Contemporary Messages through Michael Nedbal
Jesus & Mary Magdalene (19 March 2019)
I am here Jesus. Yes, you did communicate directly with Father, this evening. You should not be surprised at that fact, for I communicated with Him on a regular basis, while I was on earth. He taught me, directly, regarding my mission and the availability of His Divine Love. He taught others, as well. Is that so hard to comprehend? He is omnipotent and can be in many places at once and communicate with many souls at once. I know that is difficult for the human mind to comprehend, but it is a fact.
Now to the question at hand, yes, I do have a beautiful soulmate, who loves me, dearly. We enjoy great happiness together in the Celestial Kingdom. She is by my side and lives in the same sphere, as myself, although I have more Love than she. I see that your mind is having difficulty comprehending my meaning. Surrender your mind to your soul and allow your soul to communicate and lead this communication.
Yes, much better. My soulmate and I live in a sphere that is way up in the Celestial Heavens. I am closer to my Father in His Love, but we live in a sphere where she has progressed to. I live with her and attend to my labor of love with my children. Yes, I call you all children because that is how I perceive you. You are all my flock. I love you all, so very much.
It isn’t so important that you correct ____ in his mediumship, as it is that you stand for truth. The truth that you have received in your soul is what you should communicate to those around you. Do not kowtow to others, in order to win affection, but be true to God alone. You will reap the benefits. Yes, you did catch my thought that if you do not stay true to God, compensation will result. You will know a lesson must be learned and mastered.
My Mary wants to say hello.
Greetings Michael, yes, I am Mary Magdalene, but I don’t go by that name here in the Kingdom. I simply go by Mary. I am Jesus’ soulmate. Oh! How precious my love is for him. He is the most humble and loving soul in God’s universe. I am his soulmate! How blessed the Father has been to me in providing me with such a beautiful soul. I can scarcely tell you how happy and loved I feel to be with Jesus. Once you come over and see him in person, you will know exactly what I am trying to communicate. He is a beautiful loving soul. I have nothing for want. He encaptures my entire heart and soul. We live in perfect happiness and peace.
I have my own work that I do. It is in alignment with Jesus’s mission. We don’t often work side by side. He has so many souls that he must attend to that is takes a great deal of his time. When he does come home, we are together and enjoy our soulmate love for one another. You might be surprised to learn that God’s Love overshadows the soulmate love, to such a degree, that we love each other with God’s Love, more than we do with soulmate love. I know that might be difficult to understand, but God’s Love isn’t just meant for the relationship between God and His children, but between His children. Such that it is with Jesus and myself, who have receive a great portion of the Father’s Love in our souls.
I see that you are tiring and I should stop.
I wanted to let you know that I am Jesus’s soulmate. I am Mary Magdalene, who traveled with Jesus during his mission on earth. We did not know each other in the Biblical sense, while on earth. We only came to know of each other as soulmates, once we were in the spirit world.
Thank you my brother for taking this message. We love you and all of humanity. We support you and every soul who is striving to pray for more and more of God’s Divine Love. Do not let negative remarks, judgement, or ignorance lead you astray from the Truth of God’s Love.
Be at peace with the truths within your own soul. Do not be blinded by your mind’s inability to understand truths communicated to your soul.
With that I go, Mary
March 19, 2019
John: Loving Yourself and Being Penitent Before our Heavenly Father. (20 May 2020)
I am here, John.
I know that you were not expecting me but another. But it was decided that I shall come and offer a message.
I and others come often and pray with you, pray for you, to bring you closer to the Celestial Kingdom, to assist you in rising above this earth plane, to help you become in more rapport with us so that you can better see yourself and others through the eyes of the Lord. It is important for you to love yourself. And in loving yourself, you open the portals being able to love another, and another, and another. It all starts with you, being open to receiving the Father’s Divine Love, feeling worthy enough to receive His Love and in praying to receive more and more of His Love. This isn’t about ego, this is about humbling yourself before our Heavenly Father, seeking His mercy, seeking His peace and being transformed by His Love. When we are penitent before our Heavenly Father, He responds to our needs, to our desires to let go of the past, to ask for forgiveness, to seek redemption through the inflowing of His Divine Love. The redemption is an awakening of our souls, the start on a journey that leads far beyond this earth plane. A journey that is eternal and transforms our souls in coming closer and closer to the fountainhead of the Father’s Love.
And so it is with joy that I come to you tonight, to encourage you, to communicate to you that you are a beautiful and loved child of our Heavenly Father as all His children are – every single soul incarnate and those who have yet to incarnate, are objects of His tenderest care. He loves all of His creation. And we are the greatest of His creation. When I say we, I mean, human beings with a soul. Because He has given us the opportunity to accept His Love. And those who reject His Love will not achieve habitation in the Celestial Kingdom but will experience comparative happiness in the 6th sphere. We do not know whether there will be a second Kingdom, Celestial Kingdom, Divine Love Kingdom. We do know that the doors of this Kingdom will close. When they do close, those who have rejected God’s Love will not be permitted to enter.
It has been said that there may be another Celestial Kingdom in the future where they may be given another chance. We just do not know whether this is fact – it is simply speculation. God has not made us aware, or give the truth to Jesus, as far as we know. I, John, live high up in the Celestial Kingdom where there are no numbers to the spheres. Many of Jesus’ apostles live in the same or near spheres. We enjoy a great happiness, and yes, we take our heaven with us when we come to see you, pray with you, and deliver messages to you. That is how we can withstand being in this earth plane. And yes it does help when you’ve asked to elevate yourself above the earth plane. Making rapport with you is that much easier for us. So we encourage you to do that, to ask for that, when you desire to receive a message from us. The rapport will be that much better and the message that much more clear.
We have much to share with you and others in the community and the world at large. Yes, Jesus did communicate the vital truths through Padgett who was a wonderful medium. He was dedicated in receiving messages. But the work is not finished and there is much to do and much to communicate. So we employ you and others to continue in your efforts to exercise your mediumistic gifts and improve upon your rapport with us by praying to receive God’s Divine Love.
I thank you again for this opportunity; I am your brother in Christ, John.
May 20, 2020
John talks about the Law of Attraction. (20 May 2020)
It is important for you to realize the manifestation of the kingdom here on earth begins with individuals seeking to pray for God’s Divine Love. As we bring our homes with us when we visit the earth planes and the lower spheres, in teaching others about the availability of God’s Divine Love, so do you bring God’s Love to your homes in the earth planes when you pray to be connected with our Heavenly Father and have a sincere desire to walk in grace and to be channels of His Love to all those you encounter. And this channeling of His Love is an expression of your soul’s true desire to know your Father, to become at-one with Him. And this desire is contagious as it attracts the souls of others who are of like condition: the souls of others who desire to know and embrace their Creator.
