Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth, Vol. I

In Tribute to Dr. Stone.

Dr. Leslie R. Stone lived many years following the delivery by Jesus of the message selecting him to serve the Father and His Kingdom, accomplishing a very fine work of disseminating the Truths of the Father’s Divine Love to mankind. He devoted a great deal of time to the preparation and assembling of these vital teachings for publication, and was able to have the first volume of messages printed in 1940.

In addition to lecturing to Spiritualist groups and handling the correspondence from interested seekers, he helped many spirits find their way out of darkness and suffering into the Celestial Heavens through talking to them every night about God’s Great Love that was available to their souls, with the Divine Love in his own soul radiating outward as a splendid testimonial to his personal efforts in seeking and possessing this Eternal Substance.

In 1954, he was joined in his spiritual work by Dr. Daniel G. Samuels and Rev. John Paul Gibson. The three worked closely together to preserve the original writings received by Mr. Padgett, while important new messages from Jesus were being delivered through Dr. Samuels (who had been chosen by Jesus as his second mortal instrument on earth). In 1955, under the leadership of Jesus, the Dr. Leslie R. Stone Foundation was established in Washington, D.C. to serve as the repository of the original messages and the official organ through which the Truths of Divine Love would be disseminated to mankind.

The Foundation was to have borne the name of James E. Padgett, but because living relatives might have objected, his name could not be used. This prompted Jesus to write as follows (through Dr. Samuels):

…I should have desired to see this Foundation graced with the name of this man who was, through his soul longings and earnest desire to know the Father’s Truths, empowered to receive these messages. But I also know the special conditions which very often exist on the earth plane which delay or prevent the workings of the spirit, and thus, all I need do here tonight is to state the events in my own case, wherein errors and earth plane beings prevented me from carrying out to the fullest the teachings which I had obtained from the Father, and causing my being cut off because of the conditions which then prevailed in Judea. And, thus, I say that the good doctor should be given the honor to lend his name to the Foundation for the Truth of which he has spent a great part of his life, and earnestly endeavored to bring to mankind with all the means and resources at his limited command. And, thus, he has earned, in the concept of the Spiritual Leaders of the Truth, the right to have the Foundation named in his honor—an honor which will merely go to humble the good doctor in the realization of the tremendous spiritual impact which the Foundation will have on the lives of many on earth and in the spirit world.

On the occasion of a later meeting of the Trustees, after thanking Rev. Gibson and Dr. Stone for their collaboration on a booklet that was to include the explanation of how James Padgett had been enabled to receive messages of such high caliber from the Celestials, Jesus wrote that it was Dr. Stone who was responsible for bringing the Truths of the Father to mankind in printed form:

…And this was done to our great satisfaction, and we know that the great task of presenting to mankind the Father’s Truths has actually begun in the world of the flesh. And it was the faithful doctor who enabled these Truths to be brought to the attention of mankind, and we are deeply grateful to him in his difficult and discouraging task. And it is a tribute to his courage and absolute faith in me and the Celestials who wrote with me at the time and actually bringing the real Truths to mankind, that he presented and obtained victory and success, regardless of the privations and disappointments and frustrations that he met every step of the glorious undertaking. And, as I write, his Mary Kennedy is shedding tears of joy and his parents and relatives are beaming with happiness as I write this in his praise; and that is merely the tribute which is justly owing to him.

Another important milestone in the work of spreading the Truths of the Father to mankind on earth was reached in 1958 with the incorporation of the Foundation Church of the New Birth, again under the guidance and leadership of Jesus. Dr. Stone, Dr. Samuels and Rev. Gibson worked diligently to fulfill the desire of Jesus and his Celestial co-workers to establish the true religion of mankind on earth. Through Dr. Samuels, Jesus described the church that would have as its firm foundation the Divine Love of the Father implanted into the hearts and souls of its leaders and members:

…I and all of us spirits in the Celestial Heavens are anxious that such a church come into being, with leaders and members who are imbued with the entire conception of the Father’s Divine Love for His children and how the souls of His children may become divine in the soul sense: through prayer to Him for the coming of His Love; and that through His Love may come healing power beyond what one has been able to accomplish in the area of the United States, proposed as the site of the Mother Church; and that the members and elders of this church understand in their minds and know in their hearts that salvation of the soul and healing of the flesh, through the Father’s Loving-Kindness, may be granted to mankind; and that they open up their souls to the Father’s Love in all earnestness of prayer in their souls—and then will the church be a success as a manifestation of God’s Love and Mercy on earth, and the members and elders be blessed in abundance.

