likely to act upon these sinful tendencies as the next man. And, in so doing, I certainly would not have been in that soulful state whereupon I could be either entrusted or enabled to carry out the Messianic mission which I later came to realize was intended. And, so, to achieve this Messianic purpose, it was necessary that one be born who had the same pristine purity of soul enjoyed by the first parents. No chance of success as the Messiah of God could be realized unless I were blessed with completely free choice, which is to say choice unencumbered by any sins or tendencies to sin.

In the message through K____, you were told that my soul nature was such as to long for at-onement with our Heavenly Father, even in the fetal stage of development, and this was and is true. This longing was not expressed in prayer but in the form of soul yearning. And this yearning, of itself, was sufficient to both attract the Divine Love and to allow It to perform Its initial work upon my soul, which was not to transform it but to cleanse it from the inherited tendencies to sin that surround the soul. The soul, itself, in its unincarnated state, is pure and unblemished. But upon the soul's incarnation into the flesh, it takes on these inherited encrustments in the form of what might best be described as "coverings" upon the soul. But underneath these coverings is the same pure soul, now encumbered by these encrustments. What the Divine Love accomplished upon Its entrance, then, was to remove these encumbrances so that my soul would remain undefiled, pure, and free from all baleful influences. Of course, as you might well imagine, as a growing fetus, I had no conscious awareness of this process of soul purification as it was occurring. Nevertheless, I have been informed by our Heavenly Father that this is what occurred.

Now, it might be wondered why this information has not been communicated before, and prior to K____'s message in 1986 and this present one. The answer is largely that humankind has had enough difficulty understanding how it could be that I was born without sin without going into the finer nuances of this great happening. However, as I said through K____, there are those among you who have developed sufficiently in both scientific understanding and soul development to be able to now understand these nuances.

If the Father had continued this process of Divine cleansing beyond the removal of inherited encrustments, there would have come that point where the Divine Love would have gone beyond "surface cleaning," if you will, and would have permeated and entered my soul, which I will hasten to add was by then restored to its original pristine purity. But to do this would have meant in-filling and implanting some portion of the Divine Love into my soul. And, as you know, this would have transcended the Father’s Purpose for humankind’s beginnings; for the Father’s Borning Law was and is fixed in that no man or woman is ever incarnated with any portion of the Divine as a part of their finitely intended souls' entrance upon the mortal phase of their existence. It is only after birth takes place when the opportunity is given to all souls to receive and possess portions of the Divine Love through prayer and fervent soul yearnings.

Thus, as other men before me, I was born with no portion of the Divine Love within me. But it would be correct to say that the Divine Love was employed in the service of removing those inherited encrustments from my soul that would have prevented me from being born without sin and in the same pristine condition of soul enjoyed by our first parents.

As you have meditated upon how the Divine Love works upon the soul post-birth, you were given to understand inspirationally that Its work then is to permeate the soul and to change its character into a different substance altogether. And you are correct in the thought that the soul, which contains the natural love, is being purified and restored while, at the same time, it is being transformed into the Divine Substance of Love that comprises the composition of the Father's Own Divine and Immortal Soul. It would not be correct to say that the Divine Love first works to purify the natural love before It begins Its transforming effect, because these two processes occur concurrently or simultaneously. For, as you must know, any portion of Divine Love that performs more than removal of an outer encrustment is a portion that actually permeates and enters the soul itself; and, once this occurs, the soul can never remain the same again. To the extent of the Love received, the soul now takes on some measure of the Father's Divinity, and the "Yeast” placed in the soul's "batch" begins Its work of soul transformation. Keep in mind that the human soul is of a pure substance in and of itself. Encrustments, owing to sin, error, and evils of any variety, form their encumbering coverings upon the soul, but the soul itself is not changed in actual substance beneath these encrustments. The work of both the natural love and the Divine Love, then, is to remove these encrustments so that the soul can shine forth again as the beautiful creation that it is. Of course, the Divine Love's work is also to work within the soul to make of it a substance divine, like unto the Father's Divine Soul. But, essentially both loves strive for purification and restoration, and this process continues until one, the other, or both achieve this goal. And it would only be repetitious for me to say that this process varies greatly among humankind in terms of application and duration.

Now, to move on to your other question, there is indeed a difference between “choosing” and “compelling,” and this distinction is what lies at the heart of the answer to your question. The Father did choose me to be His Messiah, for He never would have purified my soul in preparation for this mission had this not been His Intention. However, as I have attempted to explain and clarify before, the choice to accept this mission was entirely my own. Perhaps it would be correct to say that the Father knew I would choose to carry out His Will in this regard, but never was the choice to do so compelled in any way. As I have said before, I was perfectly free to reject the mission that the Father desired I embrace, but my spiritual nature was such that my only desire was to achieve closer and closer at-onement of soul with Him. Accordingly, the natural outcome of such an aspiration was to become qualified through soul transformation to accept the mission for which I was prepared. Had I not done so, I would have actually violated my own nature and free will desire to embrace this opportunity. And, as you know, no one turns his back on that goal or fulfillment which he truly desires to make his own.

So, in summary, the Father indeed chose me to perform the mission that I did, but I did not become aware of my own option to accept or reject this opportunity, if you will, until I had achieved manhood and nearly complete soul transformation. One might say, then, that the Father “prepared the way” for me, but this with my cooperation at every step of that way. And when the time came that I became possessed of the knowledge of the Messianic mission then offered to me, of course, I could do nothing else but to accept, and to accept with great gratitude and happiness

I hope that I have helped to answer both of your questions satisfactorily. I realize that the whole question of my birth, my mission, and the Father's Part in all of this has remained somewhat of a mystery to mankind for these many years. But with this added information that I have imparted this evening, I hope that at least where you, the Trustees, and the readers of this message are concerned, these mysteries will remain mysteries no longer, but will hereafter be understood with greater clarity and satisfaction of soul.

And, so, my brother, this having been a longer message than usual, it is time now that I leave you again with my love and blessings until our next formal communication. I realize that you now have considerable editorial work before you, and I desire that you proceed with this without anxiety or concern about when our next writing session shall take place. I am always available, as you know, but I entreat you to call upon me only as you feel comfortable and free of other church work before you to do so.

In closing, I wish to express my love to all our co-workers in the flesh who we continue to watch over with great care and solicitude. Keep up your fine work and efforts for the Kingdom, my beloved children, and know that we are ever by your sides attempting to inspire you and make of all your efforts a great success. Until next time, then, know that my blessings and the Blessings of the Father are ever with you.

Your friend and brother in Christ,


February 4, 1988

The Healing Effects of Prayer

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I am happy to come to you once again in an attempt to answer the questions you have put before me this day to your satisfaction and to the satisfaction of others, Bill Reilly of course included, who wish to know more clearly the Workings of the Father's Will where Bill's condition is concerned. I am, of course, your friend and brother in spirit, Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens, and I am always happy to bring whatever enlightenment I can to my beloved co-workers in the flesh who seek my assistance.

First of all, let me say that Bill's condition is not a serious one, but one that does require medical attention at this time. You were correct in the thought that healings are not always performed instantaneously, especially if a greater purpose can be served in their delay. And what do I mean by this? Well, in the commission of a healing by the Father, He must take into consideration all possible benevolent outcomes – some possible outcomes not being as desirable or all-inclusive as others. The healing of a physical condition, placed upon a relative scale of things of importance, is not of much moment and certainly well within the capabilities of the Father to perform. However, there are always other healings of a higher order which can take precedence, as the Father so chooses. In this regard, I am speaking of soulful healings, and this not necessarily to one but potentially to many. For when the Father acts and brings His Will into operation, rarely is there but one isolated effect that occurs. In addition to the possible physical healing performed, and this to the person benefiting from this healing, there are always others who are touched by such a healing in some way, and particularly when the healing is understood as being the result of prayer and the effect of the Father's Own Ministrations.

The Father knows of all the prayers offered in Bill's behalf, many of which have been presented most sincerely and with the souls' activations having been included. And, this being so, as I have explained before, such soul-yearning prayers always reach the Father's listening Ear and unfailingly activate a Benevolent Response on His Part. And you shall all come to see and witness this Response in due course, and as the Father deems it the right time for the healing to be manifested.

In previous messages that you have received, you were informed that there is a great network of helpful assistance, and this extends from the highest heavens even to the lowest hells. You were further informed that any source or agency can be employed by the Father in answer to a sincere prayer offered to Him. This source can be one of the Father's highest angels, a good spirit, or even a loving or capable mortal who is in the right position of time and circumstance where his or her own talents can be employed in the successful execution of the Father's Will. And when this benevolent outcome is enacted, through whatever source, it is rare indeed that only the person receiving the healing benefits profits. For, you see, while mortals and even we in the highest heavens may see a narrow or even a broader picture, as the case may be, the Father's Perspective is all-encompassing and extends far beyond limitations of time, space, or the conceived possibilities of men or spirits. His View of things extends not only to the moment but potentially to the far future, and His Acts of Benevolence carry forth in such a way that maximum benefit is often accorded to not one but many included in the prayers that have been offered in another's behalf.

Already you have heard from Bill himself that his son, Jim, has experienced an increment in his faith in prayer when he learned that his father did seek the medical assistance of a doctor – this outcome being a direct answer to the prayer that his father would seek such assistance. As Jim expressed to his father: “ I see that God does answer prayers after all.” And, so, you can see from this one example of God's Workings, there is more that the Father would like to accomplish than to bring forth a healing to one. There are indeed others to whom the Father's Benevolence is being extended as well. For, as you must know, those who pray for others with deep love and great soul yearning are not absented from the benefits that follow.

I shall conclude this portion of my message by saying that the Father's Will will be done in all good time and to the satisfaction of many where Bill's present medical condition and its improvement is concerned. Continue in your faith and in your prayers, and realize that nothing whatever is lost in repeating the same or similar prayers from your soul. For as you continue to pour forth such prayers in love, at the same time, you add to your own souls' goodness and development. Every prayer offered to the Father in love has its own reflexive reward of an increment in soul development to whoever offers such prayers. Furthermore, every time this occurs, there is a union with the Father Himself. And this, more than any physical benefits that may result, is more than enough reason to continue to offer such prayers in others' behalf. For, while praying to help others, one effect, not often thought of or considered, is that one's relationship with the Heavenly Father becomes closer and more in at-onement with Him. And regardless of whether or not the Father answers your prayer in the precise way asked for or desired, the closeness you have achieved with Him at such times is actually one step closer to union with Him at all times – the very purpose and goal that all of His children should strive for as often as possible.

I have no formal message to add at this time. However, I would like to mention that, while yet another Easter celebration is upon us, I and all my Celestial brethren eagerly await the time when not my death and shed blood will be celebrated, but when my life and its teachings will be at the forefront of man's understanding. And you, our beloved co-workers, in the dissemination of the Father's Truths to your mortal brethren, are indeed advancing this cause and helping to shorten the time of the prevailing ignorance of men as to the True Plan of salvation given to His children. Keep up your endeavors, my beloved ones, and know that you have all the great love and backing of us, your Celestial brethren, to ever assist and inspire you. And, more than this, you have the Love and Blessings of the Father Who is mindful of all that you do to advance His Cause of bringing His children to Him in love, and not through the sacrifice or death of any of His children.

Until our next communication, then, I wish to thank you for receiving my thoughts of today, and I look forward to many more opportunities to share more of such thoughts with you in the service of bringing you all to the Kingdom of the Father. I am

Your brother and eternal friend,


March 31, 1988

Loving with Divine Love

Dearest Master, Jesus,

I and I’m sure all our trustees wish to thank you and your Celestial colleagues for your parts in the protection of B. R. and the overseeing of his recent, successful surgery. When I think of my own love for B____, it occurs to me that, in your own Love for him, for mankind, and for each other, the fulfillment of complete soul transformation must result in a Love capacity of awesome strength and joy. I hope and pray our own soul development will also bring us one day the degree of Love fulfillment enjoyed by you all in the Celestial Heavens, and before too many years go by.

There is an earthly expression: “I love him/her so much that it hurts.” Is this the natural love “talking,” or does Loving with the Divine Love also “hurt,” when Its great intensity potential is exercised? Also, a part of the natural love can be a great longing to love and be with one another. Is there also longing of greater intensity with the Divine Love; or, with It, in sufficient degree, are all desires fulfilled so as to make of “longing” but a bittersweet, human emotion of the mortal past, no longer experienced in its painful aspects as a Celestial angel?