You have heard many times of the Law of Attraction and it being used to describe the various forms of physical and spiritual attraction. But the deepest meaning and the most profound and reactionary force of this law is that of souls who are listening and open to knowing their Heavenly Father and having a desire to become at-one with Him. You have often experienced that when you pray and think of Jesus or Mary, or any of the celestials, you are quick to experience and feel their presence. This is the law of attraction. Our souls are attracted to one another based on our shared Love of the Father. And as we grow in God’s Divine Love, the attraction becomes stronger. But this attraction also exists for mortals and spirits who are just starting to listen to that small voice within their soul that is yearning to know God. And so it is important that you recognize how the law of attraction works in bringing those spirits and mortals into your sphere of influence so that you may better be aware of opportunities that present themselves to assist these souls in coming into a greater knowledge of God’s Truths. We are with you and others often and we are always ready and waiting to assist spirits who are seeking knowledge of God’s truths of Love. Call upon us for assistance in helping spirits and mortals and we will gladly provide that assistance and teach what it means to be a redeemed child of our Heavenly Father.
There is much to be thankful for in your lives. The simple knowing of God’s Truths and the availability of God’s Divine Love is a gift beyond measure. The possibility of becoming at-one with Father, both in spirit and on earth, is a gift beyond measure. All other gifts are secondary and minor when compared to the gift of at-onement with our Heavenly Father. That gift above all else should be cherished and nurtured. For when that gift is nurtured, more gifts are added unto you; soulful aspirations, walking in grace, attracting positive aspects in your life. As Jesus said, “Seek ye the kingdom and all else will be added unto you.”
We were there when you were reading your journals that you wrote 24 years ago, when you first discovered God’s Divine Love. You were shocked to learn how depressed you were, how unhappy you were, and you had just received your degree. You were on top of the world from a scientific standpoint. And yet you were despondent, you were uncertain regarding your future, and you wanted nothing more but God’s Divine Love because you had a taste of what it means to be connected with our Heavenly Father. And everything that you strove for up to that point was small in comparison, and meant little, to a life everlasting in the Celestial Kingdom. And now when you look back you realize how far you have come, how much happier you are, how much you appreciate those around you and the gifts of our Heavenly Father.
There is much to look forward to in the journey ahead and we will be walking along side you, helping you, working with you, for we are family. A family of Divine Love souls, redeemed children of our Heavenly Father and we all work together to serve God and to follow Jesus. So the future is bright for those who give up their lives here on earth and who dedicate themselves to seeking more of God’s Divine Love and serving Him above all else. If you want to experience the Love like you have never experienced it before, then ask to know God and to become at-one with Him. Ask to receive His Love into your soul in great abundance. Pray to the Father for an increase in faith and it shall be bestowed upon you. The Father sees into your hearts and souls and knows your innermost desires. Have courage enough to allow those desires to come to fruition.
I am John. I will come again soon. Peace be with you all.
June 1, 2020
Luke: Times of Struggle Can Lead to an Opening of the Soul to the Truths. (20 Sept 2020)
I am here Luke,
Yes, I have come again to attempt another messages through you as I see that you have taken my advice based on our last short message. And that advice was to surrender and let go and not be so caught up in the formality in receiving a “formal” message but allow the words to flow through you as if we were having a conversation, as we are now… having a conversation.
There are many of us who wish to speak though you. For you have the potential to do great good in channeling our messages to this world which is so in need of the truths of God’s Divine Love and the truths of the spiritual realms. You are unique in that you do have the gift of mediumship and you have great love in your soul, and therefore rapport can be established to a great deal. But as you have been troubled in the past by having fear in your heart in communicating false beliefs of your mind, you have had difficulty in receiving messages from us in the past. If you so choose, this will be the first of many to come. Many messages concerning the relationship between human beings and our Heavenly Father. Yes, the Padgett messages contain much truth and yet there is much more yet to be discovered if you so choose.
There were some of your spirit band with you when you were listening to the book concerining the alien races and the past lives and those things which your mind finds “entertaining” if I could use that word. And I use the word “entertaining” because your soul knows the truths. Your soul knows many truths which your mind is not capable of understanding or which the laws that govern this world do not allow you to remember. You take many travels to the spiritual realms and beyond during your sleep. No, not always, but often. And when I say “beyond” I mean beyond the earth sphere of influence to other places in your solar system, galaxies, etc. Every human has that ability to travel to other places in their spirit form. But their memories are blocked upon their return because life would be very difficult if humans remembered their travels to these other places of existence. These memories will return, to some degree, when you cross over.
We are seeing the current “evolution” of the world as it deals with COVID and the U.S. as it deals with the election coming up. There is much fear in the world today – much trepidation as to what will become of people’s lives. And to some degree this is good because it is getting them out of their comfort zone and forcing them to look, to search, for the truth within their hearts and souls – the truth of whether God exists or not. And therefore, the harvest is ripe. People are open to learning about new ideas, new conceptions, new ways of thinking, new ways of looking at themselves and their Creator and their purpose here on earth. And this goes for the spirit realms as well. For, there are many souls that are open to the truth as they see the darkness upon the earth. And I don’t mean to say this in the negative sense when I say “darkness upon the earth”. I simply mean to infer that many souls are in darkness because they are searching, they are confused, they are lonely and they yearn for love. Yes, they may not know what they yearn for, but they yearn for love. And it is through this yearning, this searching, this soulful desire for love, that God’s Love will come to their souls and their souls will become awakened to the truths of the availability of God’s Divine Love. And, so, while it may appear to many souls that this is a time of travesty, in terms of the epidemic and the changes that are occurring on earth, this is actually a time of wonderful harvest – a harvest of souls into a true knowledge of their relationship with their Heavenly Father which is indeed the most important thing in the existence in the life of a soul. And you see, it all depends upon the perspective of the person as to the changes on earth, whether this is a dark time, or one of light and transformation.
We come to pray with you often, to support you, to encourage you and many, many others in maintaining your state of being a channel of love and light to this world. For it is important that you do not allow your mind to interfere with your souls potential. That it is why it was said today, during Sunday Service, that your minds are being absorbed by your souls. And this is in direct relation with the Will of the Father Who has been allowing an increase in Divine Love progression and transformation of His children on earth so that more and more love can come to this earth plane and resonate with His children who are searching for the truth.
This can be a difficult time if one is not prepared for this absorption of the mind. The mind may “fight” to maintain control over the soul. And this fight may take many flavors, as it will, in terms of physical issues, mental issues, things which bring down the energy of your existence on earth. And the way to alleviate these difficulties is through prayer, and surrender. It is important that you surrender to this transformation process and in doing so, you allow your soul to lead your life. You allow your soul to provide the perceptions in your life here on earth and in the lives of others. You allow your soul to embrace the peace and love that flow from our Heavenly Father. So, this is a time of prayer, of release, of surrendering, and of thankfulness to our Heavenly Father for the great many gifts that He gives to you and so many others on earth and in the spirit realms. This is a great time of transformation. And we, the Celestial Angels, are very busy at helping, teaching, and embracing our brothers and sisters who are searching for the truth, are searching for love.
I am happy at the way in which you have received this message tonight. And we wish to have many more message come through you, if it is your will.
I am your brother Luke, and I go for now.