The church was to embody the true teachings of Jesus’ mission on earth as the Messiah of God, emphasizing that salvation of soul is a matter between each individual and God through sincere prayer to receive God’s redeeming Love; that this Love, when received into the human soul, bestows atonement with the Father and a transformation, little by little, into His Divine Nature. Responsibility for one’s salvation, therefore, rests with each individual soul and cannot be bestowed arbitrarily by a church decree. Further, the church would seek to reach mankind with the Truths of the Father’s Divine Love through its publications combined with journalistic activities, talks and lectures, as well as radio broadcasts.

Jesus pointed out that a definite place, or congregation seated in one place of worship, was not necessary, for in our modern world the concept of a church of the air, or a church developed through journalistic activity, or a magazine, already existed. Its membership, then, would be scattered throughout the United States and abroad, and would be served through the mailing out of the church’s publications, which at that time consisted of volumes I and II compiled from the writings which Jesus had given through Mr. Padgett, and the sermons on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible which he was then delivering through Dr. Samuels.

The three loyal and capable associates now served the new church as its Founding Trustees and continued to work actively for its success, as described above by Jesus, throughout the remainder of their lives on earth. Leslie R. Stone served as its President until his passing in 1967. Regrettably, in October 1983, the church closed its doors in Washington, D.C. following the passing of the then remaining Trustee and President, Rev. John Paul Gibson. However, two years later, motivated by their sincere desire to continue the invaluable contributions of these three devoted workers, several ordained Ministers of the church incorporated the Foundation Church of Divine Truth as a nonprofit, through-the-mail religious organization whose sole purpose was, and is, to disseminate the identical teachings of the Foundation Church of the New Birth, now in the public domain.

In a spirit of brotherly love, and with sincere appreciation for his heartfelt dedication to the Truths of the Father, the Trustees of the Foundation Church of Divine Truth now present Jesus’ message referred to by Dr. Stone above, selecting him to do a work for the Kingdom:

December 15, 1915 I AM HERE, Jesus. I have heard what you have said to your friend, Dr. Stone. I must say that, while you have some appreciation of the Great Love that came to you last night, yet, you cannot fully understand, for no mortal can, although you did experience a wonderful feeling of Its inflowing. But let me emphasize that, if you continue to have the great longings and desires that you had last night, the Father’s Love will come to you in increased abundance. I want to say further that the same Love that you received is waiting for Dr. Stone, and will be his if he will only let his longings go out to the Father with all his soul’s earnestness. While I have selected you to perform the great task of receiving my Truths and spreading them to all mankind, I have also selected Dr. Stone to do a work which will be of great importance, and which will involve a labor of love and much physical as well as spiritual exertion on his part. He must not only believe in me and trust in the Father but also must let all his longings and prayers and desires go forth to obtain the Great Love, and It will be his. I am glad that you two men have come so closely together in your beliefs and in your faith in the Divine Love. I will tell you further that you will both receive a happiness that can never be taken from you, even while you are on earth. And, when you come to the spirit world, this happiness will be increased beyond all human conception. I am also glad that you can exchange thoughts on these important subjects of my religious teachings, and that you feel that you both have a work to do. Above all, I am happy that you are both willing and anxious to do it. I am with you in all my love, and will make both of you the special objects of my care and keeping. And, in the great hereafter, when you shall end your work on earth, you will both receive a reward that angels would wish for. They will wonder that you two could receive it. So, I will give you both my love, tonight, and will also pray to the Father to bestow upon you His Great Love and Blessings. So, believe with all your hearts and His Love and Blessings will be poured out upon you. Your friend and brother, JESUS.