I don’t know if I’ve expressed my questions clearly enough, Master, but I’m sure we would all enjoy reading your answers to these questions. Hoping that I am sufficiently clear to receive your thoughts, I now welcome your Loving presence and message of today.


I am now here, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this day to once again answer your questions the best I can in the service of making known the Great Love and Depth of the Father as this pertains to His Love for His children. I am, of course, your brother and friend, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth, and I am most happy to address your particular questions of today because, as you have intuited and expressed, the Father’s Love is a topic that always appeals to my own heart and soul, and I never tire of imparting that which I have come to know and appreciate about this greatest of all loves in the universe.

First, let me say that I well understand your questions, both as to their meaning and as to the emotional realities within the questions themselves. You are correct in the statement that the natural love carries with it a longing potential for that which it craves. But this longing is the natural love’s way of reaching out for that which it desires. And it is only when the desire is not fulfilled, or is greatly delayed, that the “longing” you speak of becomes painful. The pain is caused by the denial of that which the natural love seeks; it is not the result of the activation of the love itself.

But you must also know that, as great as the gift of the natural love is, it cannot compare with the Father’s Greatest Gift – His Divine Love – that forms a part of His Very Being and Substance. And if it can be said that the soul of man is made but in the image of the Father’s Own Soul, it can also be said that the natural love is also but a reflection or shadow of the Father’s Divine Love. The natural love is God’s greatest gift to mortal man, as mere man; and, in its purest state, undefiled and untainted by sin and error, it is man’s greatest source of happiness and fulfillment when expressed and received. But this love, as beautiful as it is, cannot compare with the Divine Love, any more than a copy can favorably compare with the genius of the original, be this art we are referring to or any other original creation.

In the Celestial Heavens, we do possess the Divine Love in varying degree, just as you mortals without any portion of this Love, shall we say, experience the natural love to varying degree. But there is this one great difference (among many, I would hasten to add), and that is that the Divine Love knows no pain of regret, delay, or lack of fulfillment because Its very Nature and Inherent Quality is incapable of feeling dissatisfaction. Furthermore, where the desires emanating out of the exercise of the natural love can be thwarted through either delay or denial, the desires that blossom forth out of the exercise of the Divine Love’s Energies are never delayed or denied, any more than delay or denial could take place when the Father Himself exercises His Own Desires. For, you see, it is in the nature of divinity that all desires put forth are fulfilled, assuming, of course, that these desires pertain to the self and do not involve that which is in the Province of the Father Himself to grant or not grant. I am speaking now specifically of the free will of all of God’s children, which even the Father will not interfere with. I mention this as an aside because I would not wish it to be misunderstood what I mean by “all desires are fulfilled.” A prayer or desire, for example, that the world be transformed into a veritable paradise of love and fulfillment can have no immediate fulfillment, because for this to take place would require the setting aside of man’s free will to accomplish this much to be desired end. And such a violation of God’s Own Decree that man’s free will be preserved obviously will not be allowed to occur.

However, if we are talking about the Love and happiness we each individually feel as Celestial residents, as compared to the greatest happiness you can experience on earth, even as perfected men or women in the natural love, there are no words to explain the great disparity of feeling experience. Words fall far short of the soulful experience itself of what the Divine Love means to all of us in our Celestial homes, and among our soulmates and companions. But this I will say: There is nothing here which is in any way inharmonious or unfulfilling. Our interchanges are a never ending joy and fulfillment to all of us, and we live in environments of such transcending beauty that, again, words fail to capture even a faint glimpse of the ineffable realities of our daily living and surroundings. But I can say that, above all, we live in and are bathed continually in the Light of the Father’s Love, which both in-fills us and makes of our surroundings a joy to behold, and a peacefulness beyond compare to experience. And, one day, as you say, you and all your trustee compatriots will experience these magnificent realities of Celestial living that we are now so privileged to share and enjoy. But this continues to depend, as you know, upon a sufficiency of the Divine Love within your souls that will qualify and actually prepare your souls for this grandeur, beauty, and happiness which I can only faintly describe to you in words. Without this Love in sufficient degree, as you have also been told, your souls could not respond to, and be at-one with, the atmosphere of our environs. And if this were the case – your residing here before you were soulfully prepared – our Heavens would not be a heaven to you. But this should not be a concern to you because no one resides in the spirit world where his soul does not qualify him for. Yet, at the same time, as one progresses into higher spheres of light and happiness, and toward the Celestial Heavens above, there is no aspect of painful dissatisfaction in any of these higher spheres. Happiness simply increases the higher one progresses, as you all know from the many accounts given through our communications, and as contained in the volumes.

But I do understand what you mean by “longing,” and I should like to say that this is a true friend in disguise, as this pertains to soulful development. If we did not long for love, progress, and greater happiness, our progress would remain at a standstill. But in answer to your question as to our possibly longing with greater intensity with our possession of the Divine Love, yes, we too have longings – greater longings than you experience – but, no, these are not the longings of despair or lack of fulfillment, for our every need is fulfilled without the delays that mortals so often experience. Rather, our longings are for further growth and development amidst the supreme happiness we already feel. And as our faith greatly exceeds yours, having had repeated, soulful confirmation of the availability of more of the Father’s Love and Blessings, quite naturally, our exercise of faith carries the strength of longing which brings us the more immediate fulfillment and increase of that which we long for. In the earth plane, it is much more difficult to exercise the degree of faith to which I refer amidst the cares, troubles, and disharmonies of mortal living. But, in our abodes, there are no such burdensome cares to interfere with the unbridled exercise of faith, which becomes more and more certain the closer we progress toward the Fountain of the Father’s outpouring Love. In a sense, you might speak of us all individually as “iron filings,” with the Father Himself constituting the “Magnet” toward which we are, or can be, attracted. The closer we come to Him, the stronger the attraction; and, the stronger the attraction, the faster our progress proceeds. This is not a perfect analogy because progress is not always uninterrupted or delayed, but there remains the essential Truth that it is easier to progress the closer one approaches the Father’s Own Residence and attracting Love.

Well, I feel that I have answered your questions sufficiently for now; although, admittedly, I can only begin to scratch the surface when I attempt to describe the wonders of the Divine Love and what this means to us in the Celestial Spheres. In the last analysis, there can never be enough words to describe a reality that has to be experienced and felt by each individual soul to be truly understood. But I am happy to say that we ourselves will not rest, or be remiss in our own longings for your joining us, until that happy day when this shall come to pass. And this will come to pass, I can assure you, as long as you continue to pursue the Way to our Kingdom, as you have been doing. But, you see, we are content in our longings here, for we know and can see that the workings of God s Law of Love, which you have all invoked to more or less degree, will indeed eventually bring you to our Kingdom. And, knowing this, there is no discontent in our awaiting these happy events.

And, so, my dear children, I will leave you now with my love and blessings until next time.

Your brother and loving friend,


April 29, 1988

Truth's Real Home Resides in the Soul

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you this lovely day and in this glorious setting to once again share with you and others my thoughts of today. I am, of course, Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens, and I am most happy for the opportunity to again come to you and communicate in this way for your and others' benefit.

Change, as you know and have been told, is the law eternal. But the spiritual Truths needed by humankind never change. What is only lacking is the proper communication of these Truths to as many of God's children as have ears to hear and souls to understand. And, of course, when I say this, I mean that all of God's children have the capacity to discern and incorporate the spiritual Truths of God; but capacity is not enough. What is needed is both access to these Truths and a great soulful desire for them. To provide access is the easy part; to encourage desire is the far more difficult task. But that is what makes our work so challenging and, ultimately, so worthwhile.

Truth is not and never has been something that some people might regard as sterile facts, with no life apart from information useful perhaps to the intellect. No, spiritual Truth has life within it, and this means a living force of its own. But, for this force to be fully appreciated, it is necessary that Truth find its repository not in the mind alone, where it may or may not reside for a time, but more importantly in the soul where Truth's true home is located, and where it adds to the life and vitality of that soul. And, so, our task is ever so much greater than to merely communicate information; our eternal task is to first reach the souls of earth and of the spirit world with the promotion of desire; for without the desire for Truth, Truth itself can find no home of permanence. It is only when desire beckons from a yearning soul that Truth of a spiritual order comes to that soul. And once it enters and finds a lodgment conducive to itself, Truth remains forevermore with and in that soul.

And, so, dear ones, as you go about your many tasks of a spiritual order, always bear in mind that the information we and you provide must take root; information alone is not enough. And it is primarily through your loving and concerned efforts in your personal contacts with others that the spiritual desires and aspirations within yourselves may be recognized by your listeners. And it is this desire within yourselves to share the Truths you have incorporated that gets communicated more convincingly than the information itself. Yes, you must keep in mind that real spiritual Truth lives and makes itself primarily known through the loving outpourings that Truth itself encourages from within the soul. And this is only one reason of many why each of you must continue to desire a greater knowledge of spiritual Truth that is available unlimitedly. With such desire and acquisition comes not only greater knowledge but also a greater force of persuasion in Truth's accumulation and communication to others.

"Be ye perfect like your Father in heaven is Perfect" is a tall order, I know. But while this is necessarily something we must strive for eternally, inherent in this statement is also the lesson I am trying to communicate today; that is, that the journey to perfection is dependent upon the accumulation of Divine Truths. And, as we all know, it is the Divine Love of the Father that allows this accumulation in the first place.

I realize I have said all of this before in different ways. But I have chosen to present my message of today in yet another variation on the same theme. What I would like principally communicated and understood is that none of us should become satisfied and complacent in the notion that, because we perhaps possess more of the Father's Truths than some others, we can therefore rest contentedly in our presumed superiority – languishing, as we may think, until others have incorporated as much as we have. No, Truths are not meant to be possessed by a few, but are available to all. And there is no set point where any of us can afford to become content with our accumulated knowledge of Truths. For if we do this, we stagnate, and the resulting lethargy does not allow us to impart that potential but dormant desire within us to share our Truths with others. And, so, I must say again, it is a desire for God's Love and His Truths that not only we must have but also what we must kindle in the hearts, minds and souls of others that is vital to both our Celestial mission and what is your mission and calling as well. If together we can enliven the great key of desire for Truth in others, then Truth they shall find and Truth they shall receive – and this irrespective of the information we may also impart at the same time.

But, when I say all this, I do not intend it to be understood that I am offering a criticism of any one of you, for I am not. I am merely presenting a reminder that I myself must not lose sight of. For, you see, in the last analysis, while we may encourage and increase the desire for God's Very Own Truths in others, this becomes possible only if we continue to radiate this same desire within ourselves. And, as a final thought for today, let us not forget that beyond desire are the Father's Truths themselves, ever ready to flow into those souls who seek His outpouring Love with true and constant yearning.

Until our next communication, then, I leave you now with my love and blessings, and those of the Father.

Your friend and brother,


August 11, 1988


Dearest Master, Jesus,

With regard to the devolution of man, the Padgett messages tell us that, in the space of only several hundred years man’s moral decline was such that he could hardly be distinguished from the beasts of the field.  And it was from the bottom of this degenerate condition that man began his slow ascent thereafter to the present day.  Well, one of the Padgett messages is from Sebastobel, familiar with the Atlantian history, who relates that Atlantis was a very advanced civilization beyond our own − so advanced, in fact, that members were capable of transporting themselves from place to place by the application of will power, without the apparent need for any carrying or propelling physical vehicles. Sebastobel claims that this was accomplished by employing certain forces of nature, still existing, but unknown by man of the present day.

Well, Master, the first question I have for you today is:  If there were indeed advanced civilizations like Atlantis or Lemuria, is this because their moral and intellectual advancement had been restored to that of perfection or near perfection enjoyed by our first parents, Aman and Amon?  And, if so, following the destruction of these civilizations by alleged natural forces (earthquakes, etc.), did mankind again go through a period of decline and moral degeneration to yet another low estate similar to the beasts of the field?  And was this followed by yet another period of moral and intellectual advancement for mankind?

Not only Atlantis but also many civilizations have come and gone during the millions of years of man’s existence.  Does this mean that there have been not one, not two, but many periods of devolution for humankind followed by many periods of evolution toward restored perfection?