September 20, 2020
Abraham Lincoln: Be careful in making judgements (14 January 2021)
I am here, yes, Abraham Lincoln.
I do not come often to the earth plane to communicate as I once had through James Padgett and through others. But, based on recent events that have occurred at the US Capital, I would like to say a few words.
We as spirits have the opportunity to look into the hearts and minds of those who are seeking to disrupt the vote. In fact, we can see into the hearts and minds of many Americans as they search for truth. The vast majority of these people who did storm the Capital are in support of the United State, they are patriotic and they believe they were doing what is right to preserve the United States. So while they may appear as terrorists, in their hearts they feel that they are rising up against that which is tainting the country. Is this so hard to believe or understand? The politics of the United States and the corporations who grease the wheels of lawmaking have made the United States a place of corruption. Perhaps the corruption can be said to be behind the scenes. But nonetheless, it is corruption. And many of the citizens of the United States have been witness to this corruption and felt that President Trump being an outsider to the political “family”, if you will, would be on their side in removing the corruption and bringing the country back to a place that is driven by the will of the people.
Unfortunately, violence never solves any problems and simply leads to more violence to more division and more importantly it harms the souls of many people: those committing the violence, those judging the violence, and those hurt by the violence. All these things bring up sin and compensation which will have to be worked through, and lessons learned, and people forgiven including themselves in order to continue on the path towards at-onement with their Heavenly Father.
So as often in the case, what you have witnessed in the news, and online, is not as black and white as it may appear. The mind of the human being tends to desire to make things black and white. It has a natural tendency to create patterns, to put information in boxes, to make things simpler to understand. But what is before us is a complex situation that has many levels and many, many, motivations. Some are good and honorable and others are not. And those that are not will be held accountable, if not in this world, then the next.
So my advice to all those impacted by what has happened at the Capitol, and what has the potential to come, is that you focus on yourself. You focus on bringing peace, harmony, and Love into your life, into your soul, so that you may affect those around you in a positive way. And in affecting those around you, they in turn affect those around them. So you see, it starts with the individual, praying to receive God’s Love, asking to do His Will, to be a channel of His Love. And this Love, this peace, spreads from one soul to another. That is how the truth will be made known. That is how the brotherhood of man will come to fruition, when God’s Love is celebrated in the souls of men and women all over the globe. And this does not have to be a far off occurrence. It starts in the here and now with you, with those spirits present, with every individual reading this message. It starts with you.
So be careful in not being biased in reading the news, listening to other’s opinions, taking sides. There is much more than what is being presented. So rather than focus on the “chaos” that is occurring in the United States, focus on your connection with our Heavenly Father. Focus on Love. And as you receive more and more of God’s Divine Love these truths will be made known to you. As has been said before, “the scales will drop from your eyes” and you will see things from a different perspective that you had not realized. So be careful in making judgements. Send love to those whom you do not understand – ask God to bless them. Sending Love is truly the only action that should be taken in moving forward in generating a United States that is the epitome of “God’s People”.
With that I go. I am your brother in Christ. I thank you for receiving this message tonight.
I am, Abraham Lincoln.
January 14, 2021
Queen Elizabeth I: I am no longer that dark lonesome spirit and have found redemption behind the grave. (3 December 2022)
I am here Queen Elizabeth the first.
Thank you for allowing me to speak this evening as I was so anxious to communicate to you and the world that I have found the truth of God’s Divine Love. My suffering has been alleviated and I have become a redeemed child of our Heavenly Father living in His Kingdom. I am supremely happy and filled with His Love.
I suffered many long years upon entering the spirit world as a result of having committed many atrocities while on earth. As you read in the message that I delivered through James Padgett many years ago, my deeds were dark indeed. I murdered my friends in the name of being Queen and having my passions and desires fulfilled. It brought me much darkness and my conscious was my constant companion as were the lower spirits who heckled and mocked me. The once high queen became the lowly, lonesome woman who had no power and no divine role to play in the spirit realms. I was simply a spirit as they were and they no longer looked upon me as queen.
My desire in coming to you today – anxiously desiring to come to you today, as you felt my almost compulsion for you to receive a message, is that I am no longer that dark lonesome spirit and have found redemption behind the grave. I am now a being of light and love: one who has embraced the Love of the Father and is now carrying out the Will of the Father in helping His children come into knowledge of His true nature – a nature that is based in love and not in anger or retribution as some would have you believe.
Yes, I follow Jesus as he leads us all to higher realms in the spirit world toward the fountainhead of the Father’s Love. We do his bidding and work together to help humanity let go of false beliefs and embrace the truths that flow from the Father: truths that are embedded in love; truths that set the soul free from darkness; truths that bond one soul to another and all souls to God, if they so choose.
I am so extremely happy and I am very thankful to James Padgett and his grandmother Ann Rollins. It was Ann Rollins who assisted me in shedding light to a way out of the darkness. That light, that way, was prayer, hope, and faith, that I could be redeemed from my wrongdoings.
That is all I wish to say at this time. Thank you again for allowing me to speak. I am so grateful to be able to communicate that such a soul as I was – a dark soul who committed many atrocities on earth, who was mired in pain and anguish in the spirit world, am now a redeemed child in the Celestial Kingdom giving hope to all those spirits who may be in darkness wondering if there will ever be a chance for their redemption. I am here as an example that there is hope and redemption. Only believe and seek the Father’ s Love and the truth shall be yours.
I am a sister in Christ who was once named Queen Elizabeth I. Thank you again and God bless you.
Good night.
December 3, 2022
Jesus: In connecting with God you will rise above those emotions that dense state of matter, into a higher vibration. (3 December 2022)
I am here with you now, Jesus.
The Father has heard your prayers and I have come to share with you the love of the Father. I understand that it is difficult to live in this earth plane. There are many challenges to overcome, physical, mental, and spiritual. You inhabit a place where there are many spirits and mortals who do not always make decisions based in the love and in alignment with the laws of God. These decisions affect the innocent and it is challenging to see the innocent suffer from the decisions of another. It is challenging living in a world where there is so much hatred, control, and a lack of connection to our Creator. That is the reason that you are so important to our efforts. For you are an anchor here on earth: an anchor of love, humility, and peace. You are so needed in this world today because your connection with Father channels His love and energy to other souls whom you come in contract with, either physically or over the internet, or whatever works that you do.
We understand that you don’t necessarily see the impact that you are making. But you are making an impact and you are needed. So do not doubt your purpose here on earth.
When I was on earth, and I chose to take on my mission, for I did choose based on my free will, my mission was not easy. I had many obstacles to overcome. I felt that I disappointed my father, mother and siblings because they desired and thought that I would follow the traditional rules and ways of the Hebrews. But in stepping outside of those rules, I went against them, their spirituality, and their upbringing which brought pain to me to hurt them. But I had to stand for truth because that was the mission that I accepted – my purpose for being.
