
Membership is open to all who spiritually and morally uphold the purpose of the church. Because no dues or initiation fees are required, the church is completely dependent upon the sale of its publications and the good will offerings of those who are interested in its teachings.

Through word of mouth and advertising, the church seeks to reach as many seeking souls as possible with the glad tidings of God’s rebestowal of His Divine Love upon His children and Its availability to our human hearts and souls.

Members are encouraged to form study groups in their homes for the purpose of sharing their enthusiasm for the teachings while furthering their studies and joining together for worship. The group experience furnishes excellent opportunities to exchange thoughts and feelings about the teachings as well as sharing the prayer effort that brings the Divine Blessings of Love and Goodness from the Heavenly Father into the daily lives of His children. Study groups may be led by one or more members of the church, who do not need to be ordained ministers.

A ministerial ordination program is offered to those who experience an earnest desire to help spread the great Truths of Divine Love and Immortality in one or more areas of ministering, teaching, lecturing, healing, spirit-to-mortal communication, or spiritual consultation and guidance in alignment with the teachings and policies of the church. The church recognizes, and prayerfully supports, the spiritual work being accomplished by unaffiliated individuals and groups who are also spreading these vital teachings.

Please complete the form below if you wish to apply for membership.

Membership Submission

Membership Agreement

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