And, finally, we are instructed that God’s Laws are immutable, and this applies to both natural laws and spiritual laws.  This being so, how could the people of Atlantis have been able to transport their physical bodies by mere thought or will power when this seems to be in direct defiance of physical or natural law?  And if they could so transport themselves through some kind of higher physical law taking precedence, why is it that the citizens of Atlantis could not have transported themselves elsewhere, out of danger, during the earthquake that allegedly destroyed their continent and civilization?  Surely at least some of them could have presumably escaped before the earthquake had completed its destructive work.

Hoping that I will be a clear channel to receive your answers, dear Master, I now welcome your loving presence and message of this day.


I am now here, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you in response to the questions you have put before me.  I am most happy to resume our messages again, and I will do my best to clarify some of the issues you have addressed.  I am, of course, your friend and brother in Christ, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

In the first place, let me say that Atlantian history is not so surprising when it is considered that many civilizations have come and gone since man’s earliest beginnings.  These emerging and retrogressive or ultimately collapsed civilizations have been many, although your present knowledge of history takes in but a few, such as the rise and fall of the Roman empire, the Egyptian dynasties, and the period of Grecian superiority.  But many centuries antedating these civilizations were others of which you have no knowledge, but which indeed existed for varying periods of time. These civilizations were advanced in certain particulars and not so advanced in accordance with your present level of development in other particulars.  The laws to which Sebastobel referred in the Atlantian civilization are indeed the same laws that exist now and have always existed.  But utilization of these laws has depended upon a number of factors in terms of man’s development and his readiness to have these laws, or their operations, brought to his consciousness and understanding.

Spiritual forces are in back of all new revelations, inventions, and knowledge given to mankind.  And these forces are employed when it is deemed that a particular era and civilization in that era is prepared to receive this help from the spirit side of life.  Atlantis was a civilization that had advanced to a point where it was deemed fit and timely to impress upon it a knowledge of certain laws and their operations, whereby proper utilization of them would result in advantages of a material order.  And the Atlantians were indeed given the inspiration that led to what might be termed more advanced control and utilization of certain forces in nature that could be employed for man’s comfort or benefit.  But this is not to say that other civilizations have not also come and gone with similar inspiration having been given, acquired, and then subsequently lost for a variety of reasons.

Indeed, most civilizations have gone through a period of moral decline where the initial knowledge given and obtained was ultimately lost through the collapse of these civilizations − this collapse being inevitable on the basis of the certain results of the wrongful exercise of choices built up over time.  But not all civilizations have been lost to themselves or to history on the basis of devolution or degeneracy.  Some have been lost in terms of the so-called material disasters that man is always potentially subject to as a consequence of other normal workings of other laws.

When it is considered that man must die the mortal death at some time, in the eternal scheme of things, it is of little consequence whether he begins his eternal growth and development in the spirit world perhaps a little sooner than a little later.  And, sometimes, an earlier passing to the spirit world is much more a reward than a presumed punishment.  And so it was with the Atlantians.  Their abrupt ending to their mortal existence was essentially a blessing in disguise, for this was not a civilization that had degenerated, but one that had made considerable strides not only in the arts and sciences but also in the more important and saving areas of spiritual contact and soulful development.  Indeed, mediumship practiced during the Atlantian era was much more prevalent than it is today.  Contact between spirits and mortals was what you might almost say was commonplace at that time.  And, so, with this more open communication between both worlds, is it any wonder that mortals of that day were privy to more of the accumulated spiritual knowledge preserved since man’s earliest beginnings than mortals are privy to or aware of today?

(Master, was the Atlantian prosperity and advancement the result of their approaching perfection?  And, with their destruction, did mankind go through other periods of decline and restoration?)

In answer to your question concerning perfection or near perfection of the residents of Atlantis, in a relative sense, yes, they were more spiritually developed than are the various civilizations of the modern day; but, no, they were not developed perfectly.  Had they been, they would have obtained the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and this has not been achieved by any civilization at any time in the world’s history.  The civilizations that have come and gone have varied in terms of their spiritual development and material mastery of their environments.  And, in the course of human history, humankind have made their way in an advancing and retrogressive manner, with periods of relative growth and development followed by periods of backsliding and moral degeneration.  And, so, when we speak of the evolution of man from the bottom of his degeneracy, we do not intend to convey that his progress has been without its ups and downs since that time.  Progress, as you know, rarely proceeds unerringly as far as the human condition is concerned.  There are always a certain amount of setbacks and mistakes, as well as a certain amount of advancements and corrections.  And, so, over-viewing man’s entire history, in the various parts of the world, civilizations have varied in their amount of progress or lack thereof.  But humankind as a whole have been making their slow progress (if sometimes haltingly, or retrogressively backsliding along the way) whereby it can be said, generally speaking, that they have advanced beyond the period of their lowest degeneracy.  Of course, there is much development still ahead for humankind to attain to, and this is why our work can never cease until the day comes when, in fact, there is peace on earth and the perfection of love and brotherhood that the Father intends for all of his children. But, as we see it now, there will continue to be many advances and many steps backwards before this perfected development has been attained by all the civilizations of the earth.  And we must continue to work until this takes place, as you have so often been told.

(And what of the alleged transportation of the Atlantians by thought or will power, Master?) 

In answer to that question, yes, these people were able to enact certain laws that enabled them to exercise spiritual force upon material conditions, but material conveyances were still necessary for transporting purposes.  That is to say, people then were not able to fly through the air unassisted by material transport vehicles.  But these vehicles were not powered by fuel of a material order, but by forces existing in nature which the Atlantians learned to utilize.  And regarding their destruction, which I know is your next thought, this cataclysmic event took place at night and at a time when few were in readiness to attempt to react or escape. Those who were awake and aroused had their immediate concern for their loved ones, as well as for themselves, and their concern so directed gave insufficient time for any planned or organized escape.  The flood spoken of was a combination of an enormous fault beneath their continent giving way, resulting in both the collapse of their land and a concomitant tidal wave of immense proportions.  Before anything could be done of a saving or escaping nature, these combined forces destroyed the land swiftly and surely, which of course included all of its residents.

But all of this is truly ancient history.  However, I might add that, in this case, the destruction of this civilization was not decreed as any sort of punishment delivered from on high, but the result of the natural workings of the then rather primitive and incompletely formed earth surface.  The beginnings of the earth were frequented with many more of these natural upheavals owing to its “growing pains,” if I may put it that way, at that time.  Today, these cataclysmic events are far more infrequent.

Well, my brother, I hope I have answered your questions to your and others’ satisfaction.  Let me say in closing that the work of spiritual restoration and development is still before us, and this work continues to be of vastly more importance than the physical changes that are also a part of the mortal condition.  And I know that all of you remain dedicated to this work along with us, and I thank you all for your sustained efforts in behalf of the Kingdom of the Father.  Until next time, then, I leave you all with my love and blessings and those of the Father, and I thank you for receiving my thoughts of today.

Your friend and brother,


October 18 & 20, 1988

The Father's True Plan of Salvation

I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you today most happily to deliver another message that may be of benefit and interest to you and to humankind. I am your brother in the Christ spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth.

Today, I would like to make comment on the fine work that you and others have advanced in the preparation of our New Revelation to mankind in the form of our writings through Mr. Padgett and Dr. Samuels. As you know, these messages are not really new, for the knowledge promulgated has been in existence for many centuries now. But, alas, as you all are also aware of, this knowledge of the Father's True Plan of salvation has been largely lost owing to the many omissions and interpolations introduced into the Bible since my early followers died and the church emasculated my true messages of peace and salvation that I came to earth to teach.

It has been truly unfortunate that humankind has been placed for so many years in a position not unlike their position before my advent into the world; namely, in abject ignorance of the Father's Love for His children and His Great Desire that they no longer seek to make their own way, unassisted and unaided, but rather turn to Him for His Guidance and saving Love that will bring them all the happiness and fulfillment that their hearts' desires could ever hope for, and more besides. But, as I say, although ignorance of this has prevailed for so many centuries, and even in spite of the information that had been communicated by me and my early followers, I am happy to say that the light of Truth has never been actually extinguished, albeit dimmed through the introduction of false and conflicting dogmas and doctrines advanced by the so-called modern churches of today.

It was my mission when I came into the world to present the Father's Truths to a soul-hungering world. And, when I did so, there was as much opposition to these Truths as there is today, but with this one saving and encouraging difference: The world is now at a point where the great differences in dogmas and beliefs are so numerous and confusing that humankind are beginning to discern, in their frustration and even despair, that the Truths of God cannot really be found in the man-made notions and creations of the fallible mortal mind, but must be sought for and found through an instrument and faculty beyond the limitations of reason and the material senses. Of course, I am now speaking of the soul and its powers, which far transcend the mind and its reasoning capabilities in its exercise of attempting to discern what is true from what is not.

In my own day, the Jewish nation, such as it then existed, at least did not have the variety of religious beliefs that prevail in the world today because of the overextended imaginations of men accumulating so many diverse and false notions concerning the Nature of God and man's final destiny. But, in one sense, the more firmly established belief systems that existed in my time were perhaps more difficult to permeate and unseat than the belief systems of today. What I am trying to suggest here is that humankind are tiring of having to exercise their reasoning powers to sift through so many diverse doctrines that exist today, which, in turn, makes it more easy, perhaps, to suggest to them another avenue of approach to Truth which does not require the powers of the mind, which are fallible, but relies upon the discernment of the awakened soul for that which they seek.

It is this great and growing discontent with the mind's limitations that affords us all – you, our dear co-workers, and we in the Celestial Heavens – the improved opportunity to appeal to the souls of humankind which, underlying at least, are becoming more and more primed to open to our influences than they have been in the distant past when the ascendancy of the mind, uncluttered by a plethora of belief possibilities, felt more secure in its presumed knowledge of religious Truth.

Diversity of available religious notions may be and is a source of frustration to the individual mind seeking Truth; but such diversity, leading to such frustration, is truly a blessing in disguise when it comes to that individual coming closer and closer to being open to our own appeal to the use of his soul, rather than his mind, to arrive at the Truth that only God Himself can provide through apportioning His gifted Divine Love into that soul, and in response to his fervent prayers for Its in-flowing.

Of course, since the very beginning of my own ministry, I unfailingly appealed to men's souls, and identified the soul as that faculty of man which could discern the Truths of God. But, as you know, man has accustomed himself to relying more heavily upon his reasoning faculties than upon his soul's capabilities. And while this apparently could not have been forestalled or prevented, for man's exercise of free will could not be violated, yet, this very untrammeled exercise of the reasoning powers is perhaps just what was needed before modern man could and would become ultimately disenchanted with these faculties as the appropriate instrument to discern the Truths of God. And I am now suggesting that it appears that this new, so-called Aquarian age is and will be one where mankind will finally become more receptive to the efficacy of the soul's faculties, and less confident in the presumed supremacy of the mind. This being so, we can then more effectively than in ages past break through the mind barrier of humankind, which is to say that the opening of men's souls will begin to be more frequent as it becomes more clear than ever that the mind has had its protracted and unsuccessful day, and that the time has come for the soul's powers to be employed instead.

And, so, my beloved ones, while our Celestial progress has been slow over these past two thousand years, I want you to take heart along with us in the sure knowledge that this present time of man, and of his progress toward his receptivity to the Father's Truths, is an encouraging one. It is time to “strike while the iron is hot," as one of your expressions goes, and to give out with our information with renewed vigor and confidence. There were days when whatever we offered was met with closed ears, hardened hearts, and dead souls. But the time is fast approaching (and for many the time is already here) when our messages of Love and Truth will be received gladly with open ears, hopeful hearts, and resurrected souls.

We must continue, therefore, to work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work. But added to this saying of mine, I should like to say that we see this day as becoming much brighter than in the day of some of our earliest efforts; and this means that our harvest of found souls will be on the increase as we begin to apply our saving efforts with new rededication, and with the recognized and encouraging fertile ground of the growing availability of more receptive souls to bring within our fold being within our collective reach.

I would like to add before closing that we are all most pleased with your many fine efforts to bring our Truths before the world once more in the form of the improved and wonderful new edition of volume I. You can be assured that we will do everything in our power to have these Truths distributed as plentifully, wide, and as far as possible in the coming days ahead. You are all to be commended on a job truly well done, and one that we see will appeal to a whole new harvest of aspiring souls now open or becoming open as the presumed power of the mind is finally set aside and the Way of the soul emerges triumphant in seeking and finding the Pearl of Great Price, the Father's immortalizing Love.