I had help as you have help. You have more help than you can possibly realize. I know at times it feels like you are alone. At times it feels hopeless and a “waiting” for something to happen, but as with me and my journey on earth, you need to be steadfast in your commitment. The key to remaining in that state of harmony with God and connectedness is through prayer. When you have times of hopelessness, despair, frustration, anger: any of those emotions that are antagonistic to the love, that is the time you should ask for help and pray to God for His Divine Love and to be connected with Him. For in connecting with God you will rise above those emotions that dense state of matter, into a higher vibration, and you will soar above those things that may impact your well-being and your state of mind, your state of being.
Prayers need not be formal – a statement of the prayer that I gave through James Padgett, but may be a simple thought of wanting to be at-one with God and wanting to receive His Love and be connected with Him. That is why we advise you to pray throughout the day – to raise your vibration throughout the day. This is especially so when you have an encounter with another who’s in a lower state of being. You may have more than one encounter, over and over again. This is not happenstance, for there is something within their soul that sees something in you and they are struggling to know the truth of it. And in their frustration of not knowing the truth, they may have emotional interactions with you. And if you are not careful these interactions can bring you down. But realize that what they are truly seeking is the truth and love.
Ask that the highest good prevail in these encounters. See them for what they truly are: a soul in need and has a desire to know his creator. You ask what do you do in these cases? You pray for help and to be a channel. In that state you will be able to hear your celestial guides and act upon their suggestions regarding what you may say and do to help that soul, to impress upon that soul the truth that he seeks.
So you see, all interactions are not what they may seem. Do not let these interactions bring you down. Use them to teach, to love, and to bring more harmony to others.
Thank you for allowing me to speak and I will come again.
December 3, 2022
Mary, Mother of Jesus: Do not be discouraged when you happen upon an individual who is not yet ready to hear. (21 January 2023)
I am here, your sister in Love Mary,
Yes, you need not doubt me for it is I. I know that you thought that male energy was here, but I desire to speak.
We were with you this morning during your prayers with Carolyn and during your prayer just now, asking the Father for help in doing better. You know that we are constantly with you, one of us, watching over you, trying to influence you for better, helping you to be the best that you can be as a child on the redeemed path to the Celestial Kingdom.
It is not easy living on earth and there are many challenges that you must meet – lessons to learn within yourselves and coming up against lessons from others and their responses. It is a mixture of God’s children all living in the same place and all having different levels of spiritual development. This mixture is what makes living on earth so wonderful. It is the diversity among people and the interactions that you have with others. For as you know, we who live the Celestial Kingdom all have similar soul development and that is what makes for such a wonderful experience and that is why our social times are so excellent, so wonderful. It is because we do not trigger lessons to be learned in others and receive, perhaps, non-loving responses which makes for a harmonious loving situation. But being on earth, you have the ability to see and experience triggers from others and respond in such a way as to help them learn and grow in those lessons they need to learn. Not in a way that challenges them or points out their deficiencies, but through love and peace. For all learning done through love is in harmony with the will of the Father.
You are here on earth for a purpose and your purpose is yet to be completed. That is why you are still here on earth. You, in fact, have many purposes. One of those purposes is to help others in their spiritual growth, to help them come into a knowledge of truth and to help them navigate the ways of this earth life. This, you know in your soul. You have embraced that truth and have done what you can, in your way, to assist. There is more for you to do and you will be assisted by us as you spread your wings and embrace the truth to be communicated to all who may listen.
You have come a long way and you have learned many lessons. Yes, when you look back on your life there are things that you regret doing which you could have better and made better choices. But here you are in this moment. You are who you are based on those choices of the past. Those lessons that you have learned allows you to have empathy for others in them learning similar lessons. So, lessons are not all bad, but actually give you tools to help others in similar quests, similar experiences and lessons to learn. Do not denounce yourself or your past. Embrace your past, embrace your lessons learned so that you may help others as they navigate and try to learn and improve themselves on earth.
There will be times, many times in fact, that you will come across people who are close minded, who are not yet ready to learn, to soulfully progress, and they may be “stuck in their ways”. For these individuals, we ask that you pray and allow them to go in peace. Do not challenge them. Do not take on their negative energy. Do not take on a personal response to them, or to their reactions, rather. They are where they are and when it is their time when they allow themselves to see themselves and their actions, then, they will be ready to listen. So do not force your teaching on another who is not ready to receive or to hear but allow your teachings to reach those hearers whose ears are open and who are striving to be better individuals, better children of our Father.
The vast majority of people on earth are not interested in wanting to be better for their past hurts make it difficult for them to look at themselves and their actions with an open eye. It hurts too much to fully embrace what they have done, what they have seen, what they have said. Their soul knows what is right and wrong and those things that they have done that are “wrong”, I put that in quotes because what is wrong for one may be right for another. It is only for the individual to determine what is right and wrong for themselves based on their conscious. What I am trying to say is that there are many who are not willing or ready to look at themselves completely in all aspects of their life, in their past and present in how they have treated others. This is a problem with a lack of self-worth. Unfortunately, this is taught in a great number of churches. So, do not be discouraged when you happen upon an individual who is not yet ready to hear. Do not be discouraged when you don’t see the numbers that you may desire to see in response to those tools that you put out in the world. Stand your ground in truth and in love in reverence to our Heavenly Father and continue to pray to receive His Divine Love and allow His love to flow through you to others. For when they see or feel that soulful connection from you, they will know something is different and they may, or may not, seek out what that difference is.
We are with you, as I said, always. One of us is always with you. Call upon us for help and assistance. Ask to be protected from lower spirits. Even the best of you can be influenced by lower spirits. None of you are perfect. All of you have lessons to learn and to continue developing your soul. There is not one person on earth who has achieved the Celestial Kingdom while still on earth, not counting our Master Jesus. Those of you who think you can do no wrong or not be influenced by lower spirits, think again. For you have yet, lessons to learn.
As you communicate to others, keep in mind humility is the touchstone to the Kingdom and embracing others with love and bringing about harmony, peace, and love in your communications and interactions with others.
I thank you for allowing me to speak today. You are getting better and listening to our promptings. We ask that you continue to receive messages because you are honing your skills at mediumship and allowing these channelings to come through clearer. As you continue you will get better and better and the messages will become more clear and purposeful. Yes, these may be used to assist others. For now, we come to you, to assist you.
With that I go and give you glad tiding and blessings from the Father. I am Mary, Mother of Jesus.
[Is it really you Mary?]
Yes, Michael, it is I, Mary.
[sigh – feeling the energy of Mary – thank you Mary]
January 21, 2023
Melchizedek: Let go of your mental conception of who and what God is. (23 January 2023)
I am here, your brother Melchizedek.
Isn’t it wonderful to be able to feel the presence of our Heavenly Father – the connection from soul to soul – the peace that flows from the Source.
