Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol. II

Chapter 10.

The Creation and Fall of Our First Parents.

Aman, the First Parent, Reveals His Temptation and Fall (AMAN)

Amon, Mother of All Human Creation, Relates Her Earliest Experiences. She Also Explains the Temptation and Disobedience Which She and Aman Shared in Equally. (AMON)

Mrs. Padgett Refers to Jesus’ Love for Mr. Padgett. She Also Affirms That Amon Wrote About the Creation of the First Parents, the Difference in Their Qualities, and Their Equality in Their Relationship to God. (HELEN PADGETT)

Aman Offers a Correction. (AMAN)

John, the Apostle, Affirms That Aman and Amon, the First Parents, Actually Communicated Through Mr. Padgett. (JOHN, THE APOSTLE)

Josephus Also Discusses the Creation of the First Parents, the Difference in Their Qualities, and Their Equality in Their Relationship to God and with Each Other. (JOSEPHUS)

The Creation of Man. (JESUS)

Editorial Chapter Notes

The material presented in this chapter is inconclusive in regards to the instantaneous creation of the human physical body.

Some messages support the idea that God created the human physical body instantaneously: I know it has been said that the first man was not created, but developed from some animal of the lower order; and, as the process of evolution proceeded, this being became, in the end, a man, with all the wonderful organism and structure of his body. But I want to tell you that this is not true.

Whereas, other messages support the idea that the human physical body was created over a long period of development: Man, as he is considered ordinarily, is a creation which passed through what you would call a long period of development, as have all of God’s creatures during that period of the earth’s development which enabled living beings to come into existence and survive.

The messages do agree, however, in regards to the instantaneous implantation of the soul into the physical body of the human being. Humans were created in the image of the Heavenly Father only with respect only to the soul. Therefore, the messages do show congruence in regards to the more important aspect of the creation of humans – the soul. Regarding the creation of the physical body, the topic is open for discussion and we welcome readers to embark on a prayerful path of discovery into the origins of the human body.