And, so, dear ones, I leave you now with my blessings and the blessings of all of us in the heavens overseeing your magnificent work. Know that we love you dearly and that the Father loves you most of all. I am

Your brother and friend,


January 16, 1989

We are the Greatest of All God's Creations

Dearest Master, Jesus,

With this being Good Friday and a vacation day for me, 1 thought this would be a good time to receive another one of your loving and helpful messages; that is, if you are now available and I am in sufficiently good condition to be a clear channel for you. Please address whatever subject you would like to discuss today, dear Master. I am sure that all our Trustees, and perhaps others one day, will be most appreciative of once again receiving your words of wisdom and Truth.


I am now here to write, my dear brother in Christ, and I am most happy to come to you today for the purpose of imparting what little I can to enlarge the perceptions of my fellow mortals who may be actively striving to develop their souls and to reach that state of perfect at-onement with our heavenly Father. I am your brother in the Christ spirit, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens and the eternal leader of our church on earth, and I am pleased to be able to bring yet another message of hope and potential fulfillment to all my brothers and sisters in the flesh who are actively seeking the Father’s redeeming and transforming Love.

Today I would like to say that prayer to our Heavenly Father has been and always will be the way of achieving not only material blessings, but also the far greater prize of at-onement of soul with Him. Of course, when I say at-onement of soul, to many, this may seem like an impossible state to achieve because there is little to no belief presently felt that such attainment could be possible to begin with. As men might reason, man is but a lowly and poor creature that has but limited potential, and certainly is not of sufficient worth to be accorded the privilege of seeking at-onement with the Father, let alone ever attaining such a desired state of being. But in saying or thinking this, such men have been adversely and falsely taught by their churches and religious orders that the Father is in His Heavens, where He belongs, but man is but His creature – a poor creature at that – who is not worthy so much as to aspire to approaching the Father’s lofty Station and Stature. And when they say this they know not whereof they speak.

What is lost and has been lost to a great extent down through the centuries since my advent in, and departure from, this world is that man is anything but the lowly creature that his false teachers would have him believe. Some interpolations in the Bible, and many omissions as well, tend to present a picture of man as little better than the beasts of the field, sinful in nature, and not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs from under the Father’s Table. How lamentable is this false portrayal and estimation of man’s true and potential greatness. In my own day, no such false proclamation ever passed my lips, for I have always known, and did faithfully preach, that man was and is the Father’s greatest Creation, the most wonderful of His Handiworks, and the most beloved of all His creatures. And, yet, when material concerns and acquisitions become the prevailing goals of this highest of the Father’s Creations, it is truly remarkable how quickly and easily man’s own opinion of himself can diminish to that point where he can barely discern why the Father should have created him in the first place. And it is only one short step from that thinking to the conclusion that man must be inherently evil and essentially doomed unless or until something should occur, or someone should come along, to somehow change the condition of man to one of acceptance and salvation in the eyes of the Father. Man alone can do nothing, so they reason, but perhaps someone commissioned by the Father could perform some saving act that might restore humankind’s position to one of Grace – not through worthiness of their own, but through a champion among men who might serve to persuade the Father to take pity on His “lowly” creatures, and to find them acceptable after all because of nothing more than the inherent goodness in this soul and exceptional mouthpiece and champion, whose acts and sacrifices are offered as an atonement for all humankind.

It is truly unfortunate that I, as the Messiah, have come to be viewed by many as such a “champion” when the fact remains that my mission was never to appease any presumed angry God – for our Heavenly Father has no wrath to His Nature – but simply to impart the Glad Tidings that the Father had re-bestowed the privilege of His children receiving His Very Own Substance of Love into their souls, if they would but earnestly pray to Him for this most precious of all Gifts and Blessings that He is capable of imparting. How different is this mission of mine from the church’s understanding of same, and how different is this Loving God from that which man has created as a projection of his own troubled soul!

The new Easter season is now upon us, and I would like to say once more, as emphatically as I can, (and I will continue such emphasis for as long as error continues to exist on the mortal plane) that my whole mission bespeaks not man’s unworthiness but his greatness. For if the Father did not regard man as His greatest Creation, and if He did not love His children as devotedly as He does, never would He have sent me into the world with the most precious of His Gifts to be offered once again to His beloved ones: His transforming Love that would make His great human beings into even greater divine beings! I ask you, could this be an act of an unloving God? And could this Grace re-bestowed be a testament to that creation which the Father regarded as being inferior and unworthy?

No, as I knew then, and as I continue to preach today to all my brethren, both in the spirit world and on earth through messages communicated to mediums such as yourself, the Father regards all His children as the most precious of all His Possessions. Each child is dearer to Him than all His other material creations combined. And why is this so? It is so because man is made in the very image and likeness of His Very Own Soul. And while the likeness is not the Substance, until such likeness becomes of that Substance, man still remains God’s highest and greatest Creation, but one attainable step lower than the Celestial angels themselves. And the Father is not happy or pleased when His own children so denounce and degrade their stature and worth. He would have all His children know and understand completely and everlastingly that all are most precious to him – more precious than one’s children are to any mortal father – and He wants all to seek Him from their God-given souls in love and longing, and forever discard the false notion that any mediator is necessary to petition for His Love in their place.

Today is the present calendar day when much of the world presumes that I died for their sins nearly 2000 years ago. But I, too, am unhappy when my fellow brothers and sisters believe such a false dogma of the churches. One day, I hope the world will come to understand what my true mission really was, how I accomplished that mission, and how I left the world with the Truths of salvation, imparted to my inner understanding by the Father Himself. But while the ignorant belief still prevails that I was but a sacrificial lamb sent to placate an angry God, I must continue to speak against this essential blasphemy, and I must continue to rely on you, my beloved co-workers in the flesh, to set the record straight along with me as to what my mission really was: to be the bearer of the Glad Tidings that God’s Divine Love was being re-bestowed to His children. And, one day, it is my sincerest hope and prayer that my brethren will commemorate not my death but the New Life that the Father has offered to His children through me.

In closing, I should like to say that my love is ever with you all working in the Father’s Employ. And I can say with much happiness that, through the publication of our new volume of Truths, soon to be distributed, I and my Celestial compatriots see us as being just that much closer to the day when all will know the Truth, and the Truth shall make them free. Until next time, then, my blessings and the Blessings of the Father are ever with all of you, and I thank you most sincerely for taking my message of this day.

Your loving brother and friend,


March 24, 1989

Ebbs & Flows of Divine Love

Dearest Master, Jesus,

As I am sure you are aware of, considering your recent visitation and delivered impress of thoughts, K____ and J____ are seeking clarification concerning the “ebbs” and “flows” of the Father’s Divine Love, and whether or not this rhythmic process takes place periodically irrespective of man’s soul condition. That is, are there periods of time when the Father allows His Love to flow throughout the universe, and other periods of time when He withdraws this Love unto Himself, perhaps for “recharging” purposes? J____ refers to your sermon about Hosea wherein you state that Hosea was aware of the Divine Love overflowing in God more than 750 years before your coming, and wonders why this was occurring so long before your appearance on earth. She also wonders whether or not God’s Love would have been withdrawn even if man had not been disobedient and had fallen from Grace – this perhaps simply coinciding with an intended “ebb” period that would have occurred in any case. Finally, she asks whether or not there are other creatures in the universe, perhaps similar to man, who might also have benefited from the availability of the Father’s Love flowing out from His Fountainhead.

Praying that I will be able to receive your thoughts clearly and well., I now welcome your loving presence and message of this day.


I am now here to write, my beloved friend and brother in Christ, and I am again most happy to be of service to you and others in attempting to answer satisfactorily the questions put before me. I am your friend and brother, Jesus of the Bible and Master of the Celestial Heavens, and I shall now present the answers that I have been impressing upon you even in advance of this formal communication. For I know that you are most sincere in your desire to receive only the Truth, and I shall endeavor to present that in such a way that will be clear to you and others, and will satisfy your longings of soul for the Truth.

First, let me say that the Father’s Love is at the very Core and Nature of His Being, and that He would not be our God– the Immortal Father– if for even one moment He were deprived of this Love. Secondly, as you have already been told, this Love was available to our first parents, but was withdrawn from them upon their disobedience and unwillingness to either admit or to seek the Father’s offered Love. But, with the withdrawal of this privilege, this is not to say that His Own Love ceased to flow from His Being. What was lost was simply humankind’s capacity to “draw upon” this Love, if I may so express it; for the soul quality within man, given to enable him to receive this Love, was taken from him and was not restored until I came to earth and became the first fruit of the resurrected possibility of receiving this Love.

It may be rightly wondered why I, and not some other, became the first recipient of this re-bestowed Love if Hosea obtained a glimpse of Its existence 750 years before my coming. The answer here is that, before Its re-bestowal, the Father obviously wanted to prepare His children for Its coming availability, and this necessitated at least a mind’s awareness of Its existence prior to anyone’s receipt of It. And, so, not only in the case of Hosea, but also in the cases of Ezekial, Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Isaiah and other such prophets and reformers, the bestowal of a New Heart was foreshadowed and revealed to more or less degree as advance notice to the Israeli nation in particular, and intended for mankind as a whole. What was only lacking was both a beginning of this restored privilege and a first recipient of this Gift.

Not at the time but clear to me now is that the Father required the same pristine soul condition of a second “Adam” to be that appointed time which would mark the beginning of this restored privilege. Not only was it necessary for this Messiah to possess this pure and sinless soul condition to first receive this re-bestowed Love; it was also necessary for humankind to be in a position to be persuaded of Its re-bestowal as a result of both Its advance announcement and Its receipt by one of such a pure and sinless character that at least some would come to recognize and believe that God’s Love had indeed been re-bestowed as promised. Had no prior mind knowledge been imparted that the Father intended to place His Love in the hearts of men, whereupon they could sin no more, then my receipt of this Love and my demonstrated sinless life would not have had the impact necessary to have allowed me to have been as persuasive to some as I had been.

As I indicated to many during my ministry, my claim of being the Father’s true Messiah was nothing more than the fulfillment of what had already been prophesied. I came not to change the law, but to fulfill it. And, further, I backed the legitimacy of my claim by both living the sinless life prophesied, which would not have been possible without possession of this Love, and by demonstrating Its existence in my soul through the Truths I proclaimed and the many healing acts performed through the vehicle of this Love acting through me.

And now more specifically to the heart of one of your questions, although I referred to a possible “ebb” and “flow” of God’s bestowed Love, it was not my intention to imply that this Love ceased to exist, or that It has ever not radiated out from the Father’s Great Soul. I simply used these picturesque terms to convey a more easily understood occurrence of either the unavailability or the availability of His Love in terms of man’s capacity to receive It. At the time of the creation of our first parents, as throughout all time before, the Father’s Love undoubtedly poured forth from His Being in accordance with the very Nature of Its existence. It is inconceivable to me that there was ever a time when the Fountainhead of Love did not radiate forth from the Father’s Soul, as this Love is the Living Energy that comprises the very Life Essence of His Being. However, I can say with surety that this Love will never cease to flow both in the present and in the great future. What has occurred and may occur in cycles is man’s gifted capacity to partake of It, depending upon his soul condition as determined by the Father’s Desire. With the soul potentiality of receiving God’s Love being given to man, man may continue to seek and find this Love through fervent prayer to Him for Its in-flowing. But this is only possible if the potentiality for receiving this Love – this privilege, if I may so express it – remains and is not withdrawn. And, as you know, it is decreed that not God’s Love will be withdrawn, in the sense of Its disappearance or confinement within His Soul, but the privilege of partaking of It will be withdrawn at the time referred to as the “second death.” And whether or not this privilege will ever be restored to succeeding generations of mankind has never been revealed to us. But, as I have also said, I cannot conceive that the Father will not make some future provision for His Love’s re-bestowal once our own Celestial gates are closed, because, knowing the Great Love and Mercy of the Father as I do, I firmly believe that His Love for all His children will never cease, even though He may withdraw the privilege of their receiving It for some indeterminate period of time, as He so desires or sees fit, and this likely followed by Its re-bestowal as His Own Love and Mercy may so prompt Him to grant.

But if you need any further confirmation of the constancy of the Father’s outpouring Love from the Source of His Being, as I have said, and has been told to you by many of my Celestial brethren as well, those of us who have received any portion of the Father’s Love will never be deprived of this Gift or prevented from obtaining more of It throughout all eternity. And this would not be possible if this Love were ever to cease to flow from the Father’s Great Soul. Even when the Celestial gates are closed, we will continue to derive benefit from the ever-present availability of this Love.