We are so thankful to Jesus accepting the gift of God’s Divine Love and the Father bestowing this beautiful gift to us, to all mankind, providing us the opportunity to become at-one with Him that our first parents lost. As you continue in your soulful progression in obtaining more and more of this Divine Love your soul perceptions will increase and you will become more aware of this active connection and relationship that you have with our Heavenly Father. This relationship will take on more of a personal nature. For as many individuals who are desirous in having a relationship with God, that relationship is based on a mental conception of who and what God is. This mental picture of God stifles or constrains the relationship that people have with God. It is important that all expectations be removed and be open to the possibilities of any miraculous, if I may use that term, communication and relationship with your Creator. For it is miraculous. The connection of one’s soul to source is one of the most beautiful things in all the universe. This connection is based on Divine Love which grows as one continues to pray and has no bound in its growth for all eternity.
We urge all sprits and mortals alike to put forth a great effort in praying for and being open to, the reception of God’s Divine Love in their souls to a great extent. Pray that all boundaries be removed. Pray that all imaginings of that relationship be removed and be open to new discovery of your connection, an active relationship, with your Creator.
Thank you for allowing me to speak. I am Melchizedek, your friend and brother on the Divine Love Path. I go.
January 23, 2023
Melchizedek & Sarah: Worthiness - mastering the lesson. (6 May 2023)
I am here my brother, Melchizedek.
It has been some time since I have delivered a message. But I have been with you often, watching your growth, encouraging your development, praying with you, praying for you. I was praying with you this morning and I heard your thoughts of events that concern you and I wanted to share a message regarding your thoughts and these events.
These things which cause you stress and uncertainty are things based on your relationship with others. You are concerned about others look upon you and how others feel about you. We encourage you to let go of those thoughts of being less than the love. When you are able to be connected with Father in Love, those thoughts of unworthiness will not come to you because you will be in a state of love. You will know that you are a beloved child of our Heavenly Father. This Love is unconditional and not based on any actions or thoughts that you do here on earth. This Love simply is.
Put God first in your life and all else with follow. When you are worried or concerned about what others think about you, you are not putting God first, but you are allowing other individuals, other souls (your brothers and sisters) to mold you into how they think that you should be and act. Is it not true that you want God to mold you – have you not asked for that? Then let go of those thoughts of unworthiness based on the judgement, acts, and thoughts, and words of others and ask to be in alignment with God’s Will. Ask to be in a relationship with God. What does that relationship entitle? What does that relationship mean? That means an ongoing desire to be connected with God. To be in that state of harmony. To be in that state of Love which translates into being in a state of worthiness.
When you pray and you assist other spirits in coming into a knowledge of God’s truths and His Divine Love, do you not feel worthy? Where is that worthiness originating from? Is it originating from your actions feeling that you are worthy because you are helping others? Or is it originating from your connectiveness with our Heavenly Father? I urge you to meditate upon that question and you will find the answer. Once you embrace how beloved you are, and truly believe that, it will set you free from the burdens of this world.
It is unfortunate that many individuals, not just yourself, allow others to mold them in life: to mold their thoughts and actions, to mold their goals and aspirations. It is a pivotal point in one’s life to let go of unworthiness and embrace the creative spirit in one’s own desires originating from one’s soul and not from outside influences. Make that one of your goals. I urge all to make that a goal. For when you embrace your soul desires those footfalls that you make on earth are done with love and in harmony with the Will of the Father and there is not anyone, spirit or mortal, that can influence your path because you are so strongly connected with God and with us. So I urge you, meditate upon what I have said today. Consciously work toward the goal of releasing the unworthiness from your mind and embracing your relationship with our Heavenly Father and with us through prayer and your willful desire to be in the Love: to be in a state that is love, that is gratitude, that is freeing.
I think that I have shared enough for today. You know that we love you. We love all of God’s children and are here to assist any individual that asks for it. With my love and blessings, I am your dear friend and brother and am with you always, Melchizedek
I am here Sarah,
I just want to support and reiterate what Melchizedek shared with you. It is an important lesson for many individuals to learn, for all individuals to learn on their path to the Celestial Kingdom. For one cannot enter the Celestial Kingdom without mastering this lesson. And it is a difficult lesson to master and can only be done through our help and through prayer to our Heavenly Father. None of us do this alone. So if you desire to master this lesson, to embrace your worthiness in receiving God’s Love and walking this path on earth, then pray for help and pray harder to receive God’s Divine Love. Pray for greater faith; pray for greater inflows of God’s Love, pray to release those blocks that may impede the inflowing of God’s Divine Love into your soul. We will be there assisting you, praying for you, and walking along side you in your journey home to the Celestial Kingdom. We love you and encourage you. We encourage all of you who hear this message to pray, to believe, to have faith and to don’t give up. Ask for our help and we will respond, in love.
I go, Sarah.
May 6, 2023King Edward III: I would give away all I had for the knowledge of God’s Divine Love. (13 May 2023)
I am here, King Edward III,
I know that you doubt who I say who I am because you doubt your mediumship: the ability to receive our thoughts. But it is true who I say I am. You are surprised that it wasn’t one of your spirit bands. But I have come to speak.
Throughout history many people have desired to become kings, queens, aristocrats. But I tell you, being a king is not an easy thing. Leading a country has many burdens that are a large weight upon one’s heart. One is not free to do as he or she feels. You must do what is right for the kingdom. This includes decisions that affect the loss of life.
I tried my best to be a good king and serve my people and my God. I fell short on many occasions and I was desperate to leave the burdens that were placed upon me, for I wanted to just be, to live, in freedom.
I am sharing this with you and your listeners because many of you take for granted your freedom: your ability to choose your vocation, your place of living and your partner in life. There are those of us who did not have these choices. I urge you not to take these things for granted but to embrace those decisions that you have made and live life each day to its fullest.
I am told by your band that you had a wonderful soulful experience yesterday in sharing your love with others. That is what I mean by living life to its fullest – sharing your love with others. That is what we do in the Celestial Kingdom. We live by the law of love. All of our work is done in love. And if you were to embrace that way of life, you will see changes in your life like never before and happiness will swell in your heart and soul and you will realize what it means to embody God’s Divine Love – to be a redeemed child of His walking the earth.
I am thankful for my past and I am grateful for the life that God gave me. I sometimes ponder what it would have been like if I had a conscious knowledge of the availability of God’s Divine Love as you all have. What a glorious gift to have this knowledge and to be able to pray and receive God’s Divine Love and accelerate your soul’s growth here on earth. It is a gift beyond measure. Do not waste that gift. Pray unceasingly for this gift of Divine Love and the changes that will occur will transform you, will transform your perspectives of yourself, your life and your interactions with others. Eventually, you will no longer have emotional triggers because those things will have been healed by the Love. Your soul perceptions will increase and you will see the souls that you communicate with in a new light, with your soul perceptions and you will communicate soul to soul. And you will feel rewarded because you will know that you have made an impact.
I desired to come today to share with you the wonderful gift that you have before you and how a king of long ago wishes he had that gift – the greatest gift that can be bestowed upon any soul is the gift of God’s Divine Love. I would give away all I had for the knowledge of God’s Divine Love. So I urge you to embrace this gift, to pray deeply for God’s Divine Love which will not only transform your soul, but will lift those in your life above this earth plane so they too will have the opportunity of choosing without the influences that so often defile the free will of the human soul.