And, so, let it be understood that the Father’s Fountainhead of Love never ceases to radiate out from His Own Soul; what has been and may continue to be inconstant is humankind’s gifted capacity to receive It.

I would like to be able to answer your question with regard to other possible souls in the visible universe who may have partaken of the Father’s Love, but this information has not been revealed to us. We do know that our spirit world is populated exclusively by former mortals of earth, and our Celestial Heavens as well. However, considering the unfathomable greatness of our Father, it would not be surprising to us if there were many other worlds and heavens wherein God has created and placed other of His children made in His image. But, as I say, we have no knowledge of this one way or the other. Suffice it to say that the vastness of our combined worlds is more than sufficient to occupy our undivided attention and encourage our unceasing labors of love.

In summary, then, I hope I have satisfactorily answered the concerns of K___ and J____ as to the constancy of the Father’s outpouring Love, whether or not humankind is aware of this or has been gifted with the soul privilege of partaking of It. And this being a longer message than usual, I will leave you now with my love and blessings, and with the assurance that, for our trustees and for many of our church members, none of you will ever experience the unavailability of the Father’s Love. For to those who have received, It is given. I am

Your brother and friend,


October 1, 1989

Presentation of Truths and "Reincarnation" Explained

Dearest Master, Jesus,

J____ has asked me to request additional information from you regarding our dear brother in Christ, K. W. – perhaps some helpful suggestions and comments about him and his spiritual work. Are there some words you would like communicated to him and to us today?

Hoping I am sufficiently clear and in good condition to receive your thoughts, I now welcome your loving presence and communication.


My dear brother in Christ, I am now here to communicate several thoughts I have with regard to the request you have put before me today, and I hope that some of these thoughts will serve to be useful not only to our dear brother, K____, but also to the trustees and others who seek to serve the Will of the Father, and to bring to His children the great Truth of His abiding Love for all of His children. I am, of course, your brother, Jesus, who is not only Master of the Celestial Heavens but also a most humble and willing worker for all my mortal brethren on earth who may seek my counsel in the performance of their spiritual endeavors.

Let me begin by saying that we are most appreciative of K____'s willing and able service in bringing more of the Father's Truths before others. A mind's awareness of spiritual Truth, while only truly possible when communicated to the mind through the awakened soul that has received some portion of the Divine Love, can be a first good step even when planted in the soil of the intellect. For this reason, even appeals to the intellectual side of humankind have their potential value. Some seeds – in fact, the great majority of them – will fall on rocky ground and will be swept away by the winds of ever-changing reasoning, never to take root. But there will be other seeds that will fall in the fertile ground of desire for Truth where, in time, if not immediately, they will take root in preparation for a flowering to come. Sometimes, a Truth heard by the ears and stored by the intellect will remain dormant for many years, waiting perhaps for just that heartfelt condition wherein that Truth begins to find its way into the soul. And, so, we cannot underestimate the importance of any avenue wherein others may learn and, more importantly, obtain the Pearl of Great Price, which is all men's potential possession for the sincere asking.

In the service of Truth's unfolding, we are ever anxious to explore and use many avenues of communication in the hope that at least some will prove both useful and effective in ultimately touching the hearts and souls of men. For only when the soul has been activated in yearning will we have been successful in bringing yet another individual under the Protection of the Father's Loving Grace and Care.

Applying some of these thoughts, now, to K____'s present spiritual efforts, we look upon any attempts to awaken the minds and souls of men to their essential spiritual natures both praiseworthy and important. And, so, we certainly would do nothing to discourage K____'s efforts to reach a variety of public sources with spiritual food for thought. Beginnings have to be made, and K_____ does display talents in how to present the written spiritual information in appealing and eye-catching ways. However, we would like to offer one suggestion with regard to our own spiritual focus, and that is that all information pertaining to the highest spiritual Truths of the Father, communicated by me and my Celestial compatriots, be kept separate from other spiritual sources in terms of mailings to others. As I am sure K____ will agree, upon his deeper reflection, an eclectic approach with others, while having some advantages in terms of the variety of information presented, does not carry the impact of any single presentation, exclusively imparted, and very well presented. It is our hope, therefore, that as K____ proceeds with his work and gains an enlarged appreciation of the importance of his potential part in presenting our information in an unadulterated fashion, he will truly come to see and feel at soul level the great service he will be performing in preserving the exclusive focus suggested. Truth and error, you see, cannot stand side by side. Error must eventually give way to Truth, for it is decreed that all error will eventually be eradicated from God's Universe. In the service of bringing this eventuality to fruition, it becomes important, therefore, that our own efforts and presentations be clear, consistent, and not confounded by any other information that would possibly detract from the purity and potential effective impact our presentations seek to accomplish.

As to K____'s other spiritual sources and the communication of their material, we voice no objection to their presentation in separate mailings, for all appeals of a spiritual nature carry with it at least an awakening spiritual or soulful result possibility. And since awakening must precede possession, there is always some potential value in all sources that accomplish a new or enlarged awareness of our essential spiritual identities. But we would be remiss in our own God-given responsibilities if we did not primarily encourage the pure and singular dissemination of what we in the Celestial Heavens know to be at the very heart of man's salvation.

Before closing, I would like to make mention of the reincarnation premise touched upon in my earlier communication through K. S., for I recognize that many, K____ included, find this premise to be apparently very reasonable and acceptable. It is indeed true that complete and impartial justice is not served on earth; it is equally true that soul progression must extend beyond one mortal lifetime. The error of reincarnation thinking, however, is that full justice, expiation, and growth must occur through a succession of mortal lifetimes, when the true fact remains that all of these ends are served on the spirit side of life rather than on earth. Furthermore, the concept of "stages of initiation" has an element of truth in it so long as it is understood that soulful development and advancement is a continual process in the spheres of the spirit world, not the by-product of repeated mortal incarnations.

In other messages, I have made plain that a soul can never be divested of its spirit body, which contains it, in order to make its way into the womb of yet another mortal. And, so, this fact alone is sufficient to make clear that there are no repeated incarnations; the mortal body is temporal whereas the spirit body, so far as is known, is eternal. However, we do appreciate some of the struggles that beset the minds of men who are seeking to understand how the perfect workings of a just God could occur without the apparent need for successive lifetimes of improvement and advancement on earth. But the answer, dear ones, is that the perfect workings of God's Laws are no less served on the spirit side of life. For it is there that all the questions and concerns a believer in reincarnation may have are truly answered and reconciled, and not on earth where but the kindergarten of man's soulful evolution begins.

Well, I hope that this additional commentary may be helpful to K____ and to others who may read my message of today. In any event, I am most happy to have had the opportunity to answer some of your concerns, if not all at this time. Yet, as you know, there is always our next communication before us where I will be available and most willing to attempt to address any further concerns brought to my attention.

In closing, let me say again that we are most pleased with the sincere and commendable efforts of both K____ and M. F., and we are looking forward to supporting all their wonderful spiritual efforts in the coming days and years ahead. Our "army" is indeed growing, and it will not be too long before all corners of the world will be privy to the Truths of salvation through our combined disseminating efforts. I leave you now with my love and blessings, and commend and thank you for the successful receipt of my message of this day. I am

Your brother and friend,


January 10, 1990

Mary Magdalene Offers Her Love and Encouragement

I love you, my dear brother in Christ, and I come to you today most happily to convey to you and to the wonderful trustees of the church my humblest thanks for the very fine work you are all doing to spread the Truths of our Father far and wide into the world which is in such desperate need for both His Truths and, more importantly, His Divine Love. I am your humble sister in Christ, known to you as Mary Magdalene, but now simply one of God’s children who resides in one of His glorious Celestial Spheres, and among those who similarly have undergone a transformation of soul to have become our Father’s true, divine children. And, of course, with me is my beloved soulmate, Jesus, who is Master of the Celestial Heavens, yet one who often comes to the sometimes forbidding atmosphere of the earth plane to help those who hunger for they know not what, or who are reaching out with their souls for the Father’s Love and Assistance to bring them out of their despair and restore their lives to one of hope and happiness.

And, of course, my beloved Jesus many times comes to you and to the trustees to offer his presence, love and support for all your efforts on behalf of the Kingdom. You must never feel that any of you are alone and without the support of your guardian angels and the good and loving spirits who are only too willing to serve you in your efforts and your wonderful work for the Father. I know that you sometimes doubt this, thinking that such high and good spirits must have much more important work to accomplish than to spend their time on the earth plane helping you. But in this thought you are greatly mistaken. Surely you must know that there is no work for the Father that is regarded to be unimportant or insignificant. And when the work undertaken involves something so momentous as the very salvation of mankind, how could we ever regard this as not worthy of our undivided and sustained attention?

I know that, in your thoughts, you have often thought of me in relation to my soulmate, and you have felt that it might serve the cause of Truth very well should I contribute a message to mortals, and one especially declaring that Jesus is my soulmate and is not God, the “Son,” sitting at the right hand of the Father’s “Throne,” but is simply a spirit like myself (and yourselves as created children), though the greatest spirit in all the Heavens, and one whom we follow without question in all matters pertaining sometimes to the subtleties of the Father’s Will.

Well, I should like to say that I too am very anxious for so-called “Christians” to understand the truth of the matter, and to cease once and for all to worship my beloved who himself abhors this practice. But you must understand, dear D____, that the world is not always prepared to receive certain Truths, and also some Truths are more important to communicate before others are presented.

The work that you and the trustees are presenting right now to the world are the Truths that are most propitious for mankind to begin to receive and digest. In the course of receiving and incorporating these Truths – and, more importantly, embracing them and becoming their owners through the Father’s Love – one natural consequence will be that it will be well understood that my Master, Jesus, is not God but one of His most beloved sons. The Truth received in this way – through the soul, I mean to say – is really the very best way of communicating the truth of Jesus’ status, whereas merely declaring this to the world in the form of my message is bound to be met with much disbelief, leading to much possible dissension; and this is something we wish to avoid.

It is difficult enough to get through the mind barriers of mankind without contributing that which will only cause further close-mindedness in the telling. Besides, as you well know, it is the Father’s saving Love which is and always must remain our central message. Other facts, perhaps now in dispute, will become clear and accepted if first mankind seeks the Father and His redeeming Love.

And so my dear brother in Christ, although your suggestion has merit, my message to you today is that the timing of this proclamation and revealment of my beloved’s true status will have the greatest effect if slowly introduced through the back door, if you will, rather than attempting to shout this truth from the housetop, as two of your quaint expressions go.

Of course, personally, I could never tire of declaring that Jesus is my true soulmate, for I love him with a Love that fairly consumes me with bliss. And, to be sure, I am very often by his side in silent affirmation that he and I are one in soul and in the Father’s Love. But I am also most humble, and my greatest concern is to be as supportive as possible to see to it that my beloved’s mission as the Messiah of God receives the full recognition which he so truly and richly deserves. His wonderful start on earth, as great as it was, was merely the beginning of his mission and teachings. And his mission and teachings will not cease until it is decreed that our Celestial Heavens are complete.

You have occasionally wondered where I live in relation to Jesus, and you have been correct in both the thought that his true home is in a higher plane than mine and your understanding that he can and does live in all planes – wherever he chooses to focus his attention and work. And, you are also correct in your assumption that we do share a home together in the plane in which I reside – a home where my beloved and I spend many happy hours, according to your time, sharing our joys in our love and successes, as well as our transitory disappointment when our progress in getting others to accept our Glad Tidings is not as effective and successful as we have hoped for. For surely you must know, just as on earth, even in the Celestial Heavens we experience our occasional disappointments. But here the Father’s nourishing and restoring Love is so great that no disappointment we may have lasts for any length of time, or is not replaced by the renewed inflowing of the Father’s Love and the disappearance of all that is not in perfect harmony with that Love.

Our work, very much like your own, is not only what brings us joy but also ongoing fulfillment. And though we too would wish for faster and greater progress in bringing all of God’s children into His Loving Fold, we never tire of our work and we never fail to be wonderfully satisfied by it. And when you and the other trustees come over to join us, your work will continue as before, except then side by side with us in this most glorious privilege of assisting in the Father’s Will and Desires for His children.

As you are a bit tired now, I think it best that we stop for now. But, before doing so, I wish to personally thank you for all your kindly and loving thoughts on my behalf. And my beloved, standing now by my side, also adds his thanks and appreciation, for he knows that a great part of your loving concern has also related to helping restore his true status and identity to the world. And, so, my beloved brother, I will leave you now with the ever-open invitation for you to call upon me again, should you feel so inclined, and I will be sure to visit with you again to share our love for each other and for the added benefit of those in the future who may read our communications.

May the Father continue to shower upon you His Love in great abundance.

Your sister in Christ,


once a fallen child but now enjoying all the bliss of a soul fully redeemed and the love of the greatest soulmate in all of God’s Heavens.

July 9, 1992

James' First Formal Message to David Lampron

Now that you have said the prayers successfully, I can now present you with my first formal message. As you heard, thought impression-wise, I am James, brother of Jesus, and a Celestial angel, and I have been happily commissioned to be your direct angel guide for message taking and for answering your spiritual and other questions. We here in the Celestial Heavens are all anxious to have you and others develop your mediumship abilities beyond your present levels in order that we may bring you advice and assistance so that our work on earth may begin to accelerate and also to proceed more smoothly.

As you know, Arthur is being commissioned as well to develop his considerable mediumship abilities, for he as well as several others will be taking the reins of the church work ahead in order that the expansion you and we have been eagerly waiting for will soon come to pass.

Now I know that you wish to hear my voice directly, and you will, but not until the process you are undertaking is completed to that point where, as a channel, you have become more totally open and more completely acceptant of your own considerable ability to receive our messages more directly and without any strenuous effort. Jesus is here with me today, as is Mary, his soulmate, and so is John and many other Celestial angels who are vitally interested in your progress as a Celestial medium. I have been especially selected to be your main communicator because I have a certain affinity with you that is stronger than some others who would assist you in this capacity. All of us are drawn to such affinities of spirit where we are attracted more to some persons or spirits than others. And, of course, where stronger affinities exist, more reliable communications are possible among those with like dispositions or affinities.

In time, you will be introduced to others who are taking an especial interest in you and your great usefulness in carrying out our work on earth. I know that you have a strong desire to be in communication with Mary, and, as she said to you via earlier thought impressions, when you are ready, she will be assuming her role as one of your special angel guides, for she too is anxious to be able to communicate with you. Of course, as you might imagine, Jesus is overseeing this new plan for progress and, from time to time, he will be communicating to you as well. Don't despair if success does not come immediately. As was told to you through Mel, the probability of your being able to easily receive direct voice communication is 100%, but this has to be worked toward and developed over time until that happy day when you will hear not only my voice but also the voices of many others waiting in the wings to greet you, including many of your relatives. So, as I say, take heart and continue with your prayers faithfully and know that the day will come when all your hopes and efforts will be consummated.

I think this is sufficient for our first formal thought impression writing communication, other than to add that I love you, my brother, as do all of us in the spirit world and Celestial Heavens who are overseeing your great work for the Father's Cause of bringing all of His children within His Loving Fold.

Your friend and brother,

JAMES, brother of JESUS, and your special angel guide.

August 21, 1997

Personal Message from John

Yes, it is I, John, beloved disciple of the Master, and one of your spirit band. Actually, you were informed that I was a member of your spirit band some years ago at the very beginning of the church's reorganization. At that time, you were given two other names as well. But, today, we have added three, making your total now six Celestial angels working in your behalf.

In the past, I was working with you far less frequently than I am now. My role then was more or less overseeing your progress and making subliminal suggestions to you every now and then with regard to your own editorial work. But, as you know, I never communicated a formal message through you because, at the time, Jesus took over the sole responsibility of developing your mediumship ability in the active communication of his messages through you. You will perhaps recall that Jesus has reported that he would be training many qualified mediums, which he is still doing now. However, he cannot devote his time exclusively to any one of his pupils, and he cannot remain indefinitely in a teaching mode with all of them if he is to be able to take on more students in the service of developing additional Celestial mediums. And, so, when he moves on to others, he always makes sure that some one or more pick up the assignment of bringing his students along even further. Once the foundation has been established, there are other teachers who are then capable of bringing the student up to higher levels of proficiency. But, without Jesus' expertise in initial stages of student development, our success at higher levels would not be quite so assured. As you have perhaps heard, one's first teacher is often the most important, which is certainly true in developing a Celestial medium. And this is why Jesus will not usually assign anyone else to the foundation teaching task of mediumship development, but takes on this heavy and rather difficult initial assignment himself. He handles this best, and we accept his wisdom and authority in this matter, as we accept his knowledge and decisions in other matters as well.

And, so, now that you have come as far as you have, I have been given the privilege of forming a closer and more personal relationship with you than heretofore. I work very closely with James, your special angel guide, in this more advanced work of bringing developing Celestial mediums along to higher and more consistently accurate levels of message reception. And you are doing just fine.

Initially, I was chosen to be one of your principal spirit band members because of your special attraction to me personally in the way of my alleged gospel. I say "alleged" because, as you know, all of the gospels have many inaccuracies in them that the original gospel writers never introduced. But errors notwithstanding, usually the gospel attributed to me has been regarded as the most spiritual of the four, and filled more with Jesus' beautiful interchanges with us, his early disciples, than the other three. And you yourself were greatly touched by this gospel and, in fact, received some of the Divine Love in your response and yearning that was stimulated by several of the beautiful passages therein that you had read many years ago. So, as I say, with the gospel attributed to my reporting, it was only natural that you were even more impressed and convinced by me as the alleged author and felt closer to me than the authors of Mark, Luke, or Matthew. And I am happy to say that your affection for me took on real meaning when our selection process evolved as to who would be most appropriately assigned to you as spirit guides.

Perhaps this became even more reinforced – the bond between us, I am speaking of – when you read several of my messages, and especially the one where I resorted to hyperbole in asking the question why the Sanhedrin, Pilate, the soldiers and others couldn't be regarded as co-saviors along with Jesus inasmuch as his death and alleged vicarious atonement could not have taken place without their planning and contributory murderous actions.

Yes, it is true that this message carries a great deal of impact and often has served to jolt readers into the realization that our Father would never have devised such an absurd and self-defeating plan of having a best beloved son be killed in sacrifice against His very own Law prohibiting the killing or murder of any human being and child of His. When seen in the light of how I presented this absurd question and proposition, often the veil has dropped from the eyes of those formerly indoctrinated to believe that God would demand such an uncharacteristically wrathful salvation plan in defiance of His own completely Loving Nature. And when their eyes have been opened to the Truth, a first real in-road resulted in terms of their embracing a true understanding not only of our Loving Father but also of the true Plan of salvation.

And, so, my beloved friend, today I am happy to report that our affectionate bond will grow even more firm as you continue to advance in your mediumship development and I continue to make my presence known to you more personally and more frequently. I will be working hand-in-glove with James, your guide-in-chief, if you will, and we will share in helping to bring you to even higher levels of mediumship excellence.

Your mother and your son are very happy and, I guess one would say, impressed by those of us who have been assigned to your care and development. When we form a band for any individual along the Celestial path, we try to select relatives or friends of the medium, along with a number of higher angels. We have found that each group fulfills certain desirable goals and inputs. Those close to the developing medium in his own life can and do provide much of the love and encouragement while the higher angels complement this not only with their own love, but also with their expertise in mediumistic training. The combination seems to work best for all concerned.

And, so, D____, I am again happy to say that I will be working closer with you these days. What is also helpful, as you know, I am also M____'s special angel guide. And since he is your earthly mentor and friend, our combined link-up makes the chain we are forging even stronger. In time, all of us will begin to see the fruits of our labors, and the work for the Kingdom will begin to proceed in leaps and bounds. Until then, we will keep our noses to the grindstone so that this happy evolvement will take place both soon and with great effectiveness. Keep up the good work and effort, D____, and know that you have the great powers of those in the Celestial Kingdom behind you fully. You cannot help but succeed with your willingness and our powers. Until next time, then, I bid you a good day and God Speed.

JOHN, the beloved disciple of the Master and one of your own spirit band.

October 21, 1997

Personal Message from James E. Padgett

Yes, it is I, James E. Padgett, a Celestial angel and one of your spirit band, and I am so happy I can finally greet you in this personal way and convey my deep appreciation for all you have done, not only in the wonderful editing you have accomplished, but also in providing me with a voice and a significant and important input in the questions and statements you created for me to include among the messages in the three volumes you have completed thus far.

You will recall that I gave a message through K___ stating and affirming that you would do me greater honor and respect by inserting these devised questions and statements to give my contributions life (than not to provide these necessary additions) so that readers would have a much better understanding of what was being discussed and what was to follow in subsequent paragraphs. Of course, aside from helping with reading facility and understanding, there was the added benefit of personalizing my own contributions to some of the formulations that followed my own questioning. The Celestials often took my own lead in discussing topics that perhaps might have been either not discussed or deferred till much later. Thus, the questions asked were important and actually made me a vital part of this whole revelatory experience.

Of course, my deep regret has been that all my questions and statements had been absent from the Celestial messages because of my neglect at the time of including these as vital introductory inserts among the messages themselves. It was not until you came along and gave me life through your devised insertions that I found a great relief from the regret I had carried for so many years. I can't thank you enough for what you did, not only for all subsequent readers to come, but also for giving me a needed part in these volumes without which readers may have continued to struggle with unclear passages, and some would have discarded the messages as being too irksome to try to make sense out of in the many cases or passages that left some readers floundering and frustrated before.

Today, you are taking over, among others, where I left off for the needed work ahead. But I want you to know that what you have already accomplished in the way of corrections has been monumentally significant and worthy of the highest praise. I shudder to think of this work of yours never having taken place—-how many potential people on the path never having that path for want of sufficient understanding and encouragement in the volumes that existed predating you, and in which errors abounded. But, with your editorial efforts, you literally transformed these messages to the quality of Truth that was originally intended but never quite achieved.

I had to come to you today and speak to you personally or I think I would have fairly burst through disappointment. I know that you are tired now, having taken two long messages prior to this one, and I do not intend to overburden you with another seven pager. But, before closing, I have to tell you that this is a most glorious day for me, for Helen, and for many others in the Celestial Realms who have all wanted to communicate their great gratitude for the work we started but which you raised to a higher level of intelligibility and acceptance. Without your added input, we would have been left, God knows for how long, with our regrets and disappointment in a seriously flawed product.

Helen is with me now and she affirms that she and others — too many to mention — want to thank you for not only what you have accomplished for me, but also for what you have done for humanity in furthering the work we began but which was in desperate need of editorial input and correction to satisfactorily complete.

I have wanted to personally thank you for some years now. Indeed, you gave me new life when you began your editorial work because it was then that I was able to impress you with certain questions and statements to assist you in the corrective process. Together, I feel we did a most creditable job, and I am finally able to rest in the knowledge that the work that was started has finally been brought forth in a degree of excellence that was always intended but never quite achieved until we gained your invaluable assistance.

Yes, David, I am one of your spirit band, and, to be sure when you pick up where you left off on your work on a fourth volume, I will be right at your side assisting you in every way that I can. That is the least I can do in repayment for all that you have done for me and for our cause of bringing more and more souls into the Father's Celestial Kingdom — a cause which I know you deeply share with all the rest of us.

I could go on for pages and pages in the way of communicating my gratitude and love, but what I have said today will have to do for a beginning, for I know that you have been sitting for messages for hours now. In closing, though, know that my prayers are with you and that we will always be and always remain brothers and friends in this great work we have been privileged to undertake.

Once again, many thanks and God bless you

James E. Padgett, co-worker and one of your angel band.  

October 21, 1997

Personal Message of Support from Peter

Yes, D____, it is I, Peter, disciple of the Master, a Celestial angel and one of your special angel guides. I come to you today because I want to introduce myself and to commend you on all the fine work you have been engaged in and are now furthering by way of developing your mediumistic talents to new heights of receptivity and excellence.

Like John, my predecessor message-wise, I have not heretofore been all that active in my role as angel guide for you, except by way of overseeing your development from time to time and helping with subliminal suggestions when the time seemed right and appropriate that I should do so.