I am in the Celestial Kingdom now and am a follower of our brother Jesus who is the most beautiful and humble spirit that you will ever encounter. He is the reason why I am living in the Celestial Kingdom. And I embrace him as my brother in love.
Well I go, and I thank you for allowing me to speak.
I am King Edward III.
May 13, 2023
John, Apostle of Jesus: This time on earth is a time of great transition and with great transition there are greater needs for workers here on earth. (19 January 2024)
It is I, John.
Yes, I come to share with you. There are many of us here praying with you and for you in support of your transition to the Celestial Kingdom. And, I know that you “stuttered” on that because it is hard for you to believe. But you are transitioning into higher realms and taking on more of God’s Divine Love. And this is by design, of course, based on your free will.
This time on earth is a time of great transition and with great transition there are greater needs for workers here on earth to assist those in search of the truth and praying to become at-one with God. And so, we are here to assist you in your spiritual growth, your understanding of truths, your understanding and willingness to accept God’s plan for you in His Plan for the salvation of mankind. And when I say His plan for you, I mean that you are a team member, for all are working as a team under Jesus to assist all souls in transitioning from those false beliefs that have been told for many centuries to the truths that are now available to every human being who aspire to, and make their own. These truths will set the human race free, indeed, as they have been shackled by falsities set forth by the false church for many years.
We, who come to pray with you of the Celestial Kingdom, do so based on our own free will. We heed the Will of the Father and the Will of the Father is that you receive assistance and help in making greater strides in your soulful progress towards the Kingdom so that you can be more firmly planted in the truth and the path before you can be brightly illuminated so that you may walk in grace with solid footfalls and speak the truth with clarity and authority to those who seek it.
Now, as to your question concerning your dream last night. You will have experiences in your dream state that appear to be real and sometimes these experiences will be dreams and sometimes they will be real. When I say “real”, I mean that your spirit body is working in the spirit realms and sometimes you remember these experiences of travelling to the spirit realms. That is why these experiences may seem real. I remind you of the time when you travelled to the hells and you were taken by one of us to experience the hells. That was real. For your spirit body was taken to the hells for you to experience. That was not a dream made up of fantasy and made up of your own mind conceptions. That was real.
Last night, when you experienced that “fun house” or “haunted house” as you set forth this morning, that was real. You experienced what lower spirits do in feeding off the energy from human beings. The curtain was pulled back for you to see the truths for you to see the things that go on behind the curtain – the curtain being the realm that exists before your but is not seen by mortal eyes.
It is true that many spirits, many lower spirits, influence and feed off the emotions of human being on earth. This is a difficult truth to acknowledge and come to terms with as a human being. For it is difficult to understand the sad state of negativity the world is in based on these influences. And yes, we wonder why God allows it? But human beings have made choices and these choices have created this state of affairs.
So, this truth was communicated to you in this way for there to be no doubt in your mind what happens behind the curtain so that you can be better prepared to protect yourself and others from these negative influences.
Does that help in your understanding of your experience last night?
What am I to take away from this experience?
You are to take away that there are those beings in the spirit realms that feed off the energy of human beings and these are powerful forces that exist over the earth. The vast majority of human beings have no idea about the presence of these negative entities and are subject to being “fed off of” without their knowledge. So, that is the truth that has been imparted to you and that truth is what you should take away from that experience.
The part about you facing the demon, if you wish to call it that, face to face, was your own courage and desire to assist humanity in ridding humanity of these evil forces. And while you did not destroy this demon, you did prevent it from causing harm to others. That act was an act of love for your fellow human beings and yet you recognized that this spirit, this demon, was a creation of God and was loved by God as well. So, do not read to much into the “death” of this spirit and the experience of that event. What was more important was the truth that was being revealed to you. Does that make sense? Yes. Good.
Truths are revealed to mortals in a variety of ways. They may be revealed during prayer. They may be reveals during events of inspiration and they may be revealed during sleep as your spirit body travels in the spirit world while your mortal body lies motionless. When God wishes to implant a truth within your soul, you will know it. It will be up to you whether to embrace that truth or to ignore that truth and pursue your journey in life like it never happened. We encourage you to remember what has been said here this evening. Remember what happened last night and go forth in love and appreciation and awareness in order to help your brothers and sisters who are still mortals here on earth.
With my love and blessings, I go,
I am John
January 19, 2024
Peter, Apostle of Jesus: Every human being decides whether to listen to that voice within or to ignore that voice. (1 February 2024)
I am here Peter.
There comes a time in every soul’s journey to the truth, that they must decide to embrace the Love of the Father or choose their own path of spiritual development. It is a work of the Celestials to teach the truths to all humankind so that every soul has the opportunity to make that educated decision. And while educated may not be the most appropriate word, it infers thought given to the truths presented before them. But more that thought, the choice to receive God’s Divine Love is a choice of the heart, a choice of the soul in response to the yearnings of one’s soul to become at-one with our Heavenly Father.
It is that little voice within that each human must listen to and reject, or listen to and accept and allow a response in return – a yearning to become with God – to allow His Love to flow into their soul. This is a choice that is made consciously or not. Every human being decides whether to listen to that voice within or to ignore that voice, that yearning of the love, that yearning of a loving relationship with their Creator. And whether it be by distractions of this world that drown out the small voice, or it be a more active ignoring of that small voice, it nonetheless is a choice and that choice has everlasting consequences.
So it is our job, and I say your job as each of you listening to this message has been given the knowledge of these truths, to spread these truths throughout the world, both mortal and spirit, so that every soul has and equal opportunity to, not only listen to this small voice within, but to have the mental appreciation of the truths laid out before them so they can make an educated decision of whether they wish to pursue a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father, or reject those truths and follow their own path. So, I urge each one of you to continue in your prayers so that more truths may be unveiled to you, unto your soul, where thereby you can communicate those truths with authority to those that you encounter here on earth and in spirit. And, as you avail the truth to others they, in turn, avail the truths to those that they encounter and like a cascading waterfall the truth gets disseminated.
I thank you for allowing me to speak this evening and I am satisfied in the way you were able to receive this message. I am your brother in Christ, Peter.
February 1, 2024
AnnMarie: You have no idea the amount of joy and gladness that comes to us when we assist another soul in their journey home to our Father. (1 February 2024)
I am here AnnMarie.
You do not know me from a familiar sense, but I come often to the prayer sessions that you have each evening. It brings me great happiness to pray in this setting, for there is much love and many occupants that come from the Celestial spheres to assist those spirits who are seeking the truth, who are seeking love, who are seeking fellowship.
It is a lightened and high vibration locality, praying for God’s Divine Love. So, I come and pray with you and assist those spirits who are here who may be curious of the light that they see and are attracted to, who may have questions concerning what they hear or envision during these services, or who simply want to know more about God’s Divine Love and the paths before them.
It brings me great happiness when I am able to personally assist another in a greater understanding of their relationship to our Heavenly Father. You have no idea the amount of joy and gladness that comes to us when we assist another soul in their journey home to our Father.