As you know, among the initial disciples of the Master, I was the one who carried the most authority after the Master left us to start his new Kingdom in the Celestial Realms. None of us were really that cognizant of the Master's true message until we experienced that great joint inflow of the Divine Love at what has been referred to as the Pentecostal visitation of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, that experience was the clincher and very necessary in order to prepare us for what was to come. Going out into the world to carry on the work of Jesus was no small task, and it was one fraught with danger for us all. Roman officials and many of the high priests in the Sanhedrin and synagogues were not open or sympathetic for one alleged malefactor to be followed by a whole band of them espousing what Jesus had taught and died for, and which they had hoped would be an end to such preaching with his death.

As I say, we needed to summon all the courage we could to pick up where the Master left off, and to face the threat of the very same fate he had to endure. But we found that courage, not in our human strengths but in the strength that the Divine Love provided us with. But, even so, it would have been initially impossible and fatal if we had simply picked up where Jesus left off and openly preached to the people. Our meetings had to be held in secret – in catacombs under Rome, in caves, and in other concealed places where we could not only teach but also pray without disturbance or fear of discovery. Those were most difficult times and one might say that our days were numbered before the authorities of that day would search out our leaders for purposes of permanently silencing them. Most of us were eventually caught and executed, but thanks be to God, not before our initial work of preaching salvation through acquisition of the Divine Love had taken hold among many of the Jews, and even so-called pagans, Greeks and Romans. Our deaths were unfortunate in depriving many of the leadership that the people needed and expected, but our loss and theirs did not destroy what had been originally gained during our relatively brief ministries in the way of converts and true followers of the Master. What began as a trickle became a stream, and, after our era, the stream became a river, and then an ocean. Christianity is quite widespread today, but, as you know, the intervening years of religious development had its problems and, unfortunately, errors of all kinds began to creep into the original teachings, the most significant early landmark of this being in the reign of Constantine where the absurd dogma was imposed that God existed in three persons and that Jesus was one of those persons. Other blatant errors followed through the years and, today, we find that the Master's original teachings have been so emasculated that all of us wonder how such wonderful teachings could have been so poorly passed on to the point that one can hardly distinguish truth from fiction any longer in many of the so-called “major denominations” of Christianity.

If it wasn't for the work of James Padgett, Dr. Samuels, Eugene Morgan, Dr. Stone, John Paul Gibson and others, we would still be in a dark age of understanding with little hope for any light of Truth breaking through and shining forth.

But when I mention these wonderful pioneers of this new age, this is not to neglect all the good souls who have picked up where they have left off, and have carried forth our corrective movement even further toward the Truth. This would involve such as are in the present church and its branches today – names too numerous to mention here, but I am sure you are aware of most of them now actively working to spread the Master's original teachings far and wide at this time.

My work with you and with others will be mainly focused on helping to overcome emerging difficulties ahead. Just as we had to face public censure, the days are fast approaching when the orthodox religions of today are going to attempt to discredit all the work you and others are engaged in. Organized religions, as in our day, do not like interlopers coming in and upsetting their apple carts and seats of authority. Religion, among other misused things, can often be designed for both business and power. And once established, the desire to remain wealthy and omnipotent is not easily shaken or destroyed. Those in power want to remain in power, and means necessary to do so can be varied and quite punitive in nature.

It is when our church begins to encounter strong opposition to our movement that my work of support will become more active and paramount. People in power have not changed since my days on earth, and I did learn a thing or two about how to best deal with those who would usurp the Power that comes from our Father alone. Helping you all over the rough spots will be my primary task, and, with you being one of the leaders of our movement, it was felt that I should especially offer my services to you and other such leaders when the going gets rough.

This is not to say that I am not here to help you in any other ways I can. But, in terms of mediumship development, for example, you are already in very good and competent hands and my input is not necessary for this phase of your development.

One thing I very much like and admire is your strong desire to preserve harmony right within our present church government and structure. This is not an easy task. I know because I had to deal with preserving harmony in the early church as well. Thus, in this phase of your development and training, I will be at your side attempting to preserve that harmony in the church. Thus, wherever you are involved with matters of authority – from outside sources or within – I will be at the forefront helping you to face and overcome any and all obstacles you might encounter from either source. Authority should never be misused or abused, and I will attempt to see to it that it won't be insofar as it is possible to do so.

So, my beloved brother, in a sense, you are inheriting some of my mantle of authority in our working together. I want you to know that you can always count on me for being there when you need me. Together, we will see to it that harmony and peace will reign so that this most important work of building the Kingdom can proceed in all due haste and without any serious interruption or interference. I love you, my brother, and I am looking forward to a long and happy association with you, and I am happy that I was able to come to you today to reveal both my presence and the capacity in which I will be working with you as part of your immediate spirit band. The Master is with me now and wants to add his love to mine in helping you continue with your wonderful work and development. I am

PETER, apostle of the Master and one of your special angel guides.

October 27, 1997

Samuel of the Old Testament

I am here, David, and we all want you to know that the message we wish to deliver to you this evening may come from me but is filled with the words and love of all those who are present here with me tonight.  I am your brother, Samuel, yes, Samuel, who I know you have never received a message from me before.  However, we thought it would be a good idea to “impose” an unfamiliar guest and name upon you so as to perhaps better convince you that this is a genuine message from us, and not the product of your own mind and possible presumptive thinking.

Surely you must know that, although you have been assigned some of the highest angels of the Celestial Kingdom, there are a vast number of other inhabitants there and in the lower regions of the spirit world who are intimately aware of your and others’ work for the furtherance of the Celestial Kingdom, and the great fulfillment of our Father’s Plan for bringing as many of His children as possible to the realization of what He has in store for all who would seek His Love.

I know that you have your doubts about who I happen to be this evening, and about the accuracy of the messages you have received in general.  But I want to assure you that you are a very fine medium who has already received a number of very accurate and successful messages from Jesus and others, which have now significantly contributed to the purpose of our outreach and the increased awareness of those still on earth as to the ABCs of salvation.  And while it is true that there is still much work to be done, we are happy to say that we already recognize a great deal of success in the spreading of what you so often like to refer to as the “Glad Tidings.”

But, tonight, our message is a very simple one, not laced with profundities or “arcane” information from above.  We simply wish to acknowledge your contributions, personally, and to tell you how much we love and appreciate all that you have done and still do to transmit our messages of salvation to the world.

Among us today are a number of souls with whom you have no knowledge, some of whom have been started on their way to the Celestial Kingdom as the result of your and your wonderful church trustees and workers who have contributed so significantly to the furtherance of our eternal work both on earth (for as long as that will exist) and in the heavens (which will remain throughout all eternity).

But in addition to all your work and efforts in the realm of salvation matters per se, we also wish to acknowledge that we are very much aware of your oft-repeated prayer for all of your brothers and sisters being spared suffering or, if they are in the throes of suffering, that their suffering be reduced at least, if not altogether eliminated.  These prayers of yours are loving and beautiful prayers, many of which have not only been heard by our Great Father, but have also been acted upon by Him.  You are to be commended in the expression of your faith in the Father’s Assistance, but we also know that this faith has been in no small measure influenced by the Master’s message on “The Law of Prayer.”

Presently, we are aware of Bill Carroll’s struggles with his physical and emotional disabilities, some of which are the result of accumulated problems of the past that are being addressed and resolved through spiritual effects, and some of which are sometimes exacerbated by mortal fears in the present.  However, the Laws of God are not in repose; they are ever working toward the restoration of harmony and relief in His Children.  And, as you have so rightly communicated to Bill, he is under that very Law which continues to work for his betterment, notwithstanding the fact that a lifetime of former problems are not reconciled and resolved in a moment’s notice.  Suffice it to say that Bill should continue to pray for both forgiveness and restoration of well-being, and know that his prayers have been heard and acted upon, one act of which has been the solace and encouragement that we have influenced you to pass on to Bill through your loving counsel.

But perhaps I digress a bit here, because I do not want to have this message terminated until I have informed you that there are a great number of spirits here with me tonight, all of whom are not only sending their heartfelt love, but who are also thanking you for all your efforts in the Father’s and the Kingdom’s behalf.

Of course, a great concourse of angels is with me, as well as a number of friends and relatives that you are not as yet aware exist in such great numbers.  But you will be met by all of these when it becomes your time to join us.  In the meanwhile, please continue your practice of speaking to us and contributing some of your insights and especially your delightful humor.

As you have sensed, there have been many times when we have been touched by your conveyed love for humanity and that wonderful sense of humor of yours.  As you have been told, Jesus had and still has a wonderful sense of humor and good fun, and he and his younger brother, James, are very much aware and appreciative of this lighter but rather profound side of yours, considering your relative infancy in the overall scheme of things.

Your son and your mother are at the forefront of the relatives contingency in wanting to convey their heartfelt appreciation and admiration for all that you are doing to help others.  They now love you far beyond the limited capacity for love they had when still mortals.  But this is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.  I know that you haven’t the faintest conception of what presently exists in your corner among your present relatives and friends now with us in this great world of spirit, but be assured that you have a veritable army of supporters from those of all levels of development.

Before closing, I wish to add my name to the list, and hope that you are not disappointed that another Celestial with which you have been more familiar and in contact with hasn’t been your emcee for this evening.  But I wish to add my love to all here with me, and hope that this will be acceptable to you.

Finally, your special guardian angels would be very angry with me if I did not mention and include their love personally! J  I am speaking, of course, of John, Peter, James, Mr. Padgett, your mother and your son, and with Jesus being your closest loved one and benefactor.  He has just told me for you to be aware of his presence at your two church meetings to come in May and June.

We all send our blessings.  But, most of all, the Father sends the greatest Blessings of us all.  Thank you for your excellent receipt of this message from your humble servant at the helm this evening, Samuel of the Old Testament.  I love you, my brother, as do we all.

Your heavenly host of this evening,


March 31, 2005

The Truths are Here to Stay

My dear _____, I doubt that I have the words to convey to you how much I appreciate your taking the time to allow me to speak to you, and through you to my brothers and sisters on earth who I have left behind, but who I still love so very much.

You have commented that you were especially fond of the two existing messages from Jesus through me relating to why the Pharisees and some other factions of the Jews did not accept him as the Messiah. Those two messages could well serve as Jesus’ contemporary response to those who have eyes but do not see, and ears but do not hear—as was true when Jesus first uttered his words of affirmation that he was indeed the Messiah who came to earth with his most wonderful Glad Tidings message, as given him by the Father.

But lo and behold, while Jesus’ words then have long ago drifted into the ethers, not to be heard in the form of his precise words again, though the churches that have since been formed surrounding the recorded Truths given them through Mr. Padgett, and assimilating those Truths which he first revealed, we now see from our vantage point that those Truths have returned, and have come back once again in even a louder and more persuasive volume, if I may put it that way. And we in the heavens are rejoicing that this has come to pass. For I tell you, the Master’s words and messages are here to stay for all eternity, never to be lost again, as they once were.

As it is obvious, I did not address who this message is from at the beginning, as has been the custom of many who have written through you. This was not forgetfulness on my part, but actually intentional.

You see, my dear brother, who I am personally I felt should wait in light of the fact that I was given the special honor and privilege of communicating to you, and to all our brethren on earth so lovingly carrying the Truths of our Father to others, the very proclamation I have just delivered—that the world will never again be without these Truths of the Father’s Love, through your pioneering efforts and through the continuing efforts of all those who will follow and who will increase in numbers and effectiveness until, as the Master once stated earlier, there will be a total brotherhood on earth and the heavens and the earth will be as one in a Consummation of the Age!

I, too, have been a pioneer. And many readers should certainly know by now that I am your brother and friend to all humankind, known formerly by the name of Dr. Daniel G. Samuels. And now that my intended message has been communicated, and sanctioned not only by the Master and millions of his co-workers, but also by the Father Himself Who has given us to understand in our Celestial Heavens that “the corner has been turned.” And from out of this darkness we have only the Light of God’s Love and Truths now before us. I tell you that while we are already rejoicing, for we dearly love all our earthly brothers and sisters, our happiness could not possibly be complete without sharing this new era of Good News that has been revealed to us and is now established and moving forward.

It is one thing to “hope” that your work will be of some value. It is quite another to be told unequivocally that your hope has been realized. So, my brethren, and all who may read this message, rejoice! For through the works of those before you, combined with the loving efforts of your own, we have reached a new milestone. The Foundation has been laid, it stands impenetrable, and upon it will be a magnificent structure of everlasting beauty as it ascends toward the heavens.

Of course, what this means to you all working in the Father’s Vineyard is by no means a cessation of your own labors. But now this will take place with expanded hearts and souls in the knowledge that the seeds you have sown have taken root and are now ever growing!

Yes, I know you might like to know a thing or two about myself since my work with the Master ended and I passed into the spirit world. When I arrived and was able to reorient myself to my surroundings, and clearly understood that I was now a spirit, I was met by many. As is the usual case, I was first met by my relatives and friends who passed on before me, many of whom were still oriented in their Jewish beliefs.

Shortly thereafter, I met Jesus, some of the disciples, and Mr. and Mrs. Padgett, their parents, and many of others who you would not know. When Dr. Georger, Eugene Morgan and, of course, Dr. Stone came to greet me, we had quite a wonderful friendship develop among us all.

Yes, it is true that I have remained in relative obscurity since my passing in terms of earthly communication. This was due in part to my emphasis on further developing my soul and attaining the Celestial Heavens, where I now reside. But a greater part of my relative obscurity has had to do with my own chosen work here in the spirit world.

It is correct that what remained of my family on earth, during my own work with the Master there, did not approve of my allegiance to Jesus and to his mission. For this reason, I remained as quiet about my mediumship as possible at the time, not willing to openly offend either my Jewish relatives or my friends. However, now I spend the majority of my time and efforts with these same relatives and friends of the Jewish faith, along with many others, introducing them to the simple Truth of obtaining God’s immortalizing Love through prayers to Him for this wonderful Gift. Of course, I have the full support of Jesus and his earthly disciples especially, because, as you know, Jesus and most of his earthly disciples were also Jewish.

And when many saw the great beauty and humility of Jesus before them, and having been reminded of his own Jewish heritage, they soon became persuaded of what he had to say. Not all, of course, because of an earthly lifetime of holding any strong religious belief, housed in the fallible mind and reasoning faculties, can still be extremely resistant to change. But among some disappointments have been many joys, and I am quite happy performing the role of a kindly teacher, which in fact was among my callings on earth.

Before closing, I wish to briefly address what some have questioned concerning the clarity of my mediumship. I should like to say to those questioners that I will be the first to declare and affirm that my mediumship was occasionally flawed in some particulars, but the messages I received as a whole were accurate in the majority. All mediums have been and still are not perfect in their reception of messages from spirit, but this is precisely why Jesus and others repeated the same basic information in so many different ways. While certain information may not have been accurately communicated in one message, other follow-up messages served to correct this misinformation in the main when the particular medium, such as Mr. Padgett or I were more in rapport.

My best advice to my editing brethren is to react to those questionable statements, some corrected elsewhere, taking out obvious errors in translation as reinforced by many more correct translations of essentially the same material, or, perhaps in some cases, a footnote by the editor may be the best way to handle some questionable material standing apparently exclusively on its own.

But I will say again, and my good friend, Mr. Padgett, now here with me, also wishes to affirm that the very great majority of our messages contain the Truth, and they have been reinforced as such through repeated messages on the same topics. We know, of course, that no editor of ours or member of the church believes otherwise. The amount of Truth communicated has been quite consistent and persuasive, else we would not have the great church that we have, nor would we have reached the present proclamation time that I have been so privileged to communicate through you. So, my dear friends, take heart in your accomplishments. Rejoice in the Light and Love not only in your own hearts, but also in their growing Presence in your world. The Foundation is now complete, a new milestone has been reached, and the Light of God’s Love is now leading us forward.

In all humility and great thankfulness, I wish to say that, yes, I am ever with you, and have especially often visited and have attempted to encourage those who have been and still are working so diligently and lovingly toward the fulfillment of the Kingdom. And I especially want to personally thank you, my brother, for capturing the essence of my intended message so very well.

I leave you now, hopefully no longer a stranger of the past, but now and ever your own friend and devoted brother in God’s Love,

Daniel G. Samuels

(Note: I thought that this was the end of a rather extensive communication from spirit. However, I got internally prompted that Jesus wanted to add a postscript. Here is what he had to say below.)

Yes, dear brother, this is Jesus who you have been influenced to allow me to add a postscript. I do wish to affirm first that Daniel’s message was and is accurate. And since my wonderful brother, Daniel, had served me so very well in his message taking, we felt that he should be the one to speak for us today. Of course, the landmark or milestone of which he spoke is essentially “fluid,” and not a stationary one. As the earth gathers the rain on earth, so too are aspiring souls increasingly gathering the Love of God within themselves. And the “waters” of God’s Love are thus manifesting increasingly on earth.

As a prelude to this message, through several trance messages with more than one receiving, I have stressed that it is time for you to recognize the Power and Glory of God’s Love within you, and to now go forth and manifest this with others. The time is now propitious to gather souls for the Kingdom on a more personal level. Our information is well established in our many and varied volumes, and this will continue to awaken many souls to the Truth. But there is nothing so powerful as the personal touch, because that touch much more readily makes its way more directly and quickly into the souls of those who are exposed to the presence of another’s possessed Love. God’s Love shining forth from one’s soul does communicate wordlessly and invisibly, but there is no better Communicator than this Love in all of creation.

As I and my early disciples walked the hills of Palestine, and met with people along the way, we did not come with books in hand to educate those brethren. Yet many, each in their own way, “heard” those Truths and “saw” that Love within us. And, so, I say to you, my present disciples on earth, go forth and manifest this Love in all you say and do. Some are doing this already. But it is now time for all to participate in this much more personal way. Give of your Love in whatever manner your soul prompts you to give. And know assuredly that the harvest is ripe, and that your ultimate reward is simply unspeakable.

Your brother for all eternity,


September 21, 2006

Demonstrate the Love in Body and in Soul

I am here with you once again, and I have had such pleasure feeling your love ascend to the Father. And I want to assure you, which I need not, but will say that He has blessed each one of you today with a portion of His Love in return. You are my disciples, and I love you so dearly. I am aware of your struggles when you have struggles, and I am aware of your happiness when you are greatly fulfilled by the Blessings of our Father. For He knows all of you so intimately and loves you as the true children He wants all of His children to be; and He understands that, in order for this to take place, they must understand how to become His true children.

And you, my dear disciples, are and have been and always will be carrying on the tradition of receiving not only Love within you, but, by the Force of the Light that is within you, not just your words, you will be able to touch the souls of those who have yet to know how to receive this Love. And they will want to know more, for they will have felt something that they had not felt before upon the encounter of any one of you who possesses this Love.

I have said many times, in the past several years, that I have looked to you, my dear disciples, to go into the world, as I did with my earlier disciples. For it is time now to demonstrate the Love in body and in soul, not merely in books, as helpful as they are. As disciples, you are my loves, and that is going to begin to show more and more as those who come in contact with you will begin to sense more and more strongly that there is another Force on Earth that has arisen and is becoming stronger every day: the Force of Divine Persuasion— that invisible Force that touches from your soul to another’s soul, as I was so privileged to be able to do when I walked the hills of Palestine and the city of Jerusalem. And now you have this Power. And this Power grows in proportion to its use. As you give of this Love to others, it automatically reciprocates and in-fills your own souls as well. This is why it is so important for you to be in the world, but not of the world. For you come as “lights” to those who are in darkness and you offer a “candle” of loveliness, and they see it and peace comes to them. And so, I wanted to add today my own blessings and thankfulness for all that you do to help bring more and more of God’s children into His Kingdom.

I should like to add a point where you, my speaker of today, received a wonderful request. That request was from Barbara who wanted to know: was she receiving the Divine Love and was her son receiving any of the Divine Love. And I am happy to tell her that, indeed, both she and her son are on the path, and we are so happy, not only for them but for all who are now on the path.

And what remains, we all know, is the continuance of calling out to our brothers and sisters and having them share, as you have shared and will continue to share in this lovely week: the Love of God, and all the blessings that will thereby grow from that Love. I thank you for your indulgence, but, most of all, I thank you for you, your love, and for your great work for God and the Kingdom.

This is your friend and brother,


June 29, 2008

Carry the Light of the Love Within You

It has been some time since I have had the privilege and honor to speak through you, my dear D____. This is your sister in Christ, known in the world as Mary Magdalene. And I come to you today because I have for so long been a participant on the sidelines, when my dear beloved Jesus has given his wonderful messages to you, and through you, and through others; and I have always wanted everyone to know that I have been there when this has occurred. For my beloved and I are never really apart. And as his love goes out to you, and mine also, it is in supplication that we all will continue to grow in the Love and to use that Love in a very benevolent and effective fashion.

It matters not where you are, or what time of day, the Love is always there for you to tap, and God is always there listening, waiting, and delighted when you ask Him from your hearts for that Love. I had mentioned to you in an earlier message that it was not time to shout to the housetops that I am Mary, Jesus’ soul mate; because what is most important is that we are all “one,” who have possession of this Love. And, essentially, neither Jesus nor I feel that it is important for one or another to be singled out. We are all in this together, as some of your friends might say, which is beautiful, and this is what I wanted to share with you, because I want to support what my beloved Jesus said, which is to say that the use of this Love is always available, just as you can always seek it yourself.

Jesus now, and certainly I, and all your circle of guardians who are here with you today, want to reaffirm and want to encourage that you look upon every person that you meet with the Love that you already possess. We want you to do what Jesus and his disciples on earth had done, which was simply to carry the Love encased within them through all their travels. And as they did so, people were attracted to them. Many wanted to know, “Why do I feel this ‘pull’? Why do I feel this desire to know something about these people? They seem very kind; I wonder why they are traveling in a group such as this? Perhaps we should heed, pay attention, and maybe they will tell us of their mission.” Well, you too are a group and, as Jesus has said, you are his disciples! Never forget that! Always realize that!

Wherever you go, you carry the Light of the Love within you. Be aware of that and be confident that those who are seeking will see that Light and feel the Love-prompting. They will want something. They will want what they see but will not initially quite understand.

This is how your Love can communicate. And as it does, more and more, you will realize, by the reactions of others, just as in the days of Jesus and his disciples on earth, that people will be drawn to you. It need not be a group; mostly it will probably be an individual. Furthermore, you won’t always be in this magnificent group together. Many more times, you will be alone, but never really alone. You have that which is always there. It is the Love and it is within you. And at any given point of time and in the presence of any person that Love is always there.

And so how shall it be put to use? My suggestion is that, though you may feel that you are not “high “enough yet, don’t have “enough” Love yet, I don’t want you to think in those terms. I want you to relax; I want you to know, and we are all here to affirm this again, that you are Celestially- bound. There will be no stopping that fulfillment. And so knowing this, what have you got to fear? What have you got to question? All you have to do is what so many of you occasionally say: “Just be in the Love.” Others will pick this up and, while this occurs, whether you see a reaction or not, whether you see or hear a question or not from that person or group that you are facing at any given time, I want you to learn and relax in the reality that, for those who are seeking, they will see and hear the calling. And I want you to feel reassured that you don’t need a particular sign or a particular confirmation. What you need is within you: to be confident that you have passed on what God would have you pass on by your sharing the Love within you with them.

Although my dear friend, D____, received only one message from me, I want you to know that I have been with all of you many, many times. For as Jesus loves you, do you think that I do not also? But, occasionally, and this seemed to be a wonderful time, I wanted to assure you of this fact: I wanted to tell you that, as Jesus loves you with his great heart, I too most humbly love you all as he does. And all your guardians and the spirits around you right now, want to affirm that you have one of the biggest followings you could ever imagine. So, don’t you ever think you are alone or ineffective; it is certainly not true. You are one of us, and we want you to walk in the paths that we walk. And we want you to minister unto those who seek “they know not what.” In you, they will find something to ask about, to seek a little further, maybe not in your presence, or at the time, but this meeting will have an effect. And we are there to help you. Do you think that when you are giving your Love to someone or to a group, that we are not there with you? Don’t take the whole burden upon yourselves! We’re giving our Love too! We’re here to help.

I think you understand what I am trying to say: that we all want to tell you that we are so proud of you, and we are so delighted in your annual meetings, and how you come together to be nourished by the Love and to receive more of that Love so that you can continue to do God’s Will, to help bring all of His children ultimately into His Kingdom, where joy is beyond description, where Love flows from all and is interchangeable into such bliss. You are going there. Have no doubt about that. And I know you are going to take lots of people with you, because you are going to help give them how to obtain the Elixir of Life, the Divine Love.

God bless you all… and the chorus here echoes what I have just said. We all bless you as our dear brothers and sisters in God’s Love.

This is Mary, once known as Mary Magdalene.

July 2, 2008