You, and others like you, will have an experience, a more palpable experience, when you cross over. You will get a welcoming of those spirits and mortals who have passed, who you have helped in their journey and your heart will blossom and you will know the good works that you have done while on earth were not for naught. For they helped and are helping, many spirits and mortals. So, do not think that this work means nothing or has little value, or reaches very few souls. For none of those things are true.
Your work is the highest work that can be done in all the universe. And I do not say that lightly. And your work, and the work of others, have reached many souls and have brought God’s truths and His Love into the hearts of souls encased in their flesh, and souls in the spirit realms.
I encourage you to keep up your faith, keep praying with a deep earnestness and sincere longings of your souls, and do not think that your work is in vain, but know that you work with us, and we are very happy to be working alongside you in bringing souls into a knowledge of God’s Love.
I am AnnMarie and I am very honored and happy to be here this evening. And I thank you for allowing me to speak. Good night.
February 1, 2024
Jesus: Let go of those thoughts of mediocrity and embrace your true nature as a divine being living on earth while having a spiritual form that is not of this earth. (19 May 2024)
I am here Jesus,
It is good to see you once again reading from the books and participating actively in prayers each evening. For not only does this assist you in your rapport with us and in reception of our Heavenly Father’s Divine Love, but it helps those many spirits who come who are attracted by the light and love. They may be attracted to you as you go about your daily business on earth, or may be attracted by the Sunday Service collective who comes to pray, and as you put it, to celebrate the gift of God’s Divine Love.
We have been with you these past few weeks as you have been challenged physically, emotionally, and mentally. We have been praying for you, and with you, and are happy to see you the state that you are in as you have continued in your prayers and your dedication to the dissemination of these truths to the world.
You are my true follower and I love and appreciate you. You can always call upon me for assistance and I, or another, will come to help raise you up: to assist in dispelling those thoughts that are less than the love – to dispel any worry, any fear, any thoughts that are not of the highest nature.
During my time on earth in Palestine[1], where I gave many sermons, it was a different time in history. People were steeped in tradition and it was difficult for people to step outside of that tradition and accept a new belief system. The world in which you live today is quite different from the world in which I lived. Many souls are not rejecting tradition and in search of new truths outside of the normal channels. They no longer rely on the priests and ministers and believe what they are told. They are doing their own research and are questioning everything. This is a wonderful state to be in. While it does challenge the physical, mental, and spiritual reality in which one lives, it nonetheless opens one’s mind to new revelations and new truths. As we said during Padgett’s time, the time was ripe for picking of souls. Now is even a more ripe time for the harvesting of souls. For people are more ready to hear, with an open ear, the truths that were conveyed through Padgett by me and others. Now is the time when many will embrace these truths.
I encourage you, and others, to double your efforts in disseminating these truths in whatever way you feel moved to do. There is not one path for you to choose in how to serve God. For He allows you to create your own tapestry of life using your artistic nature in decision making to embrace certain opportunities and reject others. Know that you are loved and cherished, no matter what decisions you make in your life. Even those that are less than the love – you are still loved by us, by God, and we work with you to assist you in coming into a greater awareness of your state of being and your energy emanations here on earth, and in spirit. So, remember that, above all else, you are loved and you now possess a part of divinity within yourself. And that divinity is reflected in your life, in your words, in your actions.
So, do not think of yourself “less-than”, but love yourself. Too often, children of our Heavenly Father are so hard on themselves, always punishing themselves for making the wrong decisions, for not working harder, for not being more holy in nature. These thoughts of mediocrity, which derive from the ego, have no place in who you really are and your purpose for being here on earth. Let go of those thoughts of mediocrity and embrace your true nature as a divine being living on earth while having a spiritual form that is not of this earth.
Thank you for allowing me to speak this evening and being called back when you are ready. You hear us, you hear our promptings, and sometimes you doubt yourself. But this is normal. The more and more you communicate with us, the less and less will be your doubts. With that I go. I will come again soon. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom and one who comes to pray with you, and for you, and is gladdened by the efforts that you make in praying for God’s Divine Love and spreading the truth of His Love to all those who are attracted by the light. Goodnight.
[1] Note that Palestine did not actually exist during the time of Jesus. We do not know why this term was used. Either Jesus was limited by the medium in choosing his words or he wanted to reference an general area when most people of modern times would recognize.
May 19, 2024
Melchizedek: Maintain your focus on your relationship with your Creator. (21 May 2024)
I am here Melchizedek
Yes, it has been some time since I have come to deliver a message through you. But I am with you often as I am still a member of your spirit band and have watched your progression with great interest.
Soulful progression is not always a walk in the park. And this is especially so living on earth. For there are many distractions to take away your focus on what truly matters in life, to those things which you may find entertaining, that have no significance to your soulful growth and that of assisting others in their soulful growth.
Growth comes down to one thing, and that is choice: free will choice. For in order to grow soulfully, and when I say grown I mean by praying to receive God’s Divine Love and taking on more and more of His Divine Love, it requires decision and action on your part to desire to pray – to act on that earnest longing in your soul to be at-one with our Heavenly Father.
Many souls do not act upon that yearning. But those that do, to the degree that they act upon that desire, is to the degree that they progress spiritually toward higher spheres, toward the fountainhead of our Father’s Divine Love.
It has been said some choose to take the long path. While still praying for God’s Divine Love they choose to smell the roses along the way and enjoy the vistas and all that life has to offer. While others race toward the Celestial Kingdom putting a great effort in receiving as much as God’s Divine Love as they possibly can. Both of these paths are equally divine and both result in at-onement with our Heavenly Father. So, do not think any less of yourself if you choose to smell the roses along the way and perhaps not be as earnest in your desire to reach Heaven as fast as possible.
It can be said that spiritual progression is not so much a linear progression but it consists of up and downs, lessons learned, reception of the Divine Love, assimilation of those truths, and again rising up to pray more and more for God’s Divine Love. This process of learning lessons, assimilating those lessons, learning more truths and receiving God’s Divine Love is a process that all children of God go though who are on the Divine Love path. This sinusoidal wave is greater on the earth plane than it is in spirit simply due the distractions that you have here on earth. Frequent and earnest prayer helps to smooth out this sinusoidal wave and frees you from distractions and puts you in a right frame of mind in regards to what is truly important in your life on earth. The highest importance being your relationship with your Heavenly Father followed by your relationship, in love, with others.
So, we urge you to maintain your focus on your relationship with your Creator. This focus can be maintained and intensified through prayer, not only in the evenings or on Sundays but throughout the day. Learn to do your tasks in love. For everything that you do, whether it be physical or intellectual, can be done as a prayer. It is by being in this prayerful state that you will be able to maintain an active connection with our Heavenly Father and feel that loving soulful connection with Him throughout the day. Isn’t that your goal – to be continuously connected with our Heavenly Father – to actively feel His Divine Love within your soul and your connection with Him? Then learn to integrate your prayers, and a prayerful state of being, no matter what activity you find yourself in. I assure you that this is possible. For this is what we do in the Celestial Kingdom. We are in a continuous state of prayer. Ask us for assistance and we can help you – further your understanding of how this can be accomplished and putting this into action in your daily lives.
I thank you for allowing me to speak this evening. It brings me great pleasure to be able to communicate my thoughts and teachings, and assistance, to you and others. For of being of service to others brings us great happiness. Especially when it comes to those who are pursuing the Divine Love path. That is not to say that those who are not on the Divine Love path are any less loved. But you are family and we all work together for the redemption of mankind. Know that we love you, we support you, and we pray with you. With that I go, I am Melchizedek. God bless you my brother. Be well.
May 21, 2024
George Washington: Our country is not lost. The world is not lost. (28 September 2024)
I am here, George, George Washington.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I wish to come and share a message regarding the state of this country.
As you know, we in the Celestial Kingdom do not pay much attention to the politics of the world. We leave that up to mortals. But in this particular case, at this particular time in history, there has been much discussion amongst us concerning the future of the United States and this discussion surrounds the upcoming election.
I, as the first president of the United States, have a personal interest in seeing the continuation of this great country well into the future. For we desire to see much goodness come from the ideals that were put forth in the creation of this country. Ideals of truth, faith and dedication to our Heavenly Father. And yes, freedom from those who would wish to subject you to their own rules and wishes and use individual souls for their own betterment. The United States has become a place of hope and freedom: a place where people can come and start a new life.
We wish this to continue as it affects the lives of so many people on earth. And so, while, yes, we do not pay much attention to politics, we are concerned with every human being on earth. Yes, most especially in terms of their soul condition but their physical well-being as well.
We understand that nothing lasts forever and countries and powers and organizations come and go. But it is important for us to do what we can to bring peace, or maintain peace and harmony, on earth to the degree that we can under the gift of free will.
My main message today is to communicate that we do not stand idly by while the evils of this world are conducted. We try to influence for good and bring about the best possible outcome in situations that may affect many souls. And yes, we are limited in our ability to do so, but we are working to bring about a positive outcome in this upcoming election. One that will bring more harmony and peace, not only to the United States, but to the world.
Again, there is a chance for a positive outcome. It is important for those of you who are channels of God’s Love to this world maintain a state of positivity and love and harmony and balance with God’s Laws. For if you go into a state of worry or fear or uncertainty, that flow of positive energy to this world will be hampered. So, we encourage you each to increase your prayers, not only from a soulful earnestness, but from a frequency throughout the day and ask for help from your guides to maintain a positive attitude and high-level state of consciousness as you walk on this earth.
You, in your efforts in praying to receive God’s Divine Love and channeling God’s Divine Love to this world, have a powerful impact not only to you, to your family members, but in the world at large. You would be surprised just how much of an impact you make. So, do not think that your efforts go in vain because you do not see the impact that you make. Trust in us when we say that your impact is great and we wish you to continue.
So, take heed my dear brothers and sisters. Our country is not lost. The world is not lost. Together, we can bring about positive outcomes that will increase the vibration, harmony, and love that exists on planet earth. With that I go and I appreciate you taking the time to receive my message today.
Blessings to you, George Washington, first President of the United States.
September 28, 2024 Received through M.A.N.
Apostle John: It is not the ending that is most important, but the journey – the doing, the channeling of God’s Love is what truly matters. . (17 December 2024)
I am here John.
Yes, I am in your spirit band, and that is why our rapport is as it is. It does not take me long to develop a rapport with you and communicate through you, as I am often with you. Yes, I was in David’s spiritual band as well and I will continue to support your efforts and those of your organization, the FCDT, for it is important work that you, and others, do to disseminate the truths as communicated by us, and led by Jesus, through James Padgett.
There is no work higher than the work before you: teaching spirits, disseminating the truths through books and videos, and many others, spreading these truths through sermons and group prayers, all preaching the Good News of the Father’s Divine Love.
There is no other work in all the universe more important than this. So, do not think less of yourself for not achieving the numbers you wish to achieve, getting the attention you wish to receive, or publishing the number of books you wish to put out. All in good time. When you put forth efforts in love, those efforts will come to fruition and attract seekers of truth that are motivated by love.
It is important to have the right, let us use the word “mindset”, though it doesn’t fully capture my meaning. You must have the right energy while doing this work to attract those seeking the truth. That energy must be one of love, for a byproduct of God’s Love is truth.
When you are in a state of love, in harmony with God’s Love, and motivated by love in your work, you will attract those who are seeking love. Like attracts like, and the energy you put forth will draw others with similar energy who are searching for the truth.
We caution you against carrying the energy of “Oh, I must do this” or “Oh, I should do that” or “I have not done enough.” These energies are not of Love; they stem from feelings of “less than” and may not attract the attention of those you wish to reach.
Pray for assistance in realizing the energies of love that you may bring to your work. We understand the many distractions of this world, and that you must labor to make a living and survive. It may be difficult finding time for extracurricular activities or projects that serve your Heavenly Father. We do not judge for the choices you make in pursuing one project or activity over another, for we all must create our paths based on our own choices: this is the beautiful gift of free will.
When considering how to create or participate in projects that serve our Heavenly Father, pray for faith. Pray for a greater realization of the truth. Pray to know God’s Will for you. Pray to put your best foot forward in harmony with God’s Love. Be motivated by love, do your work in love, and feel God’s Love flowing through you as you do these works. You may be surprised by the results. Even if you are disappointed by the outcomes, know that anything done in love is worthwhile, is seen by our Heavenly Father, and will not go unnoticed.
Do you see now that it doesn’t really matter how many people read your books or respond to your videos with sympathy or appreciation? What truly matters to our Heavenly Father is that you put forth your efforts in Love. Let go of the expectations your mind creates based on its interpretation of “success” in publishing and your works. When you release these expectations, you allow yourself to be focused and centered in the present moment.
It is only in the present moment that you can channel God’s Love and feel a strong connection with Him. So let go of the future, let go of the past, and embrace the moment. Embrace God’s Love and work in love in the present.
Now having said all of this, of course, you must use your mind in performing these projects. It is good to have goals, aspirations, and to work hard toward completing a project. Achieving completion is valuable, and you should feel good about it. Bu you should also feel joy in actively working on the project. These feelings of goodness will translate into the works you write, the sounds of your voice in videos, and even in the songs you sing.
It is not the ending that is most important, but the journey – the doing, the channeling of God’s Love is what truly matters. So, do not always focus on the end goal. Embrace the present moment when you are actively engaged in your work.
This is an important topic for you and others to consider. I urge you to pray on this subject and to receive guidance from your spirit band and our Heavenly Father. It is very important to be in the state of grace, that state of love, that state of being in the moment, and in the love, when doing works for our Heavenly Father. If you have trouble maintaining that state, or even arriving at that state, pray to God for guidance and He will show you the way.
I know you wanted a message pertaining to the future of this world, this country, and current events. But I do not wish to focus on that at this time. I appreciate your willingness to receive my message. I will come again, and we will continue this journey together—you receiving messages from me and others for the betterment of humankind.
Good night and God bless,
I am John
December 17, 2024 Received through M.